Vitamins for athletes

For people actively engaged in sports, full-fledged nutrition with a variety of menu is a prerequisite. However, not everyone can be so checked to monitor its diet and calculate the amount of carbohydrates obtained, calories, mineral substances in grams. Therefore, to fill the diet to the required volume of components, vitamins should be used.

The need for vitamins in sports nutrition

Vitamins, Minerals, Nutrition Athlete, Sport

Vitamins for athletes - the key to the coordinated work of all organism exchange processes. The disadvantage of these substances leads to the imbalance of the operation of the internal organs, resulting in various kinds of diseases. If you know which groups of vitamins have this or that effect, then to achieve the goal in physical exertion will be much easier. Our site proposes to consider the main tasks that allow you to solve a balanced reception of vitamin components for athletes:

  1. Prevention of appearance Hypovitaminosis. Most of us constantly experiencing a shortage of mineral and vitamin substances. However, it is for athletes that the lack becomes critical.
  2. Correction of regenerative processes in the body, as well as the normalization of anabolism and catabolism.
  3. Elimination of unbalanced diet. In accordance with the stages of the training of an athlete, he needs to adjust its nutrition, saturated with minerals and vitamins. Since the most adequate diet has a deficit by 20-35%, there is a need for additional reception of components.
  4. In the youthport of sports, there is an increase in the need to receive such components. The coach selects the load program based on which the daily need for vitamins of a particular group is determined to maintain the intensity, load volume and workouts. Vitamins are activated in energy transformation processes.
  5. Control of body weight, by reducing calorie and increasing the volume of the vitamin complex.
  6. Regeneration of the body after injuries.
  7. Replenishment of the required amount of protein.
  8. Frequent and sharp change of time zone to reduce pathological adaptation reactions, desynchosis, etc.
  9. Violation of fat exchange, assimilation of proteins and carbohydrates.
  10. Correction of mental and physical performance.

Types of vitamin therapy

Vitamins, Minerals, Nutrition Athlete, Sport

Main Power Supply Muscle Fabric - Vitamin B3. ON «Signs» Cells during exhaustive exercises in the gym. This component is contained in tuna, liver, eggs and milk.

Vitamins H and B7 serve to accelerate the process of sharing amino acids, t.E. Metabizma. Biotin is contained in the liver, egg yolks, genuine and cereals.

Vitamin B9 or folic acid Responsible for the normalization of blood consumption processes and, accordingly, sufficient supply of muscles with oxygen. Such a substance is rich in all bean cultures, as well as fresh vegetables.

To reduce the content of free radicals for the body of the athlete, vitamins C and E are needed. The latter is contained in large numbers in bran, nuts and vegetable oil (sunflower, olive), and vitamin C prevails in citrus crops, broccoli, melon, sweet Bulgarian pepper and tomatoes.

Increase performance indicators

In order to strengthen the endurance of the body, sports medicine provides for the reception of such components of the complex:

  1. Vitamin B6 - responsible for metabolic processes. It is contained in poultry meat, pork, fish, unlipped rice and cereal.
  2. Positive impact on muscular tone has vitamin B2. The component is part of dairy products, cereals and meat.
  3. Vitamin component B12 - Enhances the conductivity of nerve pulses from the brain to the nerve endings of muscle tissue. Substance rich meat, milk and fish.

Ingredients for prevention injuries

Vitamin D Provides easy exhalation of calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary to maintain a strong athlete bone tissue. Such a substance can be obtained by including eggs and fermented egg products in its diet.

Vitamin K is equally important, which quickly catalyzes the process of blood coagulation in athletes. The substance is contained in bananas, avocado, kiwi, as well as lettuce.

In addition to the above properties of vitamin C is also able to influence the regeneration and formation of connecting tissues of the athlete.


Vitamins, Minerals, Nutrition Athlete, Sport

Consider generally accepted dosage standards of vitamin components for athletes:

  1. Vitamin A - the permissible amount of retinol consumption for an ordinary person is 0.9 mg. For people exposed to intensive physical exertion, this indicator will be 1.2 mg.
  2. Vitamin B1 - its daily norm is 1.5 mg, but athletes consume about 10-20 mg of thiamine, depending on the loads.
  3. Vitamin B3 - For an ordinary person, its content in the diet should be limited to 20 mg. While athletes are prescribed daily rate - 50 mg.
  4. Vitamin B4 - its number for people with enhanced physical exertion varies in the range of 1-3 mg.
  5. Vitamin B5 is taken at the rate of 15 mg for an athlete, while for an ordinary person its norm - 5 mg.

Consider briefly the daily rate of the content of vitamins for athletes:

  • Vitamin B6 - 20 mg;
  • Vitamin B7 - 200 μg;
  • Vitamin B8 - 700 mg;
  • Vitamin B9 - 600 μg;
  • Vitamin B10 - 200 mg;
  • Vitamin B11 - 500 mg;
  • Vitamin B12 - 25 μg;
  • Vitamin B13 - 5000 mg;
  • Vitamin B14 - 700 mg;
  • Vitamin B15 - 5 mg;
  • vitamin C - 400 mg;
  • Vitamin D - 25 μg;
  • vitamin E - 100 mg;
  • Vitamin F - Omega-3 in volume 3 g, omega-6 in an amount of 10 g;
  • Vitamin K - 150 μg;
  • Vitamin P - 200 mg;
  • Vitamin N - 200-600 mg.

Vitamin complexes

Vitamins, Minerals, Nutrition Athlete, Sport

In the Russian market sells over 150 varieties of vitamin complexes, which are aimed at supporting the health of people actively engaged in sports. We will consider the most popular of them:

  1. «Alphabet Effect» - Effective vitamins for those subject to intensive mental and physical exertion. For this drug, it is typical of three tablets - for morning, daytime and evening reception. Such an approach is based on the best degree of components and high performance efficiency.
  2. «Vitrum Persomes» - Also a common multivitamin complex, one of whose readings is reinforced physical exertion. The distinctive characteristic is that in addition to 18 types of minerals and 12 vitamin components, the complex contains ginseng extract. It contributes to the high endurance of the organism, increase resistance and reduce overvoltage.
  3. «Gerimax Energy» - No less effective vitamin complex, including 10 vitamins, 7 micro- and macroelements, minerals and ecstatic tea, ginseng. Promotes a high concentration of attention, improving the health of the body.
  4. «Dynaman» Also worth attributed to vitamins for athletes. The drug contains a complex of necessary minerals and components necessary to restore the body after intensive physical exertion. Includes vitamins, minerals, ginseng extract, amino acids and trace elements.
  5. Vit & Min 100% - a specialized complex containing a full range of minerals and vitamins required for athletes. Suitable people who make daily exhausting workouts.

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