Grafting for children from influenza

With the onset of autumn in front of the seasonal immunization cabinet, whole queues are built. Those who wish to hurt from flu every year becomes more and more. Do you need to instill children? Perhaps, even a doctor will not be able to answer this answer. Vaccination is a voluntary business, so it is necessary to decide whether to instill your child from influenza or not.

If we talk about the vaccination for a child, then here the whole responsibility falls on the shoulders of parents, because in the mandatory Calendar vaccinations It is not included.

What is dangerous flu dangerous

Influenza, immunity, influenza vaccination, vaccinations

Flu - This is one of the most common viral diseases. It can be caused by viruses A, B and C. The peak of morbidity falls on the autumn and winter months. Flu can go to the epidemic.

Breast children up to six months older than influenza, because maternal antibodies protect them from viruses. But at the older age from influenza no one is insured.

Viruses are striking the upper respiratory tract. Often the disease occurs hard, rises temperature bodies and does not fall a whole week. The child becomes sluggish, moves little and immediately gets tired. Often the baby can complain about pain in the legs and handles, to strong headache, may appear nausea And even vomot.

Signs of influenza are a complete absence of sneezing, a sharp increase in body temperature, the appearance of chills, as well as discomfort in the muscles.

The disease is treatable, but the worst is the danger of complications. After the transferred influenza may develop pneumonia, Inflammation of the lungs or otitis. Because of this danger, many parents decide to instill a child.

There is a need?

Influenza, immunity, influenza vaccination, vaccinations

After vaccination, the baby can pick up the influenza virus. This will happen if vaccination has done very late. Immunity did not have time to form, and the resistance of the body has already decreased. It may happen in the event that the vaccine was «Live».

Based on the practice of doctors, you can make a certain conclusion - that after immunization, children also sick. This is due to the fact that children are unwritten to instill massively when the virus has already activated and such a technique cannot give positive results.

When this is not worth doing

There are contraindications to influenza vaccinations.

These include:

  • Allergic reaction to protein or similar preservatives;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • acute condition of the body (temperature, vomiting). The introduction of a vaccine after three to four weeks from the date of recovery is allowed;
  • If a complication (for example, an allergic reaction) occurred on the previous flu vaccine against influenza;
  • Live vaccine is not introduced to children under three years.

Preparation for vaccination

What should pay the attention of parents before carrying out the immunization of the child?

Our site recommends examining these requirements:

  1. The child must be absolutely healthy! Moving and the presence of a nasal mucus suggests that vaccination should be transferred to another day.
  2. With acute infectious disease or exacerbation of chronic diseases, vaccination should also be postponed for one or two weeks.
  3. Pay attention to the behavior of the child. If he became a capricious, refuses meals and games, it may indicate a beginner disease. It will be better if three or four days to postpone vaccination and watch for a crumb.

On the day of vaccination your child should feel well and not be hungry. The child will examine the pediatrician, listening to the lungs, measure the body temperature and check the throat. If at the time of inspection of the crumb is healthy, then you can make a vaccination against influenza.

Your baby allergic

Influenza, immunity, influenza vaccination, vaccinations

You decided to instill your child, so you need to know what to make an allergy child vaccination follows only in the specialized office on immunoprophylaxis. It should be anti-deposit and antihistamines. Almost a heavy form can be contraindicated to immunization Allergies In the period of exacerbation.

Before immunization, the child should conduct drug training. Usually doctors prescribe such antiallergic drugs: suprastin, diazoline or claritine, as well as herbal fees (dandelion, burdock).

After vaccination for forty minutes, the child must be under the supervision of specialists, because during this time an allergic reaction may occur.

Precautionary measures

Cheering a child against influenza is permitted from six months, but such babes are made extremely rarely, and then only on medical testimony. There are immunization programs, according to which children under two years old are vaccinated twice: break the dose into two parts and take a break in four weeks.

Due to the fact that children up to one and a half years of life and so strong vaccination load, then such babies make vaccinations only if the child often sick pneumonia or chronic Bronchitis.

If you have a baby, then the best protection against influenza will vaccinate adult family members. And parents can be advised to walk with a child in the fresh air and not to visit crowded places.

Influenza, immunity, influenza vaccination, vaccinations

To protect the baby and your family from viruses during the epidemic, it is necessary to comply with such recommendations:

  1. After staying on the street, as soon as I went home, you should wash my face and hands with running water. It is also desirable to rinse the nose and rinse the throat.
  2. In residential premises you need to wash the floors every day.
  3. Try more often to air the rooms in which you and your child.
  4. Baby You can give vitamin steaming, herbs and multivitamin complexes.
  5. If someone from the family members fell ill with flu, it must be isolated in a separate room and allocate individual dishes. You should also limit the contact of the child with a sick person, because it is a source of dangerous infection.

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