Treatment of maculodistrophia


Causes and diagnostics of maculodistrophia

Makulyodistrophia - a disease at which the central region of the retina is affected and the central vision is disturbed. At the heart of the maculodystrophia lies the pathology of the vessels and dysfunction of the central retinal zone, (the nerve cells of the central retina zone are called - macula) responsible for central eyesight. Development of dystrophic eye diseases, including maculodystrophy, may occur:
  • Due to the violation of blood circulation in the eye vessels against the background of their sclerotic change in persons over 50 years old;
  • Against the background of the overall concomitant pathology, accompanied by a violation of metabolic processes in the body, for example, diabetes, the pathology of the thyroid gland, blood disease, hypertensive disease, kidney disease, etc.;
  • Against the background of impairment of hemodynamics in the vessels supplying the brain (the cause of the hemodynamic violation is most often osteochondrosis, spondylis of the cervical spine, the prevalence of which is currently extremely large, including those in young people).
Age maculodystrophy is the leading cause of vision loss in persons over 50 years in economically developed countries.
The number of cases of maculyodistrophy increases with age. So 10% of the population of the planet between the ages of 65-75 have a significant loss of central vision, and about 75.3% are certain manifestations of age maculodyfia.

Scientists still unknown the reason for the development of maculyodistrophy, there is no accurate idea of ​​why yellow spot is destroyed. Various theories are prompted and checked:
  • Some researchers show that the risk of maculodistrophia increases with a deficiency in the body of antioxidants, vitamins C and E, mineral substances, such as lutein and zeaxanthine;
  • Smoking can also be attributed to risk factors, if a person throws smoking, the risk gradually decreases;
  • Paul - Women suffer from this disease more often than men;
  • Genetic predisposition - Currently, several genes are known, which are transmitted from generation to generation and can affect the development of maculodistrophy;
  • Ultraviolet affects retina.

Usually the diagnosis of difficulties does not represent, t.To. Symptoms are characteristic. To confirm the diagnosis, ophthalmologists conduct an examination of the eye bottom, determine the field of view and visual sharpness. Such methods of diagnosis as fluorescent angiography and optical coherent tomography have great importance.

How to get rid of maculodystrophy

Treatment of maculodystrophiaFor a long time did not exist effective methods for the treatment of maculodystrophiya. Used mainly conservative therapy.

The main therapeutic measures included local treatment: preparations that protect the fabrics of the eye, strengthening the vascular wall, blocking free radicals of oxygen (antioxidants) arising from violation of redox processes. Violation of redox processes always accompanies the development of maculyodistrophy and often represents one of the main links of its occurrence and development. Medicinal preparations are used in the form of injections under the conjunctival of the eyeball or parabulbarno, inside in the form of tablets, intramuscularly and intravenously. With the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy, surgical interventions were proposed, improving blood microcirculation in the eye vessels. However, these treatments are ineffective with the most dangerous moist form of maculodystrophia.

In recent years, encouraging the results of photodynamic therapy. Photodynamic therapy with a relatively new method of treatment «wet» Forms of maculodistrophia. For treatment, a photosensitizer is used - a drug that increases the absorption of light emitted by a laser, in the newly formed vessels. This drug is called Vodin. In this case, the substance is introduced intravenously. From the blood flow, the visudine is selectively absorbed only by the newly educated eye vessels and practically does not affect the mesh shell of the eye. At this time, a laser exposure session is carried out under computer control. To do this, a cold red laser is heading for a newly formed vascular membrane under the retina. Newly formed vessels are thrombing, engaged and sticking, hemorrhages stop, vision is saved.

Thus, laser radiation is actively absorbed only in the area of ​​the eye where it is necessary. The size of the neovascular (vascular) lesion is determined using a special study - fluorescent angiography and a series of computer images of the eye don.

Treatment with a visy is performed outpatient. Within 48 hours after treatment, this drug retains increased light sensitivity. The doctor will give the necessary instructions on the preparations for the procedure and rules of behavior after therapy by the urban, to avoid the risk of complications.

The method of photodynamic therapy is used in the treatment «wet» Forms of age maculodystrophia. In the case of relapses, treatment with the viscous need to repeat.

In recent years, truly revolutionary progress in treatment «wet» Makulyodistrophia with the help of drugs of blockers of the so-called vascular endothelial growth factor. This is, above all, Lucentes and Avastin. Preparations do not grow with newly formed vessels, reduce the exudation and contribute to the preservation of the nerve cells of the central retinal zone (Macula). The drug is introduced directly inside the eye using a special injection.

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