Sooner or later, anyone is asked by this, in fact, a pressing issue. To whom to seek advice and consultation, where to find a doctor of a rare orientation, in which hospital to go to pass tests or lie on the examination? Given the range of proposals, as well as a low level of public awareness, it becomes clear that the process of finding qualified medical care can delay the long week or even months. And in the case of health, it is impossible to pull, and every minute spent waiting can only aggravate the situation and tighten the treatment.
Exit always exists
Fortunately, not so long ago, a unique search service was available to users of the Russian-speaking Internet segment. This resource provides users with information on doctors and clinics available in each specific region. While the site works only with Moscow clinics, but in the very near future the creators of the service plan to expand geographic coverage. In the future, project executives plan to cooperate with doctors not only in the cities of the Russian Federation, but also throughout the CIS. It should be noted that in our time a similar online Medservis is very popular in cities.
What does the search for doctors offer?
It is worth a separately talk about the functionality of the site and its advantages. The main attention developers paid an intuitive and simple search system. The user is just enough to choose the desired specialty of a doctor or region where it lives, and the resource will issue up-to-date information about available options. For those who do not want to search for medical professionals, diagnostic centers and laboratories independently, the selection of the most acceptable candidates by Docdoc employees is offered. It is enough to leave an application and it will be processed within fifteen minutes, as the project developers say. For those who are located away from the computer and network connections, there is an opportunity to contact customer consultants. The portal remains free for all visitors, and his work is paid directly from the budget of the clinic.

During the search process, the user is offered to use various filters, with which you can find the specialist you need, pushing out various criteria. Please note that any doctor who enters the search results - therapist, surgeon, gynecologist, oculist, pediatrician and any other health career, is evaluated using a special rating system. Such a rating is exhibited by portal specialists based on education, work experience, doctoral degrees, additional courses, participation in medical forums / organizations. If necessary, specialists will prompt to which doctor you need to contact each particular case.
The patient has the right to comfort
With the help of similar online medical services, you can not only find a doctor and learn about the place of his work, but also immediately make an in-person consultation. Just imagine how much time, forces and nerves it will save you. Do not look for the addresses of one of the dozens of nearest hospitals and diagnostic centers, about most of which you simply do not know anything, do not stand in queues and communicate with registry workers. The visitor has the opportunity to choose actually a proven physician and sign up for a reception within a few minutes without leaving the house. Also, you should not lose sight of the possibility of calling a doctor to the house.
A convenient and thoughtful search system gives a real opportunity to find the doctors of rare orientations. If you are interested, for example, a qualified phlebologist or trichologist who are far from every hospital, you can not spend days searching for a suitable option. With the help of the online service you will find the best in all respects the doctor who works in the nearest clinic. Do not get bol and be healthy!