Menu Frameless diet

The main essence of this diet is clear from the very name. Although this diet is based at all on the complete abandonment of carbohydrates. The basis of this diet is the minimum content of carbohydrates in the diet. Therefore, it can be bolden and low-carb.

Fantastic diet, diet, food, weight loss, diet, carbohydrates

The author even the most insane diet understands that carbohydrates cannot be completely excluded from the diet. Otherwise it may threaten the appearance of quite serious violations in Exchange of substances. For this reason, with a carbohydrate diet for weight loss, carbohydrates are still present in food, but in a very scarce quantity. At the same time, no more than 250 calories enter the body.

In general, today many people want to lose weight and for this they sometimes choose the most radical measures. Although even when choosing the healthy diet, you need to consider the features of your body, and only a professional doctor is able to assess your health. So, any of the existing diets today has its advantages and disadvantages. In particular, this applies to both a fleet diet, which, by the way, has significantly more deficiencies than the advantages, but we will tell our site to readers in order.

The advantages of this type of weight loss should be attributed to the fact that a fergless diet is easier to adhere to. After all, it does not require such a number of counts like a low calorie diet. In addition, according to the authors of the diet, this system of weight loss forms the right food skills in humans, it is not bad for use by all family members, and also provides high food nutrition. This diet is ideal if you need to lose weight, but still do not forget about its shortcomings.

Now let's go directly to the disadvantages. So, this diet is not suitable for people who are very fond of sweet and enjoy alcohol. In addition, this diet is not suitable for those who need to completely reduce weight. It should be noted that this diet does not meet the individual tastes of most modern people, and is also practically not suitable for those who often eat outside the house. In addition, this diet limits eating any fatty foods. These products include cheese. Although it is worth noting that there are no carbohydrates in cheese.

In general, to sit on this diet only one people who do not have health problems. In this case, the diet should be observed under the control of the doctor. Otherwise, a similar type of food may well lead to rather negative consequences.

Basics of diet

Fantastic diet, diet, food, weight loss, diet, carbohydrates

We give your attention an exemplary menu on a carbon diet for two days.

First day. For breakfast, lunch and dinner we have 500 grams of low-fat boiled meat without salt. Meat must be divided into 3 portions and season with any vegetable side dish. Vegetable side dish with every meal must be about 100 grams. In the morning and in the evening we drink a glass of useful ragger of rosehip or green tea.

Second day. We divide on 5 receptions of 300 grams of low-fat boiled meat and 100 grams of boiled vegetables. Daily drink 2 cups of juice and 2 cups of tea.

Harmless diet

Fantastic diet, diet, food, weight loss, diet, carbohydrates

First of all, you should not forget that a fearless diet still applies to tough types of diets. Therefore, the approach to this version of the diet should be quite careful. In general, if you do not want complications, before starting the diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This diet is prohibited to people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as diseases of the liver, vessels and hearts. After all, otherwise the liver will hardly cope with his work. In this case «Poor» Cholesterol in the blood will increase significantly, and this has already negatively affects the heart and vessels. Eating low-fat foods containing protein in moderate quantities reduces the harmful effects of the diet.

In addition, the contraindication to this diet is pregnancy and feeding period. The basis of the diet is protein. Because of this kidney, which are responsible for the elimination of its decay products, begin to experience an increased load. From this, it is possible to make a fair conclusion that a fragile diet is extremely recommended to people who have kidney disease.

In addition, this diet is prohibited to people who have a tendency to stone formation. In addition, these diets have other side effects. In particular, stones may well form in the blade and even directly in the kidney themselves.

If during a dieting in food will be constantly presenting the fiber in minimal quantities, then this may well lead to the appearance of systematic constipation. In addition, in this case, the person will most likely suffer from the entire digestive tract due to the fact that the unpleasant processes of rotting all protein food occur. As a result of this wall of the stomach and intestines will be inflamed, which in turn may well lead to the occurrence of colitis and enteritis.

It is often cases of gout after applying this diet. This is due to the fact that the consumption of various meat products in large quantities contributes to deposits in the joints of harmful to these joints of uric acid salts. This diet should not be used to people who suffer diabetes. Otherwise, such a diet can even lead to deep coma.

In general, low-carb food actually contributes to a very fast loss of excess weight, but do not forget that carbohydrates are the necessary component of nutrition for every day. With a long absence of carbohydrate food, irreversible consequences may occur in the body.

Therefore, for high-quality and healthy weight loss should be resorted to such a way that will not exclude carbohydrates From food. It should be noted that carbohydrates are different in their quality. The most useful carbohydrates are those who least undergoes processing in the process of cooking. This, for example, whole grain bread, crude rice and weakly warded oatmeal.

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