Improve vision without glasses



One of the first folk remedies for the prevention of eye diseases that occurs in the midst – Babushkin Council is more carrot. It turns out that this «medicine» Modern ophthalmologists with grandmother are completely unanimous.

The fact is that in carrots contain one of the forms of vitamin A - beta-carotene, which is the predecessor of the visual pigment – substance that Improve vision without glassesIt is part of the sensitive cells of the eye and changes under the influence of light. Without it, vision is impossible. It is known that with a lack of vitamin and in food, a person begins to see worse in the dark – In the people, this ailment is called «Chicken blindness».

Expert opinion: Specialist of the Academic Center of Laser Medicine «Korrect» Dr. Evgenia Evgenievna Baranovskaya advises: «Use carrots with the aim of prevention is not from occasion to occasion, but systematically, not for all just».

In fact, remember when the last time this vegetable turned out to be on your desk? And then the beta carotene is in carrots in a poorly digestible form. The last drawback, however, can be easily eliminated. Beta carotine – fat soluble substance, and to increase its availability, you need to use it with fats. For example, you can fill the salad of coat carrot oil or sour cream.

By the way, too much to get involved in the use of substances containing vitamin A should not. From this skin can acquire a characteristic reddish tint. With a real overdose of vitamin A, there may be real jaundice, and with it and many other problems. In pregnant women overdose of vitamin A can lead to anomalies for the development of the fetus. Finally, death outcomes are described. True, in these cases it was basically about the polar explorers who poisoned the liver of a polar bear (it contains a lot of vitamin A) – This is hardly threatened.

Completing the conversation about Vitamin A, remember that it is contained not only in carrots, but also in eggs, milk, liver, and most – Fish fat, which saved the fame of the most popular and most tasteful medication. Fortunately, the pharmaceutical industry has long mastered the release of this substance in capsules, which, apparently, can be considered a real celebration of humanism.


Invariably remember another folk medicine «For vision» – blueberry. This recipe also finds certain support in the circles of ophthalmologist professionals. In blueberries, the blueberries contain antioxidants, which are necessary for neutralizing the toxins formed in the retina.

With a lack of antioxidants, toxins can damage sensitive retinal cells and lead to impairment of vision. Especially relevant to the use of blueberries for people, the moments working with papers or at the computer, for those who mark the fatigue by the end of the working day.

Expert opinion: Do not think that the quality of vision is directly proportional to the number of bilberry eaten (or biologically active additives on its basis). Then the number of useful components that can assimilate the body per day is contained in just one spoon of berries.

Purpose glasses

Improve vision without glasses

The next popular method of improving vision is much younger than fish fat. So called «Glasses with holes» appeared in the arsenal of ophthalmologists not so long ago. The method is widely advertised and advertised. And advertising promises to radically restore vision almost in the most running cases.

However, ophthalmologists doctors belong to such promises very carefully.

Expert opinion: Such glasses, indeed, can help in the initial stages of myopia and hyperopia, reducing the number of distortions arising from the refraction of light in the lens. However, this method has both negative sides. Reducing the work of intraocular muscles, such glasses can contribute to the worsening of the outflow of the tear liquid and increase the pressure inside the eye – And this is the way to glaucoma. In addition, glasses significantly narrow the field of view, and in conditions of insufficient lighting, it is difficult to use them.

Method Norbecova

Another new means of improving vision – The so-called Norbecova method. True, his author himself considers his methodology for the outcome of the intellectual assault produced by the luminaries of medicine and philosophy, including Al-Khorezmi and Avicenna. Among the ancestors of Norbekov himself are called, in particular, two of his great-grandfather, who are allegedly revered in Uzbekistan as saints. In general, among numerous promotional materials, which are surrounded by Norbekov's name and its method, to detect any dry facts of his biography is almost impossible. The method itself is based mainly on self-sustainment.

Expert opinion: Self-separation – Serious force. With its help you can cure most of the psychosomatic diseases. A certain positive effect is possible, undoubtedly, and – But it will not manifest themselves in all patients and will continue only until the faith of the patient remains strong». In other words, the skeptics are better not to try.

Gymnastics for eyes

In conditions when working time a person spends in front of the monitor, and leisure – before the screen of the TV, significantly reduces the volume of movements of the eyeballs. This can lead to a violation of the blood supply to the eyes, and in perspective – To the most serious ophthalmic diseases.

To avoid this, you need to regularly interrupt the work with short sessions of gymnastics for the eyes. Exercises in the form of a variety of movements with eyes contribute to the influx of blood to them. It will not be superfluous to do and gymnastics for intraocular muscles. The technique of it is well known: Draw on the window glass the point or stir up a small piece of paper. Then, for a few minutes, we look from the glass mark on the window view and back – This will serve as excellent muscle training, which, changing the crystal curvature, «Put» Eye to sharpness.

It turns out that even the most seemingly banal folk recipes for an improvement in view are substantiated by modern ophthalmology and opposite – The loud know-how of the recent years of doctors recommend using greater caution. Well, we are only on hand. After all, there is a blueberry much more pleasant than wearing simulator glasses!..

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