Good eyesight for excellent knowledge! Prevention of children's myopia


  • Now the theory of the question!
  • Let us turn to practice!
  • Well, dear parents, draw conclusions!

  • You have children of preschool and school age?

    If yes, then the question arises inevitably – How to prepare a preschooler to 1 class and schoolchildren to the new school year? And, of course, we understand that the acquisition of the right level and necessary textbooks does not limit this question. The fact is that the growing body of the child will have to withstand significant training loads.

    Recall what loads are we talking about?

    As you know, a significant part of the time schoolboy holds at the desk - in static and not always the right position. In addition, he has to read a lot, write, respond to questions, pass exams and tests, communicate with teachers and peers. It is not surprising that school life becomes a source not only joy, but also stress. Of course, a modern child can ease his life using a computer: Remove the stress with a computer toy or use the Internet search engine instead of tedious trips to the library. Of course, such a powerful technical device as a computer can make the educational process easier and more interesting. However, the same computer becomes a real threat to the eyes. To protect the vision of the child, today it is not enough to correctly organize the educational space and comply with the elementary rules of reading. For proper formation of the visual system of the child, comprehensive support is necessary.

    Now the theory of the question!

    It is worth noting that in 4-7 years old children are distinguished by age limit, which by 10-11 years gradually disappears. But even this stock is not enough to save 100% vision until graduation. Ruthless and early exploitation of vision leads to the opposite effect - myopia. Not quite justified pride of parents whose child starts to read in preschool age. Similar records are often leading to the development of myopia. Then parents have to decide what is more important – Health or studies? Of course, it is important that. A compromise is needed that allows you to minimize the risks of eye diseases with an intensive educational process.

    Good vision for excellent knowledge! Prevention of children's myopiaHere is one of the solutions to this problem. Danish scientists have developed a biologically active additive for childview protection - Stricks®Kids. It is based on an antioxidant complex that leveled the destructive effect of active forms of oxygen and free radicals, which are formed in the child's body as a result of stress and overvoltage. The balanced composition of this complex includes: blueberry extract, beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, as well as minerals: selenium and zinc. Taking it in age dosages, the child satisfies the daily need of the body in these substances.

    Blueberry extract contains active substances, anthocyanosides, increasing the speed of the visual pigment, which is responsible for visual acuity at low light, as well as for removing the feeling of eye fatigue. These substances strengthen vessels and improve the blood supply to the retina.

    Beta carotene has an immunomodulatory effect and accelerates the regeneration of visual pigment.

    Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of ATP (source of energy for all metabolic processes in the body), and also strengthens the ligament apparatus of the eye, which is especially important when Treatment progressive myopia.

    Vitamin E, Selenium and Zinc – Important components of chemical processes in eye tissues. They have an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect.

    Let us turn to practice!

    To assess the positive effect of the Antioxidant Complex Strix® KIDS Medical scientists conducted research *. Under the supervision there were two groups of children with an accommodation spasm (temporary violation of the ability of the eye clearly see objects) and myopia of varying severity. In one of the groups, a comprehensive treatment was conducted, where in addition to medicines, a biologically active additive was used to protect childview - Stricks® Kids , In another group – without him. Children appointed Stricks® KIDS in the corresponding age of the dosage: 4-6 years – 1 Tablet per day, from 7 years – 2 tablets per day while eating.

    After the course of treatment, a complete ophthalmological examination was carried out in both groups, which confirmed the positive effect of Stricks® Kids. It was confirmed that this antioxidant complex contributes to the improvement of visual functions and a decrease in eye fatigue. Allergic reactions and other side effects during the study were not detected.

    Well, dear parents, draw conclusions!

    Of course, the preparation of the child to school needs to start long before September 1. This is the process of daily and painstaking parents of parents about their own children. It is necessary to ensure not only the right nutrition and routine of the child's day, but also limit its stay at the computer or television screen. And it would still be nice to master the gymnastics complex for the eyes and demonstrate it to his child. And that all these actions brought real benefits, it is important to take care of the protection of children's eyes! The visual system of the schoolchild must have a sufficient margin of strength, and for this it is necessary to regularly feed it using a reliable antioxidant complex for the eyes - Stricks® Kids.

    Good vision for excellent knowledge! Prevention of children's myopia

    And, in conclusion, I want to remind you that any reception of vitamins and drugs is recommended to coordinate with the doctor. However, you yourself know.

    *Ship T.IN. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of antioxidant Strick KIDS in the treatment of myopia and spasmodation spasmodation . – Magazine material «Clinical ophthalmology» - Volume 7, №4, 2006., p. 2-3

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