Warts treatments (removal) warts

Perhaps most often of all skin problems, the feeling of squeezing among others causes the warts. They are synonymous with uncleanness, dirt. Toads and frogs, for example, there is nothing at all. And although the attack of allergies can stimulate the manifestation of warts, but still they are not allergic, but a viral origin.

Perhaps most often of all skin problems, the feeling of squeezing among others causes the warts. They are synonymous with uncleanness, dirt, communicating with something unclean (remember how children say not to touch the toad, scaring with the warts).

Some sense in this, of course, is - but you should not believe everything. Toads and frogs, for example, there is nothing at all, the maximum that they can cause is a short-term allergic reaction. And although the attack of allergies can stimulate the manifestation of warts, but still they are not allergic, but a viral origin.

Causes of warts

Wart - this is such an outflow on the skin, something like a small skin tumor from 1-2 mm to more than 1 cm.

Distinguish several types of warts:

  • Ordinary (dense nodules of 3-10 mm in diameter, painless, color coincides with the color of normal skin);
  • The soles (remind the corn from the beam of filamentous papillas, painfully occur);
  • Papillomavirus man

  • flat (small nodules, almost do not protrude above the skin level);
  • Pointed Condylomes (genital warts, pointed, color - from light to bright pink);
  • senile (not related to the virus, rather with age-related changes. These are flat plaques with a size of 0.5 - 2 cm, different shapes, gray or brown).

The reason for the appearance of warts is a papilloma virus. It penetrates the human body through the microtraums of the skin with a direct touch to the carrier or to the subject that the carrier concerned 2-3 hours ago (for example, the floor in general soul in the pool, handrails in public transport, toys in kindergarten). Also, the virus can manifest itself from those who Higher sweat or in a person who is uncomfortable close shoes.

If the virus gets into the body never occurs immediate disease - the virus can live in a hidden form and manifest itself only after mental shock or against the background of the general weakening of the immune system. Or never manifest. But even against the background of a weak immune system, the virus will not appear earlier than 4-5 months.


Warts on the finger
It is known that it is easier to prevent the disease than being treated. This fully applies to warts.

First of all, our site recommends complying with elementary personal hygiene rules. As followed from the above, you should not walk barefoot in public areas, especially wet - type of shower, locker rooms, pool; Do not abuse such shoes in which the legs constantly sweat or at least find the opportunity to dry it well; do not touch without the need for your either foreign warts or subjects to the subjects to which the patient touched you.

Attention should also be paid to the overall state of health and, especially, the immune system - is balanced to eat and lead a healthy lifestyle.

It would also be nice to learn to relax and avoid stress - this is guaranteed to get rid of not only from the possible appearance of warts, but also from a whole bouquet of possible diseases.

Is it worth it?

As a rule, there is no need Treat warts. Often they disappear by themselves - as soon as the immune system is restored. But there are exceptions.

First of all, you need to be sure that we are talking about the wart, and not about a more serious illness masking under it. Therefore, just in case, our site recommends appearing to the dermatologist (only try, so that at the time of the visit to the doctor on the wart there were no medical or cosmetic products - in your same interests do not complicate his work).

It is especially important to seek help to a doctor in such cases:

  • If the warts quickly change the shape and / or color;
  • If the wart has inhomogeneous color;
  • If the borders of the warts are vague (then, most likely, this is not a wart);
  • If the wart hurts or is constantly injured (at the same time, the risk of rebirth is increasing into something more serious);
  • If the amount of warts increases;
  • If the wart is bleeding or itches;
  • If the wart appeared in the field of genital.

It makes sense to consult a doctor and then when the wart prevents you in work (for example, on the tip of the finger) or simply delivers psychological discomfort.

Folk remedies

Warts treatment methods, wart removal
Treat the wart can be very many ways. Someone will help one thing, someone - another. Even at the same person, the same method can work for one wart adequately, to another - no.

To begin with, our site will tell about the folk remedies for the treatment of warts - as less traumatic (with reasonable use). Deciding to resort to folk remedies, it is necessary to remember the likelihood that you do not have a wart, but just something like it. Therefore, if the method does not help for a reasonable period (up to month), it makes sense to consult a doctor.

One of the desired conditions for people's methods is faith in the fact that this method will help. In some cases, only faith is already enough (placebo effect).

Let's turn to specific examples. The list of folk funds is far from full, but it is already possible to have an idea of ​​the course of thought. At the very least, you can try - selected relatively harmless options.

  1. Autogenous training. Cut it yourself, close your eyes, relax - and, imagine how warts disappear. The method is good for people with live imagination.
  2. Take raw potatoes (as an option - apple, beets, other vegetable / fruit), cut in half, grasp the wart of each half. Then folded two parts of potatoes together and bury (these actions for not believe in magic are optional). When rotates - then the wart will disappear.
  3. Take a silk thread (hair, rope), and over each wart in the air to tie over the node, then hide the thread into the cut-off potatoes (or something else) and bury. This is one of the treatment methods based on faith in its effectiveness. No matter how surprisingly, but some still helps to get rid of warts.
  4. Folk medicine also proposes to graze and sprinkle a wart with chalk, and then tie into woolen fabric. Bandage try not to wet.
  5. Tightly tap the wart, and do not remove the bandage as long as possible - until you get dirty. For three weeks, the wart should go through (at least, so claim those who are sure that the warts of the warts of this method).
  6. 2 times a day to smear warts juice of freshlywalked cleanliness. Caution - juice is enough, so you need to smear only warts, and not the skin around. The same can be done using a dandelion juice or milk.
  7. Weekly put a bandage with scenes leaves of Kalanchoe, every day by changing fresh.
  8. Take 3 tablespoons of wormwood, pour a glass of boiling water and insist 2 hours in a closed dish. Make compress. And so - every day.
  9. Crude bulbust withstand in vinegar 2 hours, to bind over the night to the wart. Repeat a few nights in a row. Caution: In order not to burn the skin around the wart, you can use a plaster or a piece of a plastic bag.
  10. Folk Medicine offers another similarity similar to the previous remedy for warts: mix acetic acid with flour in proportion 1: 2. Cut in the plastering hole on the form of a wart - and stick it on the skin so that the warts are sticking out of the hole. Smear a wart with a mixture, and flick on top of the second plaster. Change the bandage 1-2 times a day, prevent the mixture to get into healthy skin (there may be burns). A week later, the wart should go.
  11. For plantar warts. Spread the leg in hot water with soda and carefully remove the buried layer. Wash the leg dry, put a small piece of raw meat on the wart, cover the linen and kicked up / stick the plaster, 3-4 days do not wet. Then repent again, softened to remove. If the wart is not all about it - repeat.
  12. Another folk remedy for the treatment of plantar warts. Banana peel into the wart of the border, its inner side.

When the wart will start black from above - this is a sure sign that her roots die
When the wart will start black from above - this is a sure sign that her roots die. During this period, do not try to cut the top layer from it, it is important that the wart will completely disappear - so increase the chances of protecting yourself from the re-appearance of the wart in the same place.

Folk remedies are good because they can always be tried to treat warts in children. The child may be afraid to go to the doctor, and it is not always necessary to expose gentle children's skin with radical treatment with official medicine methods. Especially since such folk remedies, like the migration of warts with vinegar and juice, cleanly, albeit more durable, but also more sparing towards the skin.

With children of preschool age People's methods of treatment can even be turned into an entertaining game: to lose the wart with something of the proposed, such as an apple, and suggest the child to bury the apple. Naturally, together with this, to strengthen the child's immunity.

Funds of official medicine

Official medicine can offer a whole range of methods of getting rid of warts. The choice of a particular method depends on what type of wart, as well as on the individual characteristics of your body. In addition to removal of the wart actually, you most likely, to avoid relapses, a general course of strengthening the immune system will be prescribed.

Consider each of the methods of Read more.

Cryodestruction (freezing with liquid nitrogen)
Cryodestruction (freezing with liquid nitrogen) warts
The destruction of warts with liquid nitrogen. It is applied to the wart with a tampon fixed on a wooden stick or with a special cryoapplist. Freeze wart within 10-30 seconds. At the same time, the wart becomes white and dense, and somewhere in an hour in her place it is formed a bubble, which keeps 5-7 days, gradually hidden. Finally, the crust moves in two weeks, leaving the light pink spot.

For the plantar warts, a longer course is needed - from several freezing with an interval of 2-3 days.

Wart «cut» fine metal loop under high frequency current, which helps to avoid bleeding, and at the same time to displaced fabrics. It remains enough material for histological examination - if there is a suspicion of oncology, for example. Operation is carried out under local anesthesia. After exposure to the current, a small crust is formed, which will disappear in a week (all this time it is better not to wet and not to cover cosmetics so that there is no shmille left).

Wart remove layers with a laser under local anesthesia. On the site of the warts there is a small deepening, which is aligned in 2-3 weeks. If we are talking about the plantar wart, then you need to consider that these 2-3 weeks will have to take care of the leg - walk as little as possible.

Surgical excision
The method applies only when warts are large enough (or somewhat spilled in one). Under local anesthesia, everything is increasingly cut with a scalpel, and be sure to go to the study. The skin is sewn with cosmetic seam, after which only a thin light flat scar will remain.

Chemical methods
The chemical method of treating warts is to lubricate warts with enough acid or alkali
Apply relatively rare. This ward lubrication is enough with acid or alkali - or one-time, or as a course of treatment. At the same time, high risk damage the surrounding tissues, or to introduce an infection, and a pleasant little.

Except may be except for the treatment of warts salicylic acid. It can be bought in a pharmacy in liquid form, like ointment (in combination with something else) or as a special plaster. For some types of warts it works quite well. The main thing is to remember that it is only necessary to delete the wart, and not the flap of the skin on which it has grown - that is, it is necessary to lubricate only the wart, put it with a special plaster - too, only wart. Our site advises to do this: Cut a hole in the usual adhesive plate on the form of your wart and paste it to protect the skin. Then apply salicylic acid in one form or another for a wart, and consolidate the design by another layer of the patch. Bandage change 1-2 times a day. There is only one nuance: some doctors do not recommend this method for those who sick diabetes or blood circulation disorders - such people are better treated under the supervision of a doctor.

Someone helps one treatment method, someone else. It is usually difficult to say from which a wart was passed exactly - and it does not need it, because even one person has such a method that one method has one method, and this one does not work on another, but there is another ..

After the end of the treatment of a concrete wart, it would be nice to pass and the common course - in order to avoid relapses, at least the vitamins to drink (which specifically, will tell your attending physician).

But the main thing - now you have a new experience, and if suddenly the warts will arise again, you already know what to do!

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