You are familiar to you «Tseliacia»? If not, then you are not exactly the only sick celiac disease «lucky», coming on 3000 healthy people. But do not rush to rejoice: celiacs can «attack» per person at any time ..
When the intestine is not in order

This disease is not always easy to recognize. After all, its main signs - exhaustion and chronic diarrhea - are also characteristic of intestinal infections and ulcerative colitis (inflammation of the thick division of the intestine with ulceration).
Most doctors believe that the celiac disease is based on a genetic defect. It is manifested in a violation of the work of the subtle intestinal department, and in fact it is in the small intestine and absorbs the main part of the food - hence and exhaustion.
With celiac disease, the body cannot absorb the gluten protein, which is much in wheat grains, rye, barley and, therefore, in the products of their processing, such as bread, that is, the indigenous food of Russians. The intestine is largely responsible for our immunity. And what is the immunity here, if the intestines are not in order!
In order to put an accurate diagnosis, identify the disease with the unusual name of celiac disease, biopsy is needed - taking a small volume of fabric for microscopic examination.
Tseliacia «Prefers» women and children
Coleciakiya is very cunning: it waits when the body will weaken, and then attacks. For example, she can attack after childbirth, surgical operation transferred influenza, stress.
In developed countries, there are special shops and departments in supermarkets, where a variety of gluten-free products are sold. In Russia, there are still only one bakery combine in St. Petersburg.
It is proved that against the background of celiac disease, various types of anemia (Malokrovia) are developing, gum diseases, osteoporosis. In addition, employees of the Central Region of Gastroenterology together with the specialists of the Moscow Center of Reproduction of a person found that celiac disease - one of the reasons for infertility in women. By the way, this disease is more common in women and children.
At the first signs of illness
Main Medicine - Lifetime Diet: The patient should be excluded from the diet products containing gluten, in particular bakery products. As well as pies and sausages. And replace them with gluten-free products. For example, bread and buns from corn flour (there is no this protein in it). When compliance with the agglutric diet, silent patients begin to gain weight after 3 weeks. And after 2 years begin to disappear pathologies in the intestine.
We must take vitamins, calcium, iron, enzymes, making massage and gymnastics. But all this, of course, should appoint a gastroenterologist. Forecast when compliance with diet and proper treatment is quite favorable.