Girsutism and hyperitrihosis: why the hair grow


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  • When hair is a lot

    Girsutism and hyperitrihosis: why the hair grow

    Unwanted hair, oddly sounds, not so safe for their owner. Of course, the hair themselves, even if they are covered with solid rows of legs, hands, belly, back or face, will not harm, except for the moral, but the causes of their occurrence should be disturbed. There are two concepts in medicine that describe excess hair growth - girsutism and hypertrichosis.

    Girsutism is an excess increase in terminal hair in women on male type. Terminal hair is those that dark, hard and long, unlike powder, which are weakly growing, soft and short. Male type of agriculture is characterized by the appearance of hair on the chin, the top of the chest (in the sternum region), the top of the back and abdomen. But the appearance of terminal hair at the bottom of the abdomen, the bottom of the back, near the nipples, on the hands and legs is a normal phenomenon. Please note that the speech of garissultism is only in relation to women.

    Hyperitrichoz, unlike girsutism, is characterized by excessive hair growth in places where they are the norm, taking into account age, gender and ethnicity. Recent circumstances confuse the situation slightly, so we will dwell on them. The fact is that hair growth on the legs in an adult woman can be the norm. But the same girl has 10 years already the norm is not. The appearance of the hair on the chest is the norm for men, but the same thing in women is already called girsutism. If the rich vegetation on the legs is quite ordinary phenomenon for representatives of some Mediterranean peoples, then for women of Asian origin, it is not at all. So the appearance of hair is not in the place, not at that time and not the person should ack.

    Why unwanted hair grow

    Hisutism and hypertrichosis cause many reasons, and some of them are common to these two «Hairy» states.

    Doctors allocate several types of hirsutism:

    • Girsutism amid high levels of men's sex hormones;
    • family or genetic girsutism;
    • medicinal girsutism;
    • idiopathic girsutism;

    Hyperandrogenation - elevated level of men's genital hormones

    Excessive level of men's sex hormones in a woman can be the result of a number of reasons, a detailed list of which will take a whole sheet. Among the most dangerous, it is worth paying attention to adrenal diseases, among the most common - sclerokystosis syndrome ovarian or Stein syndrome - Levental.

    In the diseases of the adrenal glands, in particular, with a tumor of this body, a reinforced emission of substances - predecessors of men's sex hormones, which are already in tissues of the body turn into testosterone. The same release occurs during the disease with a long name - congenital virilizing hyperplasia of adrenal cortex, when there is a reinforced stimulation of this endocrine organ from the central nervous system. Another tumor that can cause an increase in the amount of hair in «Male» places is lung cancer. Sometimes such tumors begin to synthesize hormones regulating adrenal operations.

    With a matte - leventula syndrome as a result of the reasons that are far away in the brain, there is a reinforced ovarian stimulation, in which it is suddenly beginning to live well and develop cells processing female sex hormones into men's. The sad result of such strange transformations, accompanied by a disruption of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of hyperitrichoz, less frequently, girsutism is infertility. So the hair that appeared with any of them on your feet must be alarming and cause an appeal to the gynecologist-endocrinologist.

    Other manifestations of high levels of men's genital hormones in the blood is the appearance of saline leather and acne, hair loss on the head. In some cases, first of all with adrenal diseases, the process can go so far that the woman is easier to find men's clothing to finally be like a man than to hide numerous male signs - a coarse voice, increased muscles, alignment of fat. The genitals of the woman also are subject to significant changes. The clitoris becomes like a small sexual dick, and sexual lips are reduced, rounded and something resemble the scrotum.

    Family Girsutism

    Family girsutism is due to genetic causes and is quite a normal state, when there are no other signs of unfavorable endocrine system.

    Medicinal Girsutism

    Girsutism and hyperitrihosis: why the hair growMedicinal girsutism and hypertrichosis, as a rule, can be provided in advance, since in most cases the side effect of medicines is known. The most common «Hair farming» are corticosteroids to which cortisone applies, hydrocortisone, prednisolone, etc. Of course, it is simply so such powerful drugs are not prescribed, so that the side effect is only a consequence of the choice between two angry.

    Idiopathic girsutism

    Visible causes of idiopathic girsutism usually not found, therefore, the name indicates the unknown. Scientists believe that idiopathic girsutism is associated with the increased activities of some enzymes and too much the sensitivity of hair bulbs to the effects of Androgen. While Pharmindustria has not yet proposed the methods that eliminate the cause of idiopathic girsutism, has to resort to epilation. However, the variety of funds and hair removal methods is so large that the legs are simply obliged to become a lys.

    Causes of Hyperichoz

    Hypertrichosis also has a lot of reasons for occurrence. The most disadvantaged version of Hyperitrichoz is congenital, which indicates the presence of any genetic syndrome. Acquired hypertrichosis can also have a drug origin, and, oddly sounds, traumatic. Medicines causing hyperitrihosis are the same as they cause girsutism.

    To whom to go for help

    Summing up the above will be useful to decide which doctor to go. Hisutism in combination with obesity and redistribution of fatty fiber into the upper body, increased arterial pressure, the appearance of numerous stretch marks should be a mandatory reason for addressing the endocrinologist. Similar symptoms can be a manifestation of Cushing syndrome.

    Girsutism in combination with infertility, impaired menstrual cycle, increasing body weight, the occurrence of diabetes, hair loss on the head should cause an appeal to the gynecologist-endocrinologist. Similar symptoms can be the result of sclerokystosis syndrome ovarian.

    Just girsutism should be a reason to appeal to the beautician after prior consultation and examination at the gynecologist-endocrinologist.

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