Factors leading to the development of obesity


  • The importance of lifestyle in the development of obesity
  • The role of age-related changes
  • The factor of heredity in the development of obesity
  • Hormonal disorders leading to overweight

  • According to nutritionists, obesity is a disease of the century, worldwide millions of people suffer from excess weight and diseases that develop due to improper nutrition. The reasons leading to the development of obesity a lot, the most important among them have improper nutrition, lifestyle, age-related changes, pregnancy and hormonal disorders. Hereditary predisposition to excess weight is the risk of development of obesity in hormonal restructuring of the body, primarily female (pregnancy, climax).

    The importance of lifestyle in the development of obesity

    One of the main causes of obesity is a low-tech lifestyle. Disease of developed civilization - hypodynamia - played with humanity a dick joke. The more comfortable the conditions of existence, the less the need to move. The times of hunting mammoths and runoffs from enemies have long passed, and now instead of walking to the subway, people right at the entrance get into the car. Career growth involves a comfortable armchair, individual cabinet and a whole state of secretaries and couriers. Yes, and come home, tightly donning, most of us sits on the TV, grabbing a bottle of beer with a bag of chips, tea with cookies or ice cream.

    Experts believe that smoking can cause obesity. However, the myth that smoking helps to lose weight, remains the most common among women. Wherein «lungs» Cigarettes that smoke women are damaged as ordinary. Such people quit smoking 2 times less as smoking ordinary. Yes, and during smoking «lungs» Cigarette man makes deeper tightening and more often smoke. Together with an additional cigarette, the smoker inhales the excess portion of carbon monoxide, other toxic substances and carcinogens.

    But if a person decided to quit smoking, then after a day after the refusal of tobacco, the lungs will begin to be cleared, after 2 days the smell and taste restores; After 3 days, there is a tide of strength. Six months, the problems with breathing completely disappear, and after a year, the probability of heart attack decreases twice; After 10 years, half the risk of lung cancer decreases, and after 15 years, the probability of heart attack becomes the same as if a person never smoked.

    Few people think about the fact that alcohol is a very high calorie product. 1 gram of alcohol is accompanied by an admission of 7 calories of pure energy (for comparison fat - 9 calories). In addition, alcohol stimulates appetite, and taking into account the evening character of most events, it also causes irreparable harm in the figure.

    Improper nutrition is a significant reason for the development of obesity. Product availability, consumption of high-calorie food, no power mode (rare abundant meals, food for the night), «Food for company», Additional snacks, settling problems - all this does not most effect on the body of the body and general well-being.

    The role of age-related changes

    With age, the decrease in the level of genital hormones contributes to a decrease in the function of lipolysis (splitting of adipose tissue) and an increase in liposynthesis (its formation). In addition, a person with age is developing with arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, which limit the motor activity, which, in turn, together with a slowing speed of metabolic processes, promotes the accumulation of adipose tissue in the body. It is well known that obesity is more common in women than in men. One of the reasons is that the speed of metabolism in women is significantly lower. Another reason is hormonal changes that are accompanied by an increase in the metabolic rate associated with the luteane phase of the menstrual cycle, therefore, when age-related rearrangement, when the amount of lutein decreases, the body weight increases. Unfortunately, the rate of metabolic processes decreases as the organism grow and aging, so the prevalence of obesity among both sexes with age is naturally rising.

    The factor of heredity in the development of obesity

    Unfortunately, heredity factor matters in obesity. If the parent was fat, then the probability of excess weight increases by 40%. This theory is confirmed by studies of relatives and adoptive children in families, where one or both parents suffer obesity. The percentage of obesity among native children was significantly higher than the adopted.

    Fat parents, children, as a rule, are fat, since they are inherited a larger amount of fat cells is laid. In addition, in such families is often a well-developed, which contributes to a rapid overflow of a large number of cells. Influence the hereditary reason for the appearance of obesity is very difficult, t.To. It must be treatment aimed at changing the gene. However, scientists are in constant search, it is quite common to recently appear messages that one or another gene is recognized as responsible for this disease. It is possible that a revolutionary drug will appear in the near future, the decisive obesity problem at the genome level.

    Hormonal disorders leading to overweight

    Hormonal disorders constitute a very small percentage in the causes of obesity. As a rule, the reason for obesity lies in the wrong food behavior. However, in some cases, obesity may be due to the following hormonal causes.

    Hypotalamic obesity

    Hypotalamic obesity refers to rarely found pathology. Its development is possible in damage to the hypothalamus or brain almonds. In case of damage to these areas, a person develops hyperfagia (overeating), which leads to obesity.

    Incenko Cushing Syndrome

    Syndrome (or illness) of Itsenko Cushing in most cases leads to the development of secondary obesity. Disease occurs due to a violation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal relationship, which leads to damage to the mechanism «feedback» between these bodies. The manifestations of the disease are primarily associated with the excess formation of adrenal hormones - corticosteroids.

    Itsenko-Cushing's disease is quite a rare disease, more often found in women aged 25-40 years. Sick such obesity has a characteristic type - fat is postponed on shoulders, abdomen, face, lactic glands and back. Despite the fat body, hands and feet in patients thin. The face becomes the moon-shaped, round, cheeks red.


    Patients with hypothyroidism (decrease in the function of the thyroid gland) often have an increased weight of the body by reducing the rate of exchange processes, although the accumulation of fat due to this is slightly. To diagnose hypothyroidism, use the determination of the blood of the thyrotropic hormone level.


    Insulinoma - pancreatic tumor, secreting excess insulin and manifested hypoglycemia (low blood sugar content). Insuline patients often overeat, compensating for a reduced blood sugar level. Increased flow of energy with food leads to the accumulation of adipose tissue.


    Factors leading to the development of obesityIf the woman plans the appearance of a child, she must be good to imagine that even small pathologies in its body can cause the emergence of various diseases from her child. That is why it is very important before the occurrence of pregnancy to cure chronic diseases and reduce body weight, t.To. It is the reason for the emergence of various deviations in the normal operation of the internal organs.

    During pregnancy, weight accumulates very quickly, which is due to the processes of hormonal rearrangement in the body. Excess weight continues to no less intensively formed when breastfeeding, and, if not to take decisive measures, obesity can accompany the woman all his life.

    During pregnancy, a characteristic symptom is the so-called «Accelerated starvation» - When the feeling of hunger comes after 2-3 hours after meals. In order to avoid the risk of overeating, it is recommended to take food more often and smaller portions - the so-called «fractional food».

    Another danger of overeating during pregnancy - «Pregnant diabetes», When in the blood of a mother with excess nutrition, the level of sugar is significantly increased. Excess glucose penetrating the placenta can cause excess insulin insulin of the fetal pancreatic and obesity of the future child.

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