Why pressure jumps? Transient arterial hypertension


Why jumps pressure? Transient arterial hypertensionAbout hypertensive disease heard many. This is heart disease — The vascular system, the main sign of which is arterial hypertension, leading to changes in heart, kidney and nervous system. According to statistical data of hypertension, more than 40% of the adult population of Russia suffers, and half does not even suspect their high arterial pressure and is not treated.

Hypertensive disease does not occur within one day, in its development it passes several stages, the first of which is characterized by a transient increase in blood pressure to 140/90 mm RT. Art.

Why is blood pressure rises?

First we will understand which factors predispose to the development of hypertension, who most often find this disease?

  • Humittention plays a huge role and if your parents suffered hypertension, you should pay attention to your arterial pressure earlier than the average person, that is, before the forty-year.
  • If you have an unstable nervous system, you periodically throws in the heat, then in the cold, you have a labile mood, that is, in fact, the likelihood that awesome — Vascular dystonia over time will turn into hypertensive disease, quite large.
  • Hypertension often occurs from endocrinological diseases and very often accompany obesity.
  • Oddly enough, problems with pressure are more often found in people leading a passive lifestyle.
  • Harmful habits affect, in particular, smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • Harmful working conditions, vibration, noise, work in the night shift — All this, one way or another, feeds health.

A special role in the development of arterial hypertension is played by stress, during which in the body there is an emission of substances that force the heart to work in the voltage and with a double strength to swing blood through the narrowed blood vessels. Increased pressure faster «Fastened» In chronic brain hypoxia, with age-related hormonal restructuring, kidney disease and excessive consumption of cook salt.

Symptoms of transient arterial hypertension

Why jumps pressure? Transient arterial hypertensionInterestingly, the manifestations of arterial hypertension are felt better by people who do not suffer in fact with hypertension, they are simply more often associated with overwork, special days of the menstrual cycle in women, weather sensitivity and other factors. At the same time, passing headache of various duration, intensity, dizziness, irritability, intolerance of sharp sounds, light and smells, increased fatigue — These are the most frequent symptoms of arterial hypertension.

At the time of an increase in blood pressure, a feeling of heat in his face may appear, the skin becomes red, ringing in the ears appears, can fade «Mushkush» before your eyes. The duration of the attack ranges from a few hours to days. Arterial pressure increases due to its systolic (heart) component, usually not higher than 130-140 mm RT. Art., diastolic (vascular) pressure remains within normal values, i.e. 80-85 mm RT. Art.

The transient stage of hypertensive disease may continue until 5-6 years, with a timely manner of treatment, the disease can retreat. A short-term increase in blood pressure does not affect the state of the heart and blood vessels, only when hypertension goes to the next stage, changes in myocardium, eye vessels, kidneys and brain are detected.

Persistent arterial hypertension leads to the development of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, accompanied by pains behind the sternum, interruptions in the work of the heart, shortness of breath, swelling of the lower extremities, heaviness, constant noise in the ears, decrease in visibility, up to full blindness, impairment of memory. It is believed that timely treatment of hypertension prevents stroke in 50% of cases, and twice the likelihood of the development of myocardial infarction. At the same time, normalization and blood pressure control allows person if not preventing the development of hypertension, at least to live longer and remain in good physical form.

How to detect transient hypertension?

The answer is simple, you need to control your blood pressure and measure it in cases where the headache and other symptoms of arterial hypertension appear.

It is necessary to measure arterial pressure in the morning immediately after lifting from bed, it will be the base pressure and again during the day (working pressure). Do not take into account cases of increasing blood pressure after emotional or physical exertion — this is a normal body reaction. It must be borne in mind that blood pressure is naturally rising with age and 55 years old man's pressure 135-140 / 85-90 is considered normal. Subsequently, it stabilizes and even decreases by 80 years.

If arterial hypertension has been found, it is necessary to undergo a full examination, including common and biochemical blood tests, urine analysis, ECG, FKG, ECCG, ultrasound and heart radioscopy, ophthalmoscopy.

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