Hyperthyroidism: symptoms of thyroid hyperfunction


Regardless of what disease has caused
disorders of the function of the thyroid gland, manifestations of hyperthyroidism of the same type, and their severity depends on
level of hormones in the blood and duration of the disease. In 60-80% of cases hyperthyroidism — symptom
diffuse toxic goiter called a base disease, on its example we
We will analyze the clinic of the state.

What happens in the body?

Hyperthyroidism: symptoms of thyroid hyperfunction

Thyroid hormones affect all vital
organs, hormone levels determines the intensity of the main exchange. Under
The effect of thyroxine and triiodothyronine increases oxygen consumption
Metabolic processes are accelerated by tissues, there is an intensive selection
thermal energy. Against the background of hyperthyroidism increases tissue sensitivity to
Sympathetic stimulation and catecholamine.

Activation of metabolic processes leads to an increase
Synthesis of genital hormones, in particular estrogen, and increase the number
Globulina — Squirrel holding estrogens in blood. This causes such signs of hyperthyroidism in women,
as a violation of menstrual function up to complete cessation of menstruation and
infertility. Men have the presence of a large number of female hormones like
An intermediate product of the synthesis of androgens leads to an increase in dairy
iron — Gynecomastia.

Rapid destruction of cortisol adrenal hormone
due to the effect of thyroid hormones, leads to the development of adrenal
Insufficiency — hypocorticism.

Hyperthyroidism: Symptoms

Main manifestations
Hyperthyroidism are associated with acceleration of metabolic processes, toxic
influence on nervous, cardiovascular — Vascular and digestive system.

Influence on the endocrine system and
The metabolism is reflected in the following symptoms.

  • Weight loss, despite the elevated appetite.
  • Sweating and intolerance to heat, leather
    reddened, warm, wet. Thunder hair, silky, nails
    thickened, brittle, sometimes swelling legs.
  • Sign
    Hyperthyroidism in women often becomes a decrease in duration and
    Menstrual discharge, lengthening of the menstrual cycle, loss
    menstruation up to complete amenorrhea. There are problems with conception and
    Entering pregnancy. Men develop gynecomastia.

Cardiovascular symptoms of hyperthyroidism

  • Tachycardia alone, extrasystolia, arrhythmia,
    atrial fibrillation.
  • Hypertension or blood pressure increase,
    The upper pressure increases more significantly, the pulse
    Pressure, which indicates the increased load on the heart.
  • Heart is working on wear, left ventricle
    hypertrophy and weaken — Cardiac insufficiency arises with edema,
    The accumulation of fluid in the abdominal and thoracic cavity, the increase in the liver, shortness of breath.

Neurological symptoms of hyperthyroidism

  • Tremor.
  • Fussiness.
  • General weakness, increased fatigue.
  • Migraen Headache.
  • Unfortunate anxiety, irritability, frequent
    Change of mood, plasticity, reduced stress resistance.
  • Insomnia and other sleep disorders.
  • Increase tendon reflexes.

Gastrointestinal symptoms of hyperthyroidism

  • Increased appetite on the background of weight loss.
  • Nausea, sometimes vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.

Ophthalmological symptoms

Durable current hyperthyroidism leads to the so-called «thyroid
Diseases of the eye», pronounced in the base disease. Condition is characterized
Upper the upper and omission of the lower eyelid, protruding the eyeball,
incomplete closure of the eyelids, swelling and growing periorubital tissues. In heavy
Cases Increased intraocular pressure leads to blindness.

Thyareoxic crisis

Hyperthyroidism: symptoms of thyroid hyperfunction

This is the most severe complication of hyperthyroidism and diffuse
toxic goiter arising with a sharp increase in the level of thyroid hormones
In the blood in patients with severe disease. His development provoke
Stress, infection, aggravation of concomitant pathology, operations on the thyroid
gland, injury, physical stress, pregnancy and childbirth.

About the beginning of a thyrotoxic crisis says increase
Temperatures of the body, redness of the skin, the appearance of sweat, trembling, vomiting, diarrhea,
pronounced tachycardia alone, severe heartbeat, increasing frequency
breathing, shortness of breath, excitation, replacing adamisia and apatine, falling
arterial pressure and loss of consciousness. In far
Hyperthyroidism can cause coma.

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