Why our vision worsens and what to do about it?


  • What is myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and how they are corrected?
  • The most reliable and safe way to restore vision
  • Current issues on laser correction

  • Human eye has several refractive media through which light rays are passing from items. In the end, they focus on the retina, and we get a clear image. But this is if the vision is good. In disabilities of refraction (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism), the length of the eye does not correspond to the power of the refractive apparatus (cornea and lens) and the person sees fuzzily.

    What is myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and how they are corrected?

    Why is our sight worsen, and what to do about it?

    At myopia (myopia) the image is not on the retina, but on the plane in front of it. Result — Poor vision in the distance. Correction task — weaken the power of the refractive device of the eye so that the image accounted for the retina, that is, returned «Norma».

    Why is our sight worsen, and what to do about it?

    With depreciation The image is in the plane behind the retina, and the far-sighted people are poorly seen both on the distant and close range. By increasing the power of the refractive apparatus, it can be achieved that the rays will focus where they focus under normal vision.

    Astigmatism — The cornea on different axes may have different optical strength or surface not the same curvature. Because of astigmatism, for example, part of the image can focus before the retina, and the other part — for her and t.NS. As a result, a man sees a distorted image. In this case, it is necessary to make the refractive force of the cornea the same at different points, «Colmia» Image in a specific field of retinal.

    The most reliable and safe way to restore vision

    To date, there are more than 20 methods for the correction of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. However, the most efficient, reliable and safe is laser correction of view; This recognize many leading ophthalmologists in the world. With laser correction, the impact occurs on one of the refractive media — cornea. Due to the fact that the form «Natural lenses» Eyes varies, the image after the correction focuses on the retina.

    Correction technology

    Why is our sight worsen, and what to do about it?Lasik — The most progressive and effective technique today. Its main advantage is that the surface layers of the cornea are preserved, and the evaporation of the corneal tissue comes from the middle layers. Using a special modern device — Microratoma forms a surface corneal flap with a thickness of 130-150 microns, after which the laser evaporates part of the cornea, and then the flap stacked in place. Seam imposition is not required. Restoring the epithelium on the edge of the flap occurs within a few hours after the operation, and at this time the patient experiences only insignificant discomfort. Improvement of vision comes immediately after surgery. Finally vision is restored for several days.

    Current issues on laser correction

    At what age is better to make laser vision correction?
    Optimal for laser correction is considered to be age from 18 to 45 years. Up to 18 years old, the body is still developing - and with an increase in the eyeball, vision may change. After 45, the correction is possible, but it must be remembered that it does not insure the emergence of age limblessness (Presbyopia).

    Is there any contraindications for laser vision correction?
    Contraindications are the presence of some eye (cataract, glaucoma and t.NS.) and common diseases (diabetes, tuberculosis and t. NS.). It is not recommended to conduct correction during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The final decision on the possibility of holding a correction is made by a doctor on the basis of data obtained from a comprehensive examination of vision. Those who cannot be made laser correction in the clinic «EXIMER» will select other remedial methods.

    Is the occurrence of side effects after laser vision correction?
    In an ophthalmologic clinic «Eksimer» Correction has passed more than 150.000 people. The newest modern equipment, huge accumulated experience and continuous improvement of the method minimized the occurrence of side effects, which in the end no longer affect the final outcome of the operation and obtaining the predicted result.

    Do you need restrictions on exercise after the correction?
    After this procedure, you can conduct a familiar lifestyle, t.To. No restrictions on physical and visual loads. Laser vision correction on Lasik technology — The only way to restore vision for persons experiencing maximum loads: test pilots, climbers, cascaders, etc.

    What are the benefits of lasic laser correction?

    • Laser vision correction passes painless
    • Provides the required result with the minimum risk of side effects
    • The shortest recovery period (after a few hours after the correction, good vision is restored)
    • Wide range of applications — In the absence of contraindications, it eliminates myopia (up to - 15.0 d), hyperopia (up to + 5.0 d), astigmatism (up to + 3.0 d)
    • Perennial observations of patients showed — Laser correction does not cause impairment

    If you have vision problems, then on the clinic website «EXIMER» you will find everything you need. We will tell you about what eye diseases are and most importantly as they are treated, they will answer all the questions you are interested in (ask an ophthalmologist's question). The site has a separate page for future mothers dedicated to the problems of vision and pregnancy. As well as for those who work a lot at the computer (vision and computer). Let's tell me what eye exercises can restore vision and how to abide by lighting hygiene.
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