Night blindness


  • Manifestations and forms of hemoralopia
  • Treatment of hemerahopia

  • If, moving in still a lit staircase, you do not see where the step ends, in the light of street lamps, take the shadow for the puddles, and in the dark park and do not see the track at all, then you have a weakening of vision and spatial orientation in dusk - violations , called chicken blindness, or hemoralopia.

    People suffering from chicken blindness are poorly seen in twilight and with weak lighting, and in the dark sometimes lose sight in the dark. Apparently, such a strange name is obliged to the disease, which, as daytime birds, do not see in the dark (although they, in contrast to humans, it is not necessary).

    Manifestations and forms of hemoralopia

    Night blindnessGemeraralopia has various forms, it happens and congenital (idiopathic), and also occurs at some acute diseases, for example, with retinal detachment or its inflammation (retrieve). The reduction of vision is sometimes noticed only at the first time with a decrease in light, then the eye is adapted to weakened lighting.

    Often, a reduced color is observed with a weakening of vision; Blue blues especially bad. Some patients, along with this, see dark spots or shadows on fixed objects, colored spots, especially when moving out of darkness.

    Chicken blindness can be a symptom of anemia, the exhaustion of the body, but most often this disorder of vision is associated with a disadvantage or absence of vitamin A in the body.

    The fact is that Vitamin A, he is retinol, is part of the visual purple - a substance contained in numerous nervous endings of the retina and responsible for twilight and night vision.

    The chicken blindness is exacerbated as a rule early in spring, with a lack of vitamins. During this period, products such as liver cod, eggs, milk, carrots, pumpkin, green salad, tomatoes come to the rescue.

    Treatment of hemerahopia

    Congenital hemoralopy treatment does not succumb. In the case when hemerlopia is a symptom of any disease, the problem of chicken blindness is solved by the treatment of the underlying disease

    If we are talking about chicken blindness caused by a disadvantage of vitamin A, the disease is cured by the banal reception. True, of course, it is necessary to take drugs of vitamin A, and not products containing it. It is impossible to solve the problem with a conventional diet, it serves only for prophylaxis.

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