Author's method of treatment «Dry eyes syndrome»


In recent years, the problem associated with a fairly wide distribution among the population of developed countries has become increasingly relevant for practical ophthalmology «Dry eyes syndrome». Under the term syndrome «Dry Eyes» Understand the complex of signs of drying the surface of the cornea and conjunctiva due to a long disturbance of the stability of the tear film covering the cornea. The reason for this phenomenon is the frequent cases of development.N. «Computer» and «office» Syndromes, an ever-increasing number of laser refractive operations, widespread contact correction of view, as well as deterioration in the environmental situation in the world in general and, in particular, dustiness of megacities.

Over the past 30 years, the frequency of detection of the syndrome «Dry Eyes» increased by 4.5 times.

Quite a big share of syndrome «Dry Eyes» has both the structure of the eye pathology. Today it can be found in almost every 2nd patient, who first applied to the ophthalmologist of the clinics for eye diseases or for vision correction.

Author's method of treatment & laquo; dry eye syndrome & raquo;Pharmacopuncture - a complex way of exposure to the injection of drugs in the area of ​​reflexotherapy points in order to achieve the therapeutic effect in specific nosological forms.

Patients are prescribed by the drug «Mucoza Compozitum» In the injection (manufacturer HEEL), which is part of the register of medicines permitted to use in the Russian Federation. The use of homeopathic preparations does not have side effects on other organs and systems, well tolerated patients.

Injections are produced subcutaneously into acupuncture points along the edge of the orbit and sub-incognitive to 0.2-0.3 ml. 2-3 times a week. For 10 procedures. Also, patients are possible the appointment of anti-inflammatory eye drops, coarse substitutes, gel eye lubricants in the presence of imposition.

As a result of treatment, patients note a significant improvement after the first injection of the drug, during the chronic process, treatment causes persistent remission for 4 to 12 months, with a sharp process, the fastest cure.

Use of drug «Mucosa Compozitm» In the treatment of this pathology is a pathogenetically substantiated and effective. The use of the proposed scheme is convenient, easy and safe to polyclinically – outpatient practice, session takes 10-15 minutes of working time.

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