Erosive gastritis: symptoms and treatment


You began to notice that the last time is increasingly
Feels the decline of forces, after meals you have an unpleasant sensation in the stomach,
belching? Pass the examination maybe these are the first symptoms of chronic
erosive gastritis.

Such erosive gastritis

Erosive gastritis: symptoms and treatmentErosive gastritis — This is the type of inflammation of the mucous
stomach in which its wall is destroyed. As a result, defects appear — erosion. Based on the features of the course of the disease, erosive gastritis divide on
Acute and chronic.

The development of acute erosive gastritis is associated with
Heavy poisoning poisons or chemical reagents, serious violations
functions of the kidneys and liver, sepsis. It is rarely found and the most dangerous form
Diseases. Most often to cure it fails, and the disease goes into
chronic form.

Chronic erosive gastritis can develop as
Side effect of reception of some drugs, regular
alcohol use, excessively acute food, and may also accompany such
Diseases like gastric cancer, Crohn's disease.

Erosive reflux gastritis — One of the subspecies
chronic form of the disease. With a weak pylorus (muscle that «Closes»
exit from the stomach) and violation of intestinal motility, bile from the intestine falls into
stomach. It contains many acids that destroy the gastric mucosa.

Symptoms of erosive gastritis

Disease manifestations depend on its form. At
acute gastritis symptoms appear suddenly. Patients feel nausea,
Strong burning near the swords-shaped beasts. Characteristic — Blood B
Massaches. Stool unregular, often black — True sign
presence in blood faces (melena). After taking food, a person feels a feeling
gravity and blunt pain in the stomach.

Diagnose chronic gastritis yourself — very difficult. Indeed, in the early stages, symptoms are low or
absent. Patients celebrate meteorism, sour belly, a sense of discomfort in
stomach, constant weakness. With reflux gastritis symptoms are very similar,
Some people complain about the bitter taste in the mouth. First typical symptoms
manifest only with exacerbation of the disease.

The main methods of treating erosive

Erosive gastritis: symptoms and treatmentIn erosive gastritis, a comprehensive
treatment. To develop a treatment regimen, the doctor must establish the cause
Diseases. When there is a suspicion of bacterial damage to the mucous,
Patient prescribe antibiotics. With symptoms testifying to
abundant bleeding, the doctor should consider the possibility of surgical
interventions. If at the time of the diagnosis of the disease, the patient accepted
medications capable of irritating the walls of the stomach, they are canceled or prescribed in
Injection form.

Second direction — This is accelerating healing
mucous. The patient prescribe drugs that bind free acids in
stomach («Omeless», «Almagel»). It protects its walls from aggressive
actions. Justified the use of drugs accelerating the regeneration of the mucous
(«Trental», «Iberogast»). There are medicines («Alsukral») who are capable
Create a protective film on the surface of the mucous. Their use is significantly
Accelerates the process of recovery.

During the illness, the stomach cannot work in the usual
mode. Therefore, a different enzyme preparations are prescribed to the patient

During reflux, gastritis prescribe drugs,
Improving intestine motility. When bleeding must be taken
bloodstand drugs.

Diet is assigned to erosive gastritis — This
Key point of treatment. During this period, you need to completely abandon acute and
Salt food, citrus, fried, alcohol, strong coffee, tea, carbonated
Beverages, fatty meat. All these products or irritate the wall of the stomach, or
Require long digestion. Milk and legumes cause meteorism, their
Use should be limited.

Base of ration — porridge cooked or cooked
on a couple of vegetables, soups. You can use fermented milk products with low
acid content. Dietary meat, low-fat fish — Basic sources of protein
At the time of diet.

Treatment of erosive gastritis by folk methods — Very dangerous occupation in such a serious disease. Output of self-medication
Whether will be successful and expensive will cost your body.

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