What is the unexpected taste in the mouth?


What does an unexpected taste in the mouth say?What are unexpected tastes talking about? Really only about food addies? Or is it information about diseases that the body sends us?

Let's start with the listing of tastes, which sometimes felt in the mouth. It should be remembered that taste sensations may occur due to food. It is then that it is necessary to talk about irrational nutrition or even abuse of some products, for example, alcohol or nicotine.

In the morning after yesterday's abundant feast, it seems that «Abdominal holiday is still with you». Unpleasant taste and smell of mouth, dryness, acid and bitterness — Here is the aftertaste of the party. But if the unpleasant feelings in the mouth do not leave you during the day, are not related to meals or manifests themselves not only by the smell, but also other unnecessary tastes, you should immediately visit the specialist. Mass of all sorts of advice offers traditional medicine, but only a visit to a professional is able to resolve all your doubts. Gastroenterologist, therapist, dentist is always at your service and are ready to give clarification.

Acid in the mouth — We are looking for the cause!

Acute saliva in the mouth gives a lot of trouble and can be as a consequence of certain diseases and consequences of alcohol excesses. A similar feeling in the oral cavity often arises due to angina, pharyngitis or laryngitis, which means that your path lies with the ENT doctor.

A completely different situation occurs when an acid is felt in the mouth after eating. The main reasons for such a taste can be:

  • metabolic disease;
  • reduced or increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • gastritis, ulcerative disease;
  • pancreas or gallbladder diseases;
  • oral diseases;
  • improper nutrition, abundance of acidic vegetables and fruits, as well as acidic, sharp, spicy and fried food.

An acidic taste appears when oxidizing metal crowns and may indicate the disease of the teeth, such as periodontitis, caries. In addition, such sensations may be a consequence of side effects of some drugs that increase the level of acidity in the stomach.

Sliced ​​saliva in the mouth after eating — This is an unpleasant feeling that at first glance can even be released from sight, deciding that «Everyone will pass». And only attentive attitude to their health should alert and serve as an impetus for visiting a specialist. It is clear that the answer about the causes of sour lifting can only be obtained after a comprehensive survey and clarifying all your food addictions.

Gorky me, bitter... How to yield it «Gorky feeling»?

We can say that bitterness — This is a pretty understandable and famous taste. In most cases, this can signal your stomach or gallbladder, especially after the rich feast. But this does not mean that it is worth limking to only the recipes of traditional medicine or therapeutic herbs.

It is necessary, first of all, to adjust the diet. To do this, eliminate fried, sharp, acid, spicy, oily food. It is recommended to increase the frequency of reception and the volume of consumed drinking water, adding it to green tea. One of the required rules — Compliance with oral hygiene, including rinse of mouth after meals. If such sensations are manifested regularly, it is recommended, not postponing, go to the gastroenterologist.

«Did not tell «Halva, Halva», And in the mouth sweet»...

The feeling of sweetness in the mouth often occurs when impaired metabolic. In addition, the presence of diseases such as chronic pancreatitis, acute inflammation of the pancreas, hepatitis can also contribute to the appearance of a sweet taste. Strong overvoltage or stress, poisoning of heavy metals, nicotine, as it happens in chronic smokers, is often spoken by a sweet taste in the mouth. Sweet taste can be a sign of diabetes and occur when the blood sugar level increases.

Salted taste in the mouth — Moisture deficiency

The lack of fluid in the body is manifested by constant «feeling salinian in the mouth», and the more dehydration, the higher the salt concentration in saliva. Such a feeling may arise because of the abundance of too salted food and with the disease of the salivary glands when the salt clogs the salivary. As a result, saliva begins to accumulate, and the concentration of sodium chloride is significantly increased. Under such circumstances, it is necessary to increase the consumption of fluid to 2.5 liters per day.

Herry plant taste or «Mashed egg»

What does an unexpected taste in the mouth say?Familiar to some feeling «Turning eggs» Usually indicates the presence of gastritis with reduced acidity. More often this disease is congenital pathology and is associated with insufficient production of gastric juice. In view of the lack of gastric juice, food does not have time to digest in the stomach, accumulates and starts «rot». The problem requires the immediate intervention of the gastroenterologist, as well as the appointment of drugs and a strict diet.

Metal flavor — is not «Havie Metal»

Metal flavor usually appears when the main blood component is destruction — Hemoglobin. As is known, in composition it contains a microelerant of iron, which provides «metal» A taste in the mouth. The main causes of this taste can be:

  • changes in the work of the hematopoietic system;
  • metabolic disease;
  • hormonal restructuring;
  • Gastrointestinal pathology;
  • initial stage of diabetes;
  • Teeth and gum disease.

Dangerous taste of acetone

The appearance of such a ski and smell in the mouth is associated with a low level of glucose in the body, which occurs during the severe course of diabetes. This should immediately bring the patient to the endocrinologist, where the assistance will be provided and the necessary diet is appointed.

Among the rare tastes in the mouth should also be mentioned by the taste of soda and iodine. This may be a sign of the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the reaction of the body on some drugs, the symptom of the thyroid gland, liver and oral cavity.

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