What is lactase insufficiency? How is the treatment of lactase deficiency? Answers to these questions you will find in the article.
Lactase insufficiency
From the first days, even hours of life of a newborn baby, his feeding is becoming the main concern for Mom. Probably everyone knows that the best food for a child - maternal
milk. It is unique in its composition and properties and, in addition,
is a finished sterile product with the necessary
However, there are situations where the child is deprived of this invaluable
Nutrition. This is usually caused by such reasons as heavy
Mother's disease, its sudden departure, a sharp decrease in lactation and others.
Well, here, as they say, nothing can be done, you have to
Translate a child to artificial feeding.
But it is not uncommon and such cases when breastfeeding
associated with the presence of a child of a frequent liquid chair - diarrhea, or as we
accustomed to call it - diarrhea.
A variety of moms are familiar to this situation: the baby becomes restless,
Jumps, the tummy from him will be seen - it is clear that it hurts, chair is read
up to 10-12 times a day, as a result of which the child adds enough to
Weight, and in severe cases, even some loss of body weight is observed.
Naturally, in this case, you need to consult a doctor! Only
The doctor conducting the necessary analyzes can determine the nature of the intestinal
disorders and find out what it is caused by intestinal infection or other reasons.
And if diarrhea in the child is not accompanied by an increase in temperature,
blood test does not show inflammatory changes, and in feces not
The pathogenic flora is detected, it can be assumed noncommunicable character
Diarrhea. After all, it is often the cause of anxiety, elevated
gas formation, pain in the stomach, frequent liquid chair in the kid
is a decrease in the activity of lactase - an enzyme that splits
Milk sugar (lactose). This disease is called more lactase insufficiency. The decrease in the activity of the enzyme leads to the appearance of an excessive lactose, it is she who causes a diarrhea.
- The complete lack of lactase activity is extremely rare and is a congenital state. Much more often found hypolktasia - partial
Reducing the activity of lactase. Hypolactasy may be due to
A variety of factors causing damage to the structure of the mucous
the shell of the small intestine in the brush border area - exactly where
lactase provides its enzymatic action (that is, breaks
Lactose - milk sugar). Among these factors are distinguished: acute intestinal
- hypoxic, that is, due to the disadvantage
oxygen, brain damage (so-called perinatal
- Atrophic (that is, accompanied by a decrease in the surface) changes in the mucous membrane of the small intestine;
- various intoxication;
- medicinal influences;
- prematurity.
Typical symptom of lactase insufficiency and is «Brodyl»
diarrhea that proceeds against the background of normal temperature, which
indicates its non-infectious character, and is characterized by frequent
(8-10 times a day or more) liquid, foam chair with large water
stain and sour smell, as well as bloating, rude, pain in
abdomen (colic), jumping. Such symptoms usually appear or
amplified during or immediately after feeding the child. (By the way
say diarrhea is only typical, but not at all mandatory
Symptom of hypologist. Part of children with lactase deficiency,
On the contrary, there is no independent chair, they suffer from constipation, and
After the enema or the gas feed tube, their abundant foams depart
Liquid power masses).
With suspected lactase failure to confirm
The diagnosis is carried out by a laboratory analysis of the feces, designed to identify,
Whether the increased emission of lactose with feces.
What will be the actions of doctors and parents, if the diagnosis
Requests and the child will have lactase insufficiency? Before
I want to calm my parents: no need to despair, this disease
With age, it does not increase, but, on the contrary, weakens and goes down -
As the baby grows, the enzyme «matures» and its activity
Increases. And modern approaches to the treatment of this disease give
Ability to preserve as much as possible in the diet of children Maternal milk,
So, most likely, you do not have to translate to artificial
feeding even the smallest child.
Treatment of lactase deficiency
If more recently recently the main method of treatment of lactase
Insufficiency was a partial or complete exception to the diet
Milk child (including female), dairy products and mixtures and
replacement of their soybean - low or non-libauric - children's products
food, then currently developed new drugs and
Dietary methods for correction of this state, allowing to extend
Natural feeding. Treatment, feeding mode and volume
Medical intervention will be determined primarily by the degree
Severity of the general condition of the child.
If the child has symptoms on the background «Brojyl» Diarrhea
a good appetite is preserved, he feels good, gaining weight and
Its physical development corresponds to age, you can continue
feed baby chest milk, without even resorting to use
drugs. The only thing to do is before
starting feeding the first 20-50 ml of milk, t. To. «rear»
Female milk contains more fat and less lactose.
- If
The child has anxiety during feeding, elevated
gas formation, colic, liquid stools 8-10 times a day, but the pace
physical development also correspond to age, you can,
Confessing the pediatrician, keep breastfeeding using
Preparations «Lactase» («Natur Wei Product», USA) or «Enterol» («Sanofi»,
France). These drugs have a different mechanism of action: «Lactase» Fills the deficit of his own enzyme child, «Enterol»
has a stimulating effect on the activity of lactase and has
Antimicrobial action. Accordingly, dosage and mode differ
Taking these drugs: 1-2 capsules «Lactase» dissolve in 6-7 tea
spoons of boiled water and give the baby to 1 h. L. Before each feeding
within 2-3 weeks; «Enterol» Applied by 0.5-1 capsule for 10-15
Min. before feeding 3 times a day.
Needless to say that it is only a doctor who can correctly pick up the medicine.
Studies conducted in the department for newborn children NCCs
Ramna, where I work, in 2000-2001. confirmed efficiency
The effects of these drugs on children of the first months of life receiving
breast milk.
- If a child has a significant decrease in activity
lactase, pronounced «Brodyl» Diarrhea and insufficient weight gain
bodies need to limit the amount of incoming lactose by partial
replacement of maternal milk (from third to half of each volume
Feeding) on a specialized brick-free milk mixture. IN
Studies of the NCSC RAMS well proven a mixture «Al-110»
(«Nestle», Switzerland). The mixture is allowed before applying to the chest, starting
with 10-20 ml and gradually increasing the volume to the required quantity, then
There are until the meteorism decreases, will not recover
Normal consistency and frequency of stool.
Thus, even if the child has lactase deficiency
You can, complying with the above recommendations, continue feeding
breast milk, and the preservation of this priceless product in the diet
Baby will undoubtedly positively affect his health. Do not hurry
take a child from the chest if he is diagnosed «lactase
failure»! Try in union with doctors to do everything for,
In order not to deprive his breastfeeding. You will have to attach
lots of effort, but believe me.