Slimming Vegetable Diets

Which diet do not come up with women who want to get rid of extra kilograms. In the list of currently existing diets, you can detect rice diets, fast diets, kefir diets, apple diets and others. No late place in this list, vegetable monodulations are occupied, among which carrot, potato and cucumber diet.

Which diet do not come up with women who want to get rid of extra kilograms. In the list of existing current diet can be detected Rice diets, as well as apple, Kefir diets and others. Not the last place in this list, vegetable monodulations are also occupied, among which carrot, potato and cucumber diets, which should come to taste to lovers of root.

The main advantage of vegetable diets is that they are sufficiently satisfying and low-calorie. Also to a number of advantages can be ranked and the relative cheapness of these varieties of diet.

So, let's talk more about each of the above varieties of vegetable monodis.

Potato diet

Slimming Vegetable Diets
For a long time, potatoes were not considered a dietary product, but the whole point in its correct preparation, which was based on potato diets.

In potato high content of vitamin C, which is an indispensable assistant when strengthening immunity. Potatoes are also rich in potassium, which is a valuable substance to normalize the work of the heart. But the main thing is that 100 grams of potatoes are contained only 70 kcal, which indicates a low calorie content of this product, as well as the effectiveness of diets, which includes this root.

Like any other diets, a potato monodection is contraindicated with individual intolerance of the product, as well as in the case of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Menu potato diet for 3-4 days.
Breakfast: Glass of Milk.

Lunch: 300 grams of potato mashed potatoes.

Dinner: Salad of 250 grams of potatoes and welded screwed 1 eggs (or half of the eggs).

In addition to such a diet should be used Polyvitamin complexes.

Menu potato diet for 5 days.
Menu for the day: 1 kilogram of potatoes cooked in uniforms must be divided into 5-6 meals. Drinking potatoes are necessary without salt, but you need to sprinkle potatoes with greenery: parsley, green onion, dill. For breakfast you need to use 1 small slice of rye bread, and for lunch, 100 grams of fresh vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, carrots). During the day, it is necessary to drink infusions from herbs or green tea without sugar.

Potato diet for 14 days.
According to this diet for two weeks, your diet should look like this.

In the first three days you are allowed to use no more than one and a half kilograms of baked in potatoes per day. It is allowed to drink only water. Any seasonings and spices are excluded. For dinner you need to eat any fruit to choose.

In the next seven days in the afternoon, you can eat potatoes using olive oil and salt as seasonings.

And in the last four days, diet as seasonings are also allowed to use garlic, dill and lemon juice. Potatoes in the last four days you can not only bake, but also boil. For dinner it is necessary to eat any fruit to choose.

Important! One and a half kilograms of potatoes, which are allowed to eat you during the day, you must divide into six equal portions, otherwise there will be no effect from the diet.

Carrot diet

Slimming Vegetable Diets
Carrots are rich in ascorbic acids, lecithin, iodine, beta carotene, essential oils and fiber, which will allow cleaning the body. Also in carrots contain many vitamins of groups E, D, PR, B, A, to. Such a set of beneficial substances and vitamins allows you to keep the immune system at the time of the diet, and also normalizes the metabolism in the body, improves eyesight and gives the skin a healthy shade.

Carrot diet is strictly contraindicated in the presence of stomach ulcers. Also a carrot diet may not come up with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the presence of heart problems. If you have problems like this, consult your doctor before starting the diet.

There are several types of carrot diets menus, each of which brings various results and has its own characteristics.

Carrot diet for three days is unloading, it is recommended to use it after holidays, combining other diets. This diet can help you get rid of three kilograms and more.

Within three days, you should eat only carrots grated on the grater (the more, the better), in which you must add one tablespoon of honey and lemon juice. And that the result from the diet remains longer, it is recommended for the fourth day not to move sharply on the diet another diet, as well as drink carrots, as in the first three days, but at the same time to eat one serving of boiled potatoes and a small slice of bread.

Drinking from liquids during a diet can be water and tea.

Ten-day carrot diet will suit those women who wish to get rid of a large number of unwanted kilograms as soon as possible. Like a three-day diet, the option for ten days also consists almost one carrot alone. You can also leave the diet, you can also continue the diet to eleven days and adding to the diet for the eleventh day of potatoes and bread. This type of diet will allow you to get rid of seven kilograms and more.

According to the diet for ten days, your daily nutrition should look like this:

  1. Squeeze three glasses of carrot juice with juicer, drink this juice during the day.
  2. Sattail carrots on the grater in the quantities you need (the more, the better), fill a small amount of sour cream so that the carrots are better learned. During the day, eat only it.

Cucumber diet

Slimming Vegetable Diets
The cucumber diet will allow not only to lose weight by 5-7 kilograms per week, but also Clear intestines, bring slags from the body, as well as stimulate metabolism. In view of the fact that the cucumber is often used as an integral component for whitening and moisturizing the skin of the face, then using this vegetable in the diet can at the same time and rejuven. However, it is not recommended to repeat such a diet more often than once a month.

The cucumber diet has contraindications, in the case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in individual intolerance of the product.

Menu cucumber diet for 6-7 days.
Breakfast: Cucumber salad, filled with sour cream and greens, black bread slice, tea.

Second breakfast: the same salad, a slice of black bread and tea.

Lunch: 1 boiled potato is added to the breakfast menu.

Dinner: 1 fresh cucumber salad, fastened with vegetable oil and parsley, black bread slice and green tea.

Second dinner: 1 ripe big apple (you need to alternate with orange, pear, banana).

In addition to such a diet should be used Polyvitamin complexes.

Menu cucumber diet for 7 days.
Breakfast: 1 Fresh Cucumber, Slice of Black Bread, 100 grams of cottage cheese, 1 Any fruit to choose from and green tea.

Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled meat or fish (100 grams), cucumber salad, filled with greenery and vegetable oil, black bread slice.

Afternoon person: 1 Any fruit to choose from and green tea without sugar.

Dinner: 1 fresh cucumber salad and 1 boiled chicken egg, filled with sour cream and parsley, black bread slice.

Second dinner: 1 Any fruit to choose from and 1 fresh cucumber.

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