Breeding belonging


  • Belching: Is it worth worrying
  • Severe air: take action

  • Following childbirth, the first few months of the life of the baby comes for the birth and at the same time. Maybe even not so much anxious how difficult. Difficult, because the time of acquiring personal experience in the care and education of the child came, and all sorts of «why?» day from day no less.

    «Why the baby after feeding goes the air and milk? He is unhealthy or it should be?» There is no unambiguous answer to this question, so we will talk about this problem.

    Belching: Is it worth worrying

    Breeding belongingSo, belching or jumping. What is it? Extermination is an involuntary sharp disposal of air or a mixture of air and gastric content from the esophagus or stomach. To the belching close to jumped (t.E. Open with food and air), which is more often observed in children of infant age. To join the selection of eaten food without effort, the child is like «merges» milk immediately or after a short time after feeding. It should be noted that at the same time the baby does not have any unpleasant feelings, which is confirmed by a good mood in a child. Jumping out «Number of Life» In children of the first months of life, the physiological features in the work of the digestive system, the horizontal position of the stomach and its form in the form of «Bag», Preferably the horizontal position of the child himself and a large enough food obtained by the baby already for two weeks age.

    It should be noted that this situation is neither correction, nor the more in the treatment does not need.

    In addition to congenital, there are two direct reasons for tightening:

    • persistence;
    • Severe air during meals (Aerofagi).

    Pubsove is possible with a large number of milk in the mother and high reusable infant activity. In this situation, tightening occurs directly or shortly after feeding by the animated or partially sinking milk in a small amount. The mood and the behavior of the baby do not suffer. Pubsove, at first glance, harmless, but in the future it can cause serious health problems.

    Therefore, weighing the baby before and after feeding, and finding out that it is eaten much more than it would be necessary to take the following measures: you can reduce feeding duration and, if necessary, increase the frequency of applying the chest. Or first to see the first portions of milk, which are easily sued, but their nutritional value is rather low compared to subsequent portions.

    Severe air: take action

    Much more diverse causes of aerophagia. Swimming a large amount of air during meals possible if the child is easily excited, and sucks, greedily opening her mouth. Similar greed is often caused by a small amount of milk in the breast of the mother or its practical absence.

    The second and common cause of the ingestion of air is disorders in feeding techniques, both in breast and with artificial feeding. Wrong is the horizontal position of the bottle, when the nipple is incompletely filled with milk and the air goes there. A large hole in the nipple also contributes to a swallowing of air. In the case of breastfeeding, the situation is incorrect, when the child does not capture the near-slip Arolu.

    The third cause of aerophagy is muscular weakness in a child, due to various states: difficult births, the immaturity of the system of the newborn.

    The following rules for combating air swallowing can simultaneously serve both good prevention of aerophage:

    • After feeding, you must wear a child vertically until the air goes away;
    • Do not feed the child when he cries;
    • Apply correctly to the breast, so that the child captures the near-slip range;
    • In case of artificial feeding, the bottle must be tilted under the angle so that the nipple is fully filled with a mixture. You can use special nipples with air valve. The hole in the nipple must be medium sized;
    • Lay out the child on the stomach;
    • feed the child in such a position so that the head is slightly raised;
    • You can lift the head edge a bit.

    If the belching appears in the intervals between feedings, it is stubborn in nature or acquires a rotten smell, this situation is no longer fitted into the form of physiological and requires a consultation of a specialist.

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