Each woman at least once in life critically examines himself in the mirror and decides that it would be necessary to reset a few kilograms. But it is possible to do it without harmful and exhausting diets, observing a set of simple nutritional rules? Undoubtedly!

- Drink water – Pure and mineral. Drink herbal teas, fruit and berry compotes and fresh juices. There are almost no restrictions, except for the reservation that the day you need to drink one and a half – Two liters of liquid. And, of course, do not add sugar to drinks.
- Learn to chew food thoroughly. If you «Figure», Try the first couple of days to consider how many chewing movements you make every time before swallowing. They should be about thirty. Well crushed food is easily absorbed by the body, not irritating the mucous membrane of the stomach, and the process of cleavage of carbohydrate begins in the mouth.
- Exclude drinking while eating.
- Breakfast – Main Energy Meal. Limit proteins and fats, complex carbohydrates – What you need. (Perfect breakfast – Mainland porridge with sweet fruit and spoonful nuts or seeds).
- Discard the habit tightly before bedtime. Tightly stomach stomach prevents you from sleeping, and the next day you will have twice as usual to compensate for inappropriate.
- Eat every day, eat at least one portion of dark green vegetables: spinach, broccoli, greenery, brussels.
- Learn to season dishes with spices and herbs instead of salt.
- Keep fresh fruit as a snack.
- If you do not like the food you tried, remove it and do not touch it anymore. Why do you need extra calories obtained without pleasure?
- Eat a little handful of nuts (almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, brazilian, cedar) or seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, linen). Needless to say, they should be non-jarous and unsalted.
- Each morning, drink an empty stomach in half an hour before breakfast a glass of warm water or room water temperature with lemon to help the body bring the slags accumulated overnight and not carry them with you all day.
- Before taking for food, listen to your feelings. If you experience a slight feeling of hunger and can do other things on his background, postpone meals for half an hour. So your body will be gradually spending fat stocks. Do not overdo it: if you organize a hunger strike, it will start literally squeeze out of the incoming food all possible in case «atomic war», and instead of losing weight, you get extra weight.
Gradually introducing these simple rules into his daily routine, you already a few weeks to make an improvement in my well-being, a tide of energy and smiling reflection. And if you walk on foot and breathe fresh air, the effect will be stunning. Prepare measuring pants!