

  • Causes
  • Manifestations
  • Treatment

  • Causes

    Insufficiency of the enzyme (ad-oxyedase) transforming amino acid lysine, is the cause of the disease.


    The disease is manifested by attacks of vomiting, muscle twitching, convulsions and subsequent loss of consciousness (coma). In the blood, an increased ammonia content is detected, which is determined by the amount of protein in food eaten the day before.


    HyperlizinemiaA diet with a low protein content is assigned, which should not exceed 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight. It is known that the disease does not develop if the amount of lysine in food does not exceed 100 mg / kg.

    With the help of special tables, the layout menu is compiled for every day, which includes products such as potatoes and carrots — 200 g, 3% rice flour — 100 g, egg protein — 50 g, cream — 100 g, bananas — 50 g, dextrin-maltose — 30 g.

    A special mixture of wheat flour, gluten, soy and sunflower oils, starch, dextrin-maltose, vitamins and salts are used.

    Lisin content in products (in grams per 100 g of product):

    one. Women's milk — 0.082.

    2. Milk cow — 0,218.

    3. Kefir — 0.209.

    4. Cottage cheese — 0.725.

    five. Chicken egg — 0.883.

    6. Meat beef — 2.009.

    7. Chicken meat — 1,975.

    eight. Beef liver — 1,295.

    nine. Cod — 1,551.

    10. Rice croups — 0.142.

    eleven. Semolina — 0,320.

    12. Buckwheat — 0.431.

    13. Oatmeal cereals — 0.384.

    fourteen. Croup-ray — 0,226.

    fifteen. Pearl cereals — 0.286.

    sixteen. Peas — 0.984.

    17. Wheat flour — 0,120.

    18. Pasta — 0.139.

    nineteen. Rye bread — 0.132.

    twenty. Wheat bread — 0.103.

    21. Biscuit — 0.080.

    22. Potato — 0.113.

    23. Carrot — 0,043.

    24. White cabbage — 0.061.

    25. Tomatoes — 0,026.

    26. Oranges — 0.032.

    27. Lemons — 0.024.

    28. Apple juice — 0,022.

    29. Orange juice — 0.049.

    thirty. Lemon juice — 0.032.

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