Dysbacteriosis: myths and reality


  • And then then hurts?
  • Self-deception with severe consequences
  • Golden mean

  • Head
    Department of chronic bowel disease and pancreas
    Clinic IM. IN. NS. Vasilenko MMA. AND.M. Sechenov, Candidate Medical
    Oleg Sifrin sciences claims: such a disease, as dysbacteriosis, not
    Dysbacteriosis: myths and reality
    «This is
    The concept is incorrect, – says Oleg Sifrin. – It is used
    mainly by individual doctors in Russia, but not used in
    other countries. The fact is that the norm in the small intestine practically
    There is no microflora. But when she appears and feeling
    Drilling belly, various pain appear. It is this state more often
    all incorrectly called dysbacteriosis or dysbiosis».

    Togo on TV We are every day we see advertising of various means,
    designed to save us from intestinal dysbiosis, pills against
    Hearts and T.D. Hurry up to acquire another drug to normalize
    Intestinal microflora. But it turns out that they are treated, we do not know.

    And then then hurts?

    thinks Dr. Shifrin, symptoms that are described by the word
    «Dysbacteriosis», Present in many diseases and syndromes:
    Syndrome of irritated colon, excess microbial syndrome
    growth, antibiotic-associated colitis, diarrhea and t.D.

    Dysbacteriosis – This is peculiar «Salonian team» diverse
    symptoms, but not an independent disease. Because of
    Dysbacteriosis is called everything in a row, a serious confusion arises in
    Diagnosis. But the main danger lies in the fact that after
    Setting the wrong diagnosis is applied absolutely wrong

    Self-deception with severe consequences

    self-medication usually looks approximately equally. Feeling
    discomfort and unpleasant symptoms in the region of the gastrointestinal tract,
    We yourself put the diagnosis «Belly disorder» or the same
    «Dysbacteriosis», And helping advertising offers a lot of money
    Getting rid of ailment. At the same time, as studies show, choosing
    preparation for self-medication, patients are often guided not
    medical testimony, and what advertising slogan them more

    wants, «so that the stomach did not suffer», someone loved the revolution, which
    «Abdominal abdes», SomeDysbacteriosis: myths and realityOre want to «5 minutes – And no
    heartburn». Not only that such an approach provokes the wrong
    Application of drugs, after which the drug is often announced
    User ineffective. Uncontrolled reception can apply
    Significant harm to health.

    The most harmless complaints, such as heartburn or constipation, may be
    The cause of serious pathologies. «Constipation – Multiple symptom. He can
    testify of severe diseases, including oncological.

    Therefore, with a sharply developing constipation, an adult person after
    40–45 years old is just obliged to consult a doctor, – tells doctor
    Shifrin. – Heartburn also serious reason to consult with
    Specialist because, due to the permanent heartburn, Ezophagit arises
    – Prejudice state of the esophagus.

    By the way, the heartburn is in no case
    It is worth treating soda – It will only worsen the condition of the mucous membrane
    esophagus. In short, if painful symptoms do not pass in a short time,
    Need to immediately go to the clinic».
    So-called dysbacteriosis starts from ignorance to treat antibiotics.
    This often causes the development of antibiotic-associated colitis or
    Antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

    Often because of the wrong
    Selected drugs in the patient develops medicinal hepatitis.
    «In no case should not abuse annoying laxatives
    means, such as Senna or Alexandria, rhubarb and t.D.

    Similar tools can only be used briefly, for example, in
    postoperative period and similar situations. And frequent their use
    leads to addiction. These drugs lose a relaxing effect and
    contribute to the development of intestinal diseases», – Warning doctor.

    Golden mean

    You should not fall into a panic, if in the abdomen something colonulo, but also the nail polit of their health is also not worth.
    Intestine live thousands and thousandsDysbacteriosis: myths and realityand a variety of microorganisms.

    Only a doctor can assume the presence of an infectious pathogen
    The basis of the results of a special bacteriological examination (but
    not traditional analysis, where 8–10 types of microorganisms,
    After that it is concluded about the presence or absence of dysbiosis).

    the intestine is healthy, it is necessary to eat right. «Necessary
    ride the golden middle, – I am sure Oleg Siphrin. – In reasonable
    the limits are also creamy oil, and eggs, but after forty years
    need to use smaller fats. Should carefully study the composition
    products and use only those containing minimum chemical

    drugs normalizing intestinal microflora are also entitled to
    Existence. But they should be accepted on the recommendation of the doctor, and
    Qualified specialist. Do not listen to your advice
    cosmetologist or dentist on the treatment of intestines.

    And of course, if you decide to engage in self-medication, neglected
    funds can not be chosen, looking only to advertising slogans.
    Carefully read the instructions for the drug, read not
    only readings, but also contraindications. And then there is a chance that you do not
    will have to deepen into the terminological debrist and guess which parasite
    this time ruined your life.

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