Acute Epidemic Conjunctivitis of Koha-Weeke


  • Manifestations
  • Treatment

    A sharp epidemic conjunctivitis of Koch-Wesza causes a microorganism, the hemophilic wand of Koch-Wils. This disease is extremely contagious.

    Suffer whole families. If the sick child goes to school, kindergarten, almost the whole team falls. From the moment of infection until the beginning of the disease passes from several hours to 1-2 days.

    Infection is transmitted through dirty hands, clothes, underwear, toys. It is believed that one of the main carriers of the disease are flies. Especially
    Often epidemics arise in the warm season and in countries with warm and hot climates.


    Acute epidemic conjunctivitis begins suddenly. Redness of the conjunctiva raises quickly, especially on the eyeball and eyelids.

    These phenomena are accompanied by:

    • Tearing
    • Svetobyaznia
    • Headache appear
    • Increase body temperature
    • runny nose
    • General malaise.
    • Separated from the eye on the first day of the disease is mucous, transparent, its number is small. In the following days, the number of discharge increases sharply. Gnove appears in the discharge from the eye. In the morning, the patient can not open the eye due to purulent discharges, bonding eyelashes.

      Acute Epidemic Conjunctivitis of Koha-WeekeUsually, conjunctivitis proceeds in both eyes. But if one eye is first amazed, the phenomena of conjunctivitis on the second appear after 6-12 hours. Next, the conjunctive swells and thickens, especially above the eyeball. Sometimes, on both sides of the iris, the eye protein becomes the type of grayish convex triangles, the basis of aimed at pupil. Often there is a very strong edema of the eyelid, which prevents eye opening.

      One of the characteristic manifestations of the epidemic conjunctivitis of Koch-Wesz is considered the occurrence of hemorrhages on the mucous membrane. Sometimes these hemorrhages reach large sizes. The disease usually flows 5-6 days. After which the recovery comes. Sometimes the disease can occur in an erased form with minor edema, temperate redness of conjunctiva, without hemorrhage. In weakened patients, corneal damage may arise in the form of infiltrates, which, when recovering, disappear.


      Treatment of acute epidemic conjunctivitis is to appoint antiseptics and antibiotic solutions for instillation to the cavity
      conjunctiva. Sick should be isolated. Everyone who was in contact with the patient is recommended preventive injection of sodium sulphacyl sodium solution.

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