According to some specific features, it is possible to determine which drugs caused poisoning. Let's learn more about it.

Signs of poisoning drugs are insidious, and if there are no obvious evidence,
It is difficult to diagnose in time. The risk of poisoning is mainly susceptible
Small children who suddenly get access to medicinal bottles, people
senior age category due to memory disorders and attention as well
Young people trying to carry out suicide. Talk more about clinical
Signs of poisoning with drugs of different groups.
Psychotropic Medicinal Poisonments
Snowflow, sedatives and tranquilizers are the most frequent
From domestic poisoning drugs. Good news is then,
What to die with their help is quite difficult. However, when combined
Alcohol, with asthenization, hypoproteinemia, supercooling — Their effect is enhanced
and causes greater destructive impact. Often the preparations of a barbituro row
Used drug addicts to potentiate the action of a narcotic substance.
Early signs of medicinal poisoning
preparations is the stage of sleep, with pupils narrowed, do not react to
Light, perhaps delirious condition and even aggressive behavior similar
Alcoholic intoxication. Attacks of aggression are replaced by inaccessible, lethargy,
Contact with victims is difficult. Can observe salivation, narrowed
The pupil is replaced by an extended, a hearing impairment can be noted, divergent
The effects of the drug leads to the development of a comatose state. Reflexes
oppressed, breathing becomes superficial and intermittent, heartbeat can
Become difficult to determine. Motion arbitrary and involuntary as well
There is no reaction to pain.
The severity of the listed features correlates with the degree of severity of drug poisoning. Symptoms
can manifest everything together or isolated.
Note that the reception of barbiturates is older people may even in therapeutic
doses to provide extremely negative impact, namely — cause aggressive
Behavior, hallucinations, panic attacks, delicious state.
medicinal poisoning of other groups
Cardiotoxic preparations
— hypotensive
Means, beta blockers, clofelin, but-shp, antiarrhythmic agents,
Calcium channel blockers, as well as some other drugs. The symptoms of drug poisoning with these substances primarily applies to the oppression of the work of the heart and significant
reduction of vascular tone, developing both in central (clofelin), so
and by peripheral (but-shp) mechanism. Cardiotoxic drugs can cause
Acute blockades of conducting, which is accompanied by rhythm disorders, fall
cardiac output, attacks of angina, secondary brain impairment
blood circulation with the loss of consciousness or the appearance of focal or general-selling
neurological symptoms, as well as convulsive syndrome.
Holinolithic preparations — Belladonny derivatives,
Antihistamine, some antidepressants, anti-parkinsonic
funds. Acute poisoning of cholinolithics leads to severe dryness of the mucous membranes
shells, accommodation paralysis (wide pupil), urine delay, heartbeat,
headache, dizziness, manic behavior, in severe cases
Loss of consciousness against the background of listed signs.
In addition to
Listed medicinal
Preparations Symptoms of poisoning can develop when a dose is exceeded
many and many funds. With any suspicion of signs of poisoning
drug preparations should be asked for qualified help as
You can quickly.