Mustache in women is not at all funny. Many hurry to get rid of unwanted hair, but at the same time they do not think about the reasons for their appearance.

hurry to get rid of unwanted hair, and rarely think about
The reasons for their appearance. After all, the necessary examination — This is a long process,
A visit to the beauty salon or home depilation — case literally one hour.
Explore «roots» Increased hair, allocate two terms — «Girsutism» and «hypertrichosis».
Girsutism — This
Excessive hair growth in areas under direct influence
Men's sex hormones: on the upper lip, chin, top of the back,
shoulders, lower back, chest, stomach and hips. The reason for the appearance of hard rods
hair in these areas are androgens — excess their number or
Hypersensitivity to them hair follicles. Hypertrichosis — This is an excessive hair growth in the places of their natural
Growth, not corresponding to age, semi or ethnicity.
For example, hair growth on the legs — Norm for a woman, but a sign of illness for
Girls, small mustache piquant for women of the East, but pathology for
Kitaniki. Interestingly, hair growth rate depends on air temperature and
Intensity of insolation, so «hairiness» Often worried amateurs
Southern Zanar. Minor increase «Hairiness» In the absence of others
pathological symptoms are characteristic of the period of menopause, which is associated with
emerging natural imbalance of sex hormones.
Causes Girsutism
diverse. Sometimes it is accompanied by other signs of hyperandrode, and
Large androgens Women's body begins to rebuild on
Male Floor: Greeting a voice, grows «Kadyk» and muscle mass, hypertrophy
Clit and reduce sex lips. Minor increase in quantity
Androgen can manifest itself in increasing the fatness of the skin, the appearance of acne,
Losing hair. Hyperandrogenation can be a sign of an ovary or bark tumor
adrenal glands, adrenogenital syndrome, Izsenko-Cushing syndrome, syndrome
Polycystic ovary, lung cancer. The cause of increased androgen products
There may be a reception of some drugs: anabolic steroids,
Androgen and Progestins, often appointed during pregnancy. Quantity
Free male genital hormones can increase in hypothyroidism and
Liver diseases. Girsutism maybe
arise in the normal number of hormones, in the case when hair
The bulbs become hypersensitive to the action of androgen.
Hypertrichosis maybe
be congenital and acquired, and innate forms indicate
the presence of a genetic disease, and purchased — may be the result
Trekhegean medication, skin injury, sunburn. Sometimes hypertrichosis accompanies mental
Disorders and neurological syndromes, collagenoses, liver disease.
To which doctor go?
Considering all of the above, a woman should conclude:
Before starting the war with «Hairiness», It is worth dealing with the reasons.
You should not panic, 96% of Russians celebrate some
excess hairiness, while not detecting other abnormalities in health.
A couple of hairs on the upper lip or chin should not become tragedy, this
Lack of easy to fix by visiting the cosmetologist. The reason for the excitement should
Be a sudden and abundant hair growth in unnatural zones.
In the presence of hard rod hair on the upper lip,
chin, cheeks, top back, shoulders, lower back, chest, stomach and
hips, obesity, impaired menstrual cycle, infertility should contact
To endocrinologist. If excess hair growth is considered as hypertrichosis, Need examination of U
doctors of other specialties, depending on the prevailing concomitant
Considering various reasons Girsutism and Hyperichoza,
It is necessary to morally prepare for a long examination, and possibly
treatment, optimistic tuning on the result: together with the disease and
excess hair. Other correction methods «Hairiness» will not give the necessary