What is a Siberian ulcer


  • anthrax
  • Symptoms of Siberian ulcers
  • Diagnosis and treatment of Siberian ulcers

  • anthrax

    Siberian ulcer is an acute infectious disease,
    able to transmit from a patient to a person and characterized by
    high degree of intoxication and mainly specific defeat
    Skin. Siberian ulcers are known from the long, which is evidenced by numerous
    Scientific works of the healers of the ancient world. Its current name disease
    Received over the distribution of epidemics when in the XVIII - XIX centuries a disease
    It was covered by a significant part of the territory of Western Siberia.

    The causative agent of Siberian ulcers is bacterium B. anthracis,
    named so in connection with the appearance of the formed siberiaazed carbuncule.
    Bacterry is able to move into a dispute - a special protective shape of its
    existence that helps her «live through» An unfavorable period of yours
    existence. Therefore, the microorganism is extremely resistant to the external environment:
    Easily tolerate high temperatures, withstands standard concentrations
    Some disinfectants, resistant to dry. Even under pressure
    Disputes die far from immediately. In such «Anabiosome» chopper of Siberian ulcers
    able to wait for a favorable case to her
    case of entering the body or through damaged skin or by
    swallowing or inhalation.

    Symptoms of Siberian ulcers

    What is a Siberian ulcer
    A person can get infected with sick animals (cows,
    horses, pigs, sheep, goats, camels, deer) with direct contact
    or disputes falling into the body through food, drinking water, undegrade
    fur clothing and t.NS. But most often, as already noted, entrance gates for
    infections is the wound surface of the skin. At the same time in the place of penetration
    A few days later a characteristic bubble appears with the elastic sector
    skin and inflammation of the nearby lymphatic node. Constantly producing
    Special protein toxin, bacterium leads not only to the tissue edema, but also to
    Coloring (necrosis) of amazed plots. Local sensations are manifested in the form
    Itching and burning. Over time, the bubble is bursting and turns into a black dense
    Education - Carbuncoon, externally very reminding corner. Most often, Carbuncul
    It happens one, but sometimes there may be more. There are cases when their number
    reached twenty. During the ripening of the carbuncoon, the temperature sharply rises,
    And other symptoms of intoxication are manifested in the form of common poor well-being,
    Losses of appetite, headache and high fatigue. A week after
    Clinical symptoms begin to fade, carbuncoon
    rejects, and the wound surface is delayed, forming a scar.

    The body is weakened, it is not excluded to enter the chopsticks of Siberian ulcers into the blood and
    Distribution of infection throughout the body. It can be fraught with serious
    Defeats of blood coating system, accumulation in the body of products
    oxidation with a shear of acid-alkaline equilibrium in the acidic side, very
    high temperature due to the strongest intoxication, acute renal
    insufficiency, bloody diarrhea and vomiting. In this situation there is a danger
    deadly outcome. True, the septic form of Siberian ulcers occurs very
    seldom. More often an intestinal or pulmonary forms of the flow may occur, which
    its clinical manifestations are no less dangerous than septic. So, for
    Intestinal form, severe abdominal pain appear, accompanied by
    vomiting and diarrhea with blood. After some time, signs of cardiac
    failure (cyanosis, respiratory disorder, heart pain), from increasing
    which sick may die after 3-4 days from the date of infection. At
    Mulmonary shape is characterized by pressing heart pains highlighted with cough
    Fan wet, strong intoxication, serious violations of cardiovascular
    and respiratory systems. Female outcome can come in 2-3 days.

    Diagnosis and treatment of Siberian ulcers

    Siberian ulcer is diagnosed based on clinical
    data confirmed by bacteriological sowing with the release of pathogen and allergic
    intradermal administration of killed bacteria of Siberian ulcers (confirms the diagnosis on
    fifth day).

    Treatment can be divided into specific (introduction
    relevant immunoglobulins) and nonspecific (antibiotics
    Penicillin row, glucocorticoids and t.D.). Prevention is before
    In total, in identifying and isolation of sick animals, thorough disinfection
    infected material, vaccination of workers of animal farms and themselves
    Animals specific antigen.

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