Less sleep - you live worse? What threatens insecurity?


Less sleep & mdash; Worse do you live? What threatens inappropriate?Scientists are alarming: Modern people sleep much less than their ancestors. Only over the past hundred years, the duration of sleep urban residents decreased by 20%. Compared to our parents, we spend in the kingdom of Morphheus every day for 30 minutes less, and our children are not sleeping for hours. According to statistics, today every adult person is deprived of a one and a half hours of healthy sleep you need, for which it pays chronic fatigue and the most varying illness.

Difference deprives protection against microbes

First of all, the lack of sleep affects the immune system of a person, reducing its ability to resist infection, because the lack of sleep during the epidemics is fraught with the development of sharp respiratory viral diseases, including influenza. Statistics say that people whose night's sleep lasts less than seven hours a day, three times more often suffer from a cold. Moreover, the exhausted organism is not able to actively deal with the causative agent, which contributes to the emergence of complications.

What to do? Even if at work Avral and need to be lined, if three hours, conducted outside the work walls, seem to you too much, insufficient for full rest and entertainment, never «Credit» Sleep time. In the period of epidemics, give up viewing later TV shows, reading books, visits to clubs and parties with friends: Full night rest will contribute to protection against infection.

Who does not sleep, the heart hurts

Chronic lacking — Serious stressful factor for human body. Scientists argue that a constant shortage of sleep for two months can lead to the development of a heart attack or a stroke even in a practically healthy person, not to mention those who have diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Insecurity is accompanied by constant fatigue, decrease in attention and memory, requires mobilization of forces and concentration to perform the usual everyday affairs, and this leads to nervous overvoltage, ejection of stress hormones, narrowing peripheral blood vessels, an increase in blood pressure and, as a result, to hypertensive crisis, infarction, or stroke.

What to do? If it fails to fully sleep at night, you need to lie for half an hour, after dinner. In Spain, this question is simply resolved, there is a Siesta, the Russians will have to do between day sleep on weekends, but this is enough to significantly reduce the degree of internal tension and avoid serious challenges caused by lack of sleep.

Less sleep — shorter life

Old age comes to everyone, but to those who do not sleep at night, she strives to come before the laid. The fact is that during sleep, a person includes growth synthesis, which is responsible for cell division and constant updating of body tissues. With a shortage of sleep and shortage of hormone growth, regeneration processes are violated, the processes of withering begin to prevail, various diseases arise and old age occurs.

What to do? Even young people suffer from insomnia, and in the elderly she meets more often. To facilitate falling asleep, you need to get the last evening hours. Evening walk, unhurried conversation with a close man, a loose dinner, a glass of warm milk with honey for the night — Tested and trouble-free techniques that help quickly immerse yourself in deep sweet sleep.

Difficult and cancer

The development of cancer is associated with the weakening of the organism's immune protection, with the inability of immune cells to track and destroy everything naturally appearing in the body «Embry» cancec. In turn, the work of the immune system is subject to biological rhythms controlled by hormone melatonin.

Melatonin is very often called sleep hormone, 70% of its number is synthesized at night, from midnight to four in the morning. If a person has a habit of not sleeping at this time, he has a violation of hormone formation processes and sooner or later his deficit arises. Subsequent violations relate most of all the work of immune and endocrine systems and lead to the development of oncological diseases. Scientists sure, but lack of sleep — One of the risk factors for breast cancer in women. If a woman is not sleeping only once a week, the probability of sick breast cancer increases by 14%, but if the sleep duration is cut four times a week, the chances of the disease rise 2.3 times.

What to do? It is necessary to normalize night sleep, and in the absence of such an opportunity to compensate for the lack of night sleep by day holiday. In addition, doctors insist that work in the night shift — Not for women.

Who is not sleeping, he gets fat

Less sleep & mdash; Worse do you live? What threatens inappropriate?People who have overweight and surrendered mass diets, with difficulty believe that their problems can be associated with inappropriate. After all, they do not make night raids on the refrigerator and actively at night, instead of not falling on the pillow. They even manage to get tired at night and, returning in the morning, in exhaustion fall into bed.

According to statistics, among the fat men and bbw, a huge number of people sleeping less than six hours a day, and among those who are interrupted by a three-hour holiday, they are 73%.

The secret of completeness in such cases lies in the violation of the synthesis of two hormones: Great, causing a feeling of hunger, and leptin controlling appetite. With a lack of night sleep, the amount of Grethin increases by 28%, and the production of leptin falls by 18%. Result — Expendable feeling of hunger, lack of saturation control, huge portions of food and extra extra kilograms.

What to do? Stop leading the night lifestyle and set the sleep. Any low-calorie diets will not bring a significant result if you do not help the body eliminate hormonal mess.

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