What unites such famous people like Bruce Willis, Marilyn Monroe, Winston Churchill and Napoleon? They all stood up, but, putting efforts to overcome speech problems, they were able to achieve success and become famous.
Stuttering is a violation of speech, the main feature of which is a checkout during pronunciation, as a rule, the first sound of the word. It would seem, we all sometimes stumble. But such hits and failures in a speech of a healthy person have nothing to do with stuttering. The main difference is that the Zaika loses control over its speech bodies, it feels muscle tension. Interestingly, men suffer from such a notch three times more often than women. Scientists explain this phenomenon with differences in the structure of the brain of both sexes.
But the problem remains a problem, and our website suggests about it to talk, including the methods of treatment of stuttering.
Causes of stuttering
Immediately, let's say that the reasons for stuttering are still not known to science. There are only theories, in which explaining this defect, but none of them got widespread.
Some experts believe that stuttering is a problem of communication, since it most often is intensifying when communicating a person with other people, and, on the contrary, is missing when a person is alone. But this opinion is not true. In fact, it is not in the wrong psychology of communication, but in the tone of the speech center.
Now scientists are more inclined to believe that the reasons for stuttering lie in the human brain. After all, it is in it there are nervous centers responsible for speech. In children, no older than 5 years old, it is easiest to provoke stuttering, it is during this period that speech centers are just beginning to be formed in the brain, synchronization occurs between them. As a result «Failure» Speech centers do not work synchronously, and man begins to stutter.
Another similar theory claims that Zaiki hear their speech with a little late. Anyway, scientists continue to work on this problem.
Types of storm
To date, scientists allocate three main types of stuttering.
First type characteristic of people with a nervous system defect. Reasons for such stuttering abound. It may be a generic injury, and frequent diseases in the first years of life, and hereditary predisposition. During the examination at the neuropathologist, such a child find various deviations (up to signs of increased intracranial pressure), although externally, the kid will look quite healthy.
Second Type Stuttering was discovered in people whose leading hand is the right, but leading eye - left. That is, at the moment when the child learned to draw and write (about 5-7 years), he was reappeared on the right. And the reappection is most often due to the fact that the child is learning, repeating at adults. In the future, parents will be difficult to understand the reason for the stuttering of their child, as the defect, as in the first case, will develop gradually. This type of stuttering is found more than 60% of people with a similar speech defect.
Third type Stuttering is peculiar 10% zak. It manifests itself in children with originally a healthy nervous system. They acquire their disease as a result of strong overwork and stress. The reasons for the appearance of stuttering are the most diverse: the child was upset due to the illness of the relative, rearranged at school, frightened a neighbor's dog. Adults such things may seem stupid and not frightening at all, but they can easily injure the impressionable and nervous child. Most often, such people have a speech defect intensifying in neuro-psychological excitation. So they are so difficult to speak to the public.
Treatment of stuttering
Treat stuttering people tried a long time ago. Greek speaker Demosphen suffered from this ailment. Trying to get rid of speech defect, he tried to speak with pebbles in his mouth, read sophisticated speeches at noise waves. His fame indicates that the ailment was overcome.
In the XIX century, doctors treated stuttering by surgical methods: a part of the muscles of the tongue was removed. Help managed not all. I must say that stuttering is not such a simple alert so that it can only be rid of it with a scalpel.
Today there are as many ways to treat stuttering, how many theories explaining this defect. Our site will tell you about the basic methods.
Traditional method of across the treatment
The traditional method of treatment of stuttering is based on the use of breathing exercises. No in vain a person dealing with singing, never experiences speech problems. His voice is free and natural.
One of the most famous programs belonging to the traditional method is «Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova». Performing these exercises, you may seem what you make morning gymnastics. In an example, we give two exercises that are considered the most effective in fighting stuttering.
An exercise «Pump».
Source position: Stand straight, hands are omitted. Long bend a bit forward, to the floor, rounded back, as shown in the first drawing. Head and hands should be omitted, and the neck is relaxed.
Make a fast noisy breath at the end point of the bow, as if you sniff the floor. Lift, but do not straighten completely. At the same time, make a passive exhalation with a nose or mouth.
Lean back again by making a quick noisy breath and so on. This exercise resembles the pumping of the tire. You need to do it easily, without exerting a load on the lower back.
Make in a row 8 inhales, then rest 5 seconds. And again 8 inhales. Norma - 12 approaches of 8 breaths. Our site understands the desire of many to get rid of such a problem as stuttering. But still do not rush to perform such a number on the first day. Load need to increase gradually.
An exercise «Turns of the head».
Source position: Stand straight, legs on the width of the shoulders. For convenience, you can put hands on the sides.

Turn the head to the left and make a quick noisy breath. Then turn your head to the right - another breath. Exhale is done in the gap when the head turns from the left shoulder to the right. But at the same time stop in the middle to do it unnecessary.
During the exercise, do not strain your neck, your hands and torso must be fixed.
To begin with, it will be enough to make 8 breaths. When you feel confidence, you can increase the number of approaches. But do not forget to make short respite between them. Norm - 3 approaches 32 inhale.
These and other exercises of this complex have a beneficial effect on the entire human respiratory system. She teaches the patient to breathe deeply, all the lungs, trains a diaphragm, forcing it to actively participate in the voice formation, makes voice bundles as movable as possible, which allows them to close during the conversation.
Exercises for 15-20 minutes in the morning before breakfast and the same evening after dinner. First results you will notice after 2-3 months. You will notice changes: breathing will become more free, and the voice is natural.
Also to the traditional method of treatment of stuttering relate relaxation. But apply this tool as an independent method, we do not recommend. You will achieve the greatest results using relaxation in conjunction with other more efficient methods.
Non-traditional treatment of stuttering
Back in ancient times, people noticed the connection between the internal organs and points on the human body. Point massage helped in the fight with many ailments. Such alternative medicine is successfully used until now.
Point massage is a complex and long-lasting process, so immediately tune in to a long treatment, calculated for several courses. One course consists of 15 procedures. The interval between the first two courses is two weeks, between the second and third - about six months. Subsequent two or three years, the courses repeat with the same interval. If you started to stuff again, you can start the next course before.
First you need to find the desired point. Press the finger pad to the alleged point. If the patient had a feeling of some pain and scrap, you did everything right. But note that such feelings should not arise during the massage itself.
Make circular movements of a large or index finger with a pad, gradually pressing on the point. Change pressure from a weak strong and vice versa. Continue the massage of one point for 3-5 minutes. During massage, a person must be completely relaxed.
The figure shows, in which sequence it is necessary to carry out a massage.

In the first two days you must use only the first and second points. Then add two more every day.
Massaged points at their most are on face and back, as well as on the legs and a chest person, so we advise you to find an assistant or become them for your child. If you are not sure of yourself, our site strongly recommends entrusting this case by a specialist.
The first results can be obtained after the first course: it all depends on the age of the patient and the shape of stuttering. But you should not stop there. Point massage restores the nervous regulation of speech, so the classes need to be carried out regularly, if you do not want to return to stuttering.
Hypnosis - another non-traditional way to fight stuttering. But we do not advise you to use it yourself, as it can be dangerous for your health.
Medical method of stuttering treatment
This method is based on the reception of patients with anticonvulsant drugs and tranquilizers that brave psyche. One of these drugs is phenibut. True, scientists are now opposed to the medication method of treatment of stuttering, as such medicines cause serious side effects. They influence the entire body. In patients using anticonvulsant drugs and tranquilizers, the concentration of attention is observed Fast weight set. With long-term use of Phoenibut in patients, drowsiness, nausea, allergic reactions, headaches, irritability, and so on.
Anticonvulsant drugs and tranquilizers are contraindicated to people whose profession is associated with increased concentration of attention and vehicle drivers.
In addition, such drugs are not recommended to use for a long time, but after their cancellation, stutter returns.
If necessary, you can use soothing ragners and tincture of herbs. For example, the decoction of the dye. He effectively soothes the nervous system, helps when stuttering (especially for children). However, such means also do not get carried away.
Modern method of treatment of stuttering
In the yard of the XXI century, and scientists took up the problem of speech defect seriously. To date, special computer programs are available to us who can help a person get rid of stuttering. For example, give «Speech Corrector».
The essence of the program in the synchronization of speech and auditory centers of a person. Zaika speaks into the microphone, and «Speech Corrector» automatically delays speech for a split second. Thus, a person hearing his voice with some delay is trying to adapt to him. Its speech becomes smooth and continuous.

The developers argue that this program reduces the speech defect by 70-80%, and with regular classes, it eradicates it. However, we note that a person who enjoys such programs only produces a habit of smooth and calm speech. Although many and this happens enough to get rid of stuttering.
One of the most popular computer programs for the treatment of stuttering today is «Demosphen 07». The computer creates certain situations that arise when communicating: criticism, discontent, anger, objection, and so on. Man is invited to answer the microphone on «call» programs. After which the computer evaluates how you coped with your task. Did not work - try again. The program will also prompt that you need to improve.
Manufactured skills man tolerate into the real world, where he will no longer have problems with speech in such situations.
Copyright treatment of stuttering
Most often, the authors of such techniques become people who managed to get rid of speech defect on their own. They work on special programs for years, improve exercises that helped them themselves, and eventually share their achievements with society.
For example, the method of professor Andronova-Harutyunyan. The essence of the method is to synchronize the speech of a person with the movements of the leading hand. It is easy to imagine if you remember that we all gessulating during a conversation.
The hand does not interfere with the conversation, but the opposite becomes some kind of support. She does not allow a person to stutter, «moving» His speech forward.
Put your lead hand on your knee. Fingers bent a bit, as if you play piano. When pronouncing the first syllable phrase, press the thumb into the knee. Do not let him down to the end of the phrase or word. Each following syllable is separated by pressing the following fingers: index, medium and so on.
Hand movements determine the tempo and rhythm of speech, due to this speech pace slows down. At first it can scare, but soon you will see in this and the pros: it becomes free and smooth, without hoist.
Man will depend on the hand only first. The technique is built in such a way that soon she will not need him. You only need to practice more.
But that is not all. For complete recovery, it is necessary to go through the full course, divided into 4 stages. Our site will set out the content of the course for you, and you, of course, can try to pass it yourself. But it will be better if you go through the course under the supervision of the speech therapist. Otherwise, if you have any errors, then you will not achieve the desired effect.
On the First stage the patient will learn to feel calm during speech. A person who stood many years to make it hard enough, as he experienced spiritual excitement every time he communicated with the surrounding people. And so many years.
Also at this stage, sincere calm is closely associated with muscle relaxation.
By the end of the first stage, a person must learn to freely pronounce. In addition, he gains confidence in itself and its own forces, and this is important for further treatment.
Essence The second stage lies in the training of thumb leading the technique of the right position. The person performs all the same actions as at the first stage, but more attention is paid to the movements of the hand. For the successful development of this technique, it is recommended to perform the following exercises.
Exercise 1.
Take a relaxed pose. Shake your hand brushes and throw them on your knees. Then pull the relaxed brushes about the middle of the hip. They should be relaxed and rounded, as if you are going to play piano.
The exercise must be done until you feel that the hands of the hands are not intense.
Exercise 2.
Relax. Put your hand on the thigh. Slowly push the thumb to the surface of the hip so that the rest of the fingers are slightly lifted. In no case strain your hand.
When pressing a thumb on the thigh, pronounce any syllable. If you press the thigh stronger, then the sound of the voice will increase, and, on the contrary, at a weaker pressing it weakens.
After each spoken syllable, the brush should be loose. This gives a signal to general bodies relaxation, and, consequently, to calm.
Please note that your hand moves should a little ahead of the voice, and not accompany him. Otherwise, you will not get any result from the exercise.
If you do everything right, a person can already speak in syllables without wring.
In the third stage Zaica has to start talking to the whole words and short expressions, synchronizing his speech with the movements of the hand. Below are exercises to help master this stage. But it follows the crime to them only after fully relaxing and performing the exercises described in the second stage.
Exercise 1.
Relax. Put your hand on the thigh. Make a thumb pushing the first syllable. Thus, you will run the remaining fingers in a specific sequence: index, medium, non-name and little finger. Pressing each finger should be synchronized with each individual syllable. But remember that the launcher is your thumb - you can not let go to the end of the word or phrase.
As in the second stage, the press strength will determine the power of the voice. During the exercise, make sure that all your fingers except the big were relaxed.
Having finished a number of syllables, lower the brush. Shake it and reset on the thigh. So you will quickly teach it to relax.
Exercise 2.
The exercise is similar to the first, but this time you have to highlight the emphasis for start in words, and then in the whole expressions.
Start with simple. Pronounce single-stroke words with an emphasis on the first syllable, then go to longer. When you start to get, you can go to words with an emphasis on the second, third, fourth syllable.
In order to highlight the emphasis, press the appropriate finger more and longer than the rest. Pay attention to the smoothness of the transition from one syllable to another.
Later you can go to the whole phrases, highlighting the stronger and long-lasting thumb with their logical sense.
On the Fourth stage The patient begins to work with the text. First, short stories are used, well-known Zaica. The text is divided into words and phrases, between which the patient should have time to relax hand and feel calm.
Later, the patient moves to more difficult tests, and the gaps between relaxation decrease.
Also at this stage, a person works on expressiveness of his speech, learn to talk without hand.
An important point of this method of treatment of stuttering - training in real life. Apply your knowledge in practice to achieve big results. If before you could not ask the saleswoman Bathon bread, now you will do it without thinking about stuttering.
All copyright techniques are different, but they have similarities: Basically the author's technique is a combination of the methods listed above. On the Internet you can find a huge number of examples.
Our site would like to especially allocate the moment that in most cases the treatment of stuttering at an early age gives good results that are stored for life, regardless of the selected method. Therefore, if your child is stuttered, then you should not postpone the solution to this problem.
And finally, our site would like to tell two words how to behave correctly, if in everyday life you often have to communicate with the Zaica. Naturally, try not to pay attention to how he says. Better focus on what he wants to tell you. If it so happened that your interlocutor stuffed, in no case finish the proposal for him. Also do not speak «do not worry», «speak slower». It will only worsen the situation and make him stutter even stronger.
And try to treat such people with understanding. Their speech defect delivers them more problems than you.