Cort: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and value of prevention


Measles — Acute viral infection. According to WHO in 2011, Kore became the cause of death 158 thousand. Human. Most of them — Children under 5 years old. Thanks to the use of a vaccine against a cored infection, it was possible to reduce the incidence. Despite the efforts of doctors, there are sporadic outbreaks of the disease every year, continuing to threaten the health and life of children.

King: Causes and ways of infection

Cort: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and value of prevention

Causative agent — Virus of the Paramyiksovirus family. Transmission path — Air-drip. The sick person allocates a large number of viral particles when coughing, sneezing, during a conversation. In the external environment, the pathogen quickly dies.

Virus feature — High contagious index. To infect a few minutes in a patient's society. Outbreaks of morbidity are observed in the winter-spring period in non-shifts.

Cort, morbidity

In Russia, Cherich is more than 10 people per 100 thousand. Population. The vast majority of them — Children aged 2 to 5 years. In approximately 1 case out of 1000 disease is fatal.

Cory symptoms in children

From the moment of infection until the appearance of the first symptoms passes 1-2 weeks. The first symptoms of measles are similar to signs of influenza or cold.

Cort, symptoms before the appearance of rashes

  • Acute start, with a sharp increase in temperature to 40-41 grams. WITH;
  • Dry cough, headaches, conjunctivitis — inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • Rubber, tearing, redness of the throat;
  • Spotted rash on soft and hard niche.

On 2 day on the inside of the mucous membrane, in front of the indigenous teeth, there are spots of the Belsky-Soclik. These are small pieces of white mucosa, with a red border around. The appearance of a sign is characteristic only for measles, but he is inconsistently.

The patient is dangerous for those around the first day of illness and before the start of the disappearance of the rash.
On the 4th day after the start of the disease, characteristic rashes on the skin begin to appear. First of all, the rash is localized behind the ears and in a few hours covers the entire surface of the skin of the head, face and neck.

Rashes continue to capture new skin of the skin of the body the next day. By 3 days, rash covers the whole body, including limbs and fingers.

Characteristics of Cinema Cheeper:

  • red or pink;
  • Primary element — Papula (small knot, towering above the skin level) against the background of the red spots of the wrong shape;
  • The foci is prone to merger (unlike rubella, at which rash is never merged);
  • After a rash leaves the foci of hyperpigmentation, peeling.

Starting from 4 days after the appearance of rashes, the condition stabilizes. The temperature is normalized, the well-being improves.

King in adults flows in severe form. In graft people, a light shape of the disease is possible (mitigated cortex).

King is dangerous complications. Among them:

  • pneumonia;
  • Encephalitis;
  • meningitis;
  • acute middle otitis;
  • false croup;
  • The defeat of the senses (corneal ulcer, neuritis the auditory nerve);
  • Defeat of internal organs (myocardits, hepatitis, lymphadenitis).

Complications more often occur in adult patients. After the Korea infection remains persistent immunity.

Diagnosis of measles

Characteristic signs of measles allow you to raise the correct diagnosis in most cases. Laboratory diagnostics is based on antibody detection to measles virus or viral RNA by PCR.

Consue treatment in children

Specific treatment is absent. Symptomatic therapy is used.
Corey treatment principles:

  • anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs (except aspirin);
  • expectorant and mercolytic drugs;
  • eye antibacterial drops, washing with strong tea with conjunctivitis;
  • rinse the oral cavity by antiseptics;
  • vitamins (especially vitamin A);
  • antibiotics when attaching a bacterial infection;
  • Immunostimulators.

Skin areas covered with rash are treated with antiseptic and drying solutions (manganese, oak, chamomile, calendulas). Antihistamines are prescribed with skin sump.

Prevention of measles in children and adults

Cort: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and value of prevention

The only effective way to prevent — vaccination. Cheering from measles reliably protects the child from infection. In children from the moment of birth to create persistent immunity, a combined measles vaccine are used, rubella, vapor. Graft «King, steaming, rubella», or PDA, practically does not cause complications.

In older children and adults use a lively weakened anti-corrosion vaccine. In some cases, after vaccination, such a symptom characteristic may appear in such a method — rash and minor temperature rise.

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