Very often we pull the visit to the proctologist because of fear. But it's no secret that, the sooner the disease is diagnosed, the more successful it is treated. This also applies to polyps colon. To diagnose this illness, colonoscopy is widely used. Is it worth afraid of this procedure? Let's learn the opinion of the specialist.
Polyps - the disease of the elderly
- Polyps are Patoanatomic, fabric changes in the mucous membranes of internal organs. They can appear on the gastric mucosa, cervix, intestines. We are engaged in colorectal polyps, that is, polyps of straight and colon. As a rule, they arise against the background of constipation: Cal has dried, compacted and, mechanically affecting the mucous membrane, rides, eroses it, contributes to the appearance of hyperplasia and polyps.
- And with a liquid chair there may be polyps?
- If the diarrhea is long-term, then it can be chemically affected on the mucous membrane, which also contributes to the formation of polyps.
- Constipation usually appear in adulthood. Consequently, polyps - older disease?
- Yes, mostly. If at 30-40 years old, the polyps are found in 5 percent of the patients examined, then among 60-80-year-olds - in 50 percent, that is, each second. But sometimes they are also possible in children with hereditary predisposition.
Polyps are often detected in women, because they are more disciplined and regularly undergo a dispensary examination. Although in fact men are sick more - smoking is affected, addiction to alcohol, non-compliance with diet, stressful situations, cholecystitis...
Talk about colonoscopy

- Indeed, clinically polyps usually do not show themselves. It's usually, «Casual finds» With prophylactic inspection. However, the polyps are often transmitted to colorectal cancer in the elderly and old people. That is why we recommend patients over 40 years of age undergo an endoscopic colon survey (colonoscopy) - once every three years.
Of course, there are other types of surveys - finger, x-ray (irrigoscopy), laboratory (feces analysis on hidden blood), but they are less informative. A large polyp colon can be caught ultrasound, small - only eye with endoscopy.
- But, you see, Anatoly Ivanovich, colonoscopy - a very painful and unpleasant procedure. Already at one appointment it becomes not good...
- Really nice little. But now such a survey, as well as the removal of polyps with colonoscopy, can be carried out with anesthesia, however, this is already paid service. By the way, President J. Bush, when he was made by a preventive colonoscopy under anesthesia, half an hour, while this procedure lasted, passed the management of the country to vice president. And nothing - everything went fine.
I note, in the US, such a survey at a polype with a dysplasia is worth a thousand, and the removal of a polyp through a colonoscope is 1.5 thousand dollars. We also have a colonoscopy in most medical institutions for free, but patients often have, as they say, to force «from under the stick». Although they are preparing for colonoscopy now without enema. The patient drinks a formtrans solution in the evening (at the rate of - 1 powder per 1 liter of water, based on the patient's weight), and for three hours, all the contents of the intestine is washed away like the river. At night, a person rests, and in the morning goes to a colonoscopy, as for a holiday.
What are the polyps
- Externally remind «mushrooms». First on the mucosa arises Education (HAT «Mushroom») Hemisphern form, then under the influence of intestinal peristaltics, a leg appears, in the center of which is marked by a blood vessel. That is why when such a polyp is broken, no bleeding is excluded. If a polyp is large (2 cm or more) and covers the intestinal lumen, intestinal obstruction is possible.
When a polyp has a long leg and it begins to bother, pain, blood selection may occur. Such a manifestation of the aless should alert a person, to make a doctor. Sometimes the polyp head disappears independently, but the base of the leg remains. If it is not burnt, the continued growth of the polyp can be observed.
- Mushrooms are known to grow by families. And polyps?
- Polyps can also form «Mushrooms». Sometimes there are several others around one polyp. Most often they are localized in the left half of the colon. Detection of a polyp in the lower sections of the colon - a signal for a thorough examination of its overlying departments.
- Polyps grow rapidly?
- All in different ways. Sometimes a small polyp is not manifested by decades: sitting and sits - tiny, semi-shaped. And then the stressful situation, experienced by man, overnight provokes his height.
A little about the treatment of colon polyps
- Now the late professor Alexander Nikolaevich Ameninee from Samara at one time treated polyps of dust sections of the colon microclism from Celandine. However, this process is quite long, and the patient sometimes simply did not have time to cure, since the polyps were reborn into malignant education. Nevertheless, it should not refuse this method.
Microclizm Recipe: 1 Art. A spoon was poured with a glass of boiling water, it insists 15-20 minutes. Introduced into the rectum for the night of a quarter cup in the chilled form for 10 days. After that, the intestinal examination is required: the doctor checks how the mucous membrane reacts to such treatment. With inflammatory polyps, the result is usually good - they disappear.
- That you can recommend, except cleanliness?
- Known medicinal products Kesetoxib, Sulindak. The first is clinical trials. The second drug must be used with great care, as the mucous membrane of the colon «It is over» Together with polyps. This is a very painful process, often accompanied by abundant intestinal bleeding.
There are so-called Phyto immunocormers - Boligols, akonite, mistletoe, the cheremnica, a submorennik, a grassy elder, which constrain the growth of polyps. Separately or in combination 1 st. Spoon of herbs is brewed with a glass of boiling water. Accepted inside from 1 st. Spoons up to quarter cup 3 times a day before meals for a month.
To increase the immune protection of the body used Eleutherokokk, Maryan Root, Rhodiola Pink, Tollga Sixlet. Some of them are sold in pharmacies in alcohol solutions. Herbs are well complemented by microclists from Celandine.
Recently, French scientists have discovered vitamin B17 in the grains of apples, cherries, pears of any variety. They need to be released and eat - 3-4 grains per day. No harm, but the benefit is huge - a very good means for polyps resorption. The same vitamin contains and ordinary buckwheat porridge, food bran - Eat on health! But to mineral waters should be careful: they can provoke the growth of polyps.
- Often there are relapses after removal of polyps?
So, you need to follow the work of the intestine, to move more, do physical exercises - especially useful swimming, - to get rid of constipation and diarrhea in a timely manner. Here are two simple advice:
- In the morning on an empty stomach drinking a glass of water. A good laxative agent is 150 ml of carrot juice, also an empty stomach, cherry juice, ragners of its fresh or dried fruits, fresh or dumbfounder (with chronic constipation to use 2-3 cups per day), viburnum berries and blueberries - also fresh.
- When diarrhea drink a glass of strong tea with 1 st. spoon starch. Effective in the infusion of rye superstars - pour boiled water, give to stand and drink a little time during the day. Or 1 st. A spoonful of chopped pomegranate crust brew a glass of boiling water, insisted that the infusion has acquired a color, and drink everything at once.
But, most importantly, it is necessary, threading any fear and incomprehensible shame, to force yourself to pass an endoscopic examination for clinical examination. Then in the future you can avoid more painful and protracted therapeutic procedures.