Types and symptoms of colitis in children


Types and symptoms of colitis in children
Colitis — This is inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. In childhood pathology
Distributed. It is believed that chronic colitis in adults originates
It is in childhood. In order to avoid the development of complications necessary
to conduct adequate therapy at the initial stage of the progression of pathological
the process and in the future carefully monitor the development of the situation, conducting
Preventive inspections and regular diagnostics.

Types of colitis in children

Depending on the cause of the development of the disease, several types of colitis are distinguished:

  • Acute colitis in children: symptoms differ
    intensity, and the process itself develops against the background of infectious disease,
    glytami infection; manifests itself strong pain in the stomach, diarrhea, vomiting,
    ailment, dehydration.
  • Chronic colitis: leaks with regular exacerbations, illness
    develops, as a rule, after the unrealized acute inflammatory process
    in the intestinal mucosa.
  • Allergic colitis in children: arises on the background
    Increased sensitivity to certain allergens coming with food.
  • Drug Colitis: It is based on a long receipt
    medicines (antibacterial drugs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
  • Pseudomembranous colitis in children: intestinal inflammation
    Develops due to prolonged antibiotic treatment.
  • Segmental colitis: The pathological hearth is localized in
    a certain portion of the colon.
  • Ulcerative colitis in children: manifests itself with sharp symptoms, characterized by bloody diarrhea,
    pools, ulceration of the intestinal mucosa, which are often
    ends with the spout of its wall and the development of abundant bleeding.

Types and symptoms of colitis in children
Symptoms colitis in children
typically characterized by pain syndrome. Pain can be a stupid, stupid,
arising from periodically, and maybe — Kinjal and unbearable. Symptoms of ulcerative colitis in children
(nonspecific) somewhat different from acute inflammation caused by
Penetration into the intestine of infectious pathogens. Meteorism can be weak
developed, but in the toddler chair parents often detect blood admixture. At
progression of disease blood becomes more noticeable, can begin
bleeding. Against the background of allergic colitis
Children often detected skin rashes, mucous discharge from the nose and
Other signs of acute reaction to the use of prohibited food.

How to eat when colitis in children?

Colitis of any kind should be special. From the diet you need to exclude everything
Dishes that are able to irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract: sour
Juices, sausages, smoked, sauces, seasonings, marinades, mushrooms, hard bread,
Fresh fruits and vegetables.

In the first days
Development of colitis in children Recommended partial starvation. Allowed low-fat
Broth, small amount of mucous porridge on water. The diet is expanding,
But most restrictions still persist. A strict diet is necessary
Observe in the period of exacerbation of the disease. When recovery comes,
not enough forbidden dishes and aggressive drinks.

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