Trichomoniasis and infertility


  • Causes of trichomoniasis
  • Manifestations of trichomoniasis in women
  • Manifestations of trichomoniasis in men
  • What is dangerous trichomaniasis

  • Causes of trichomoniasis

    The causative agent, which causes the disease, has nothing to do with fungi - it is trichomonas, the simplest microorganism. It is a movable single-cell organism adapted in the process of evolution to life in the organs of the human urogenital system. Thanks to the movement of flavors, trichomonas makes arms, rotational and slightly consistent movements.

    Infection occurs in sexual path with a patient or infection carrier. If you get into the human body, it strikes the vagina in women and urethra, seed bubbles and prostate gland (prostate) in men.

    Manifestations of trichomoniasis in women

    Trichomoniasis and infertilityIn women, the first signs are abundant liquid, often foamy yellowish colors were blence, it is important to pay attention to the smell, with trichomoniasis often a strong unpleasant smell. In some, for example, in old age, selection after sexual intercourse with blood.

    In some cases, painful surface ulcers are marked on sex lips. It happens that the infection applies to the cervix, causing erosion and inflammation on it.

    Women begin to experience pain when urination, burning after him.

    With the further progression of the process, acute inflammation of the uterine mucosa is possible: pains are appearing at the bottom of the abdomen, the bleaves are increasing, often with blood admissions, menstrual cycle is disturbed.

    When peating trichomonads in the appendages of the uterus there are damage to pipes and testicles, which can lead to infertility.

    Due to inflammatory changes in the genitals, trichomonas often becomes the cause of female infertility.

    Manifestations of trichomoniasis in men

    In men, the disease begins with itching, tickness, burning, sometimes pain when urination. Severers from urethra, which can be transparent or grayish-white, very rarely foamy. Sometimes they acquire a view of a large transparent spherical drop, as if rolling out of the outer hole of the urethra, whose sponges are eaten, inflamed. With a hidden form of trichomonaceous urethriter, patients complain about non-permanent scarce allocations from the urethra and then only in the mornings in the form of a drop (French venereologists called it «good morning»). Unpleasant sensations in urination increase after drinking alcohol, sharp dishes. It is possible to spread unpleasant feelings on the head of the penis, the scrotum, crotch, the rectum, the lumbar region. Often such patients are long and unsuccessfully treated in neuropathologists from the radiculitis.

    Men's infertility trichomonas cause, gluing spermatozoa and by going glucose, which is necessary for these sex cells for movement.

    GOOD Trichonioniasis - Healing Disease. For its treatment, various drugs are applied. Currently there are new effective medicines. The question of the choice of medication solves only the doctor - in each case individually, depending on the course of the disease. In no case cannot be engaged in self-medication, as it can cause great harm to the patient and make it difficult for subsequent treatment.

    In men, trichomonias parasitize in the urethra, but sometimes attachments and apparent sex glands. In women, parasites occupy the urethra, sex glands, the eve of the vagina and the cervical channel. Often, trichomoniasis proceeds together with gonorrhea, chlamydia and other bacterial urethritis.

    In chronic trichomonaceous urethritis, some men appear from time to time, itching and tingling in the urethra. Excessive passion for alcohol, exhausting physical work, strong sexual excitement without subsequent psychophysiological discharge contributes to the emergence of complications. The most serious of them is prostatitis and trichomonade epididimitis (inflammation of the appendage of eggs). It is these complications that often lead to infertility in men. If trichomonade urethritis does not treat, it takes a chronic form, lasts for years, then quiet, then exacerbating.

    What is dangerous trichomaniasis

    This parasite causes a highly infectious disease and is dangerous from the point of view of infection of sexual partners and with long-term flow trichomoniasis can lead to serious irreversible anatomical, and in subsequently functional changes from the urinary organs.

    Trichomoniasis and infertilityCunning him is that these irreversible consequences due to chronic trichomonophone-bacterial inflammation may come imperceptibly for the patient.

    Often this process flows asymptomatic, or with minimal manifestations.

    In men, the most frequent target organ for trichomonade and the concomitant pathogenic microflora is the prostate gland, the complication is called prostatitis. In one or several gland departments, in response to the introduction of infection, inflammatory infiltration is first developed - the active inflammation zone. This is a protective reaction of the body, the desire to localize it, limit the spread of pathogenic microorganisms into healthy parts of the body or beyond its limits.

    Over time, irreversible scarsing and dystrophic changes, cysts, calcinates (stones) begin to form in the affected zones of active inflammation. Gradually, the sclerosis of prostate can develop - one of the most terrible complications, after which the man simply cannot normally carry out the act of urination, not to mention the sexual function.

    Additional glands may be affected, seed bubbles (vesiculitis), cooper iron (kuperat), scrotum organs (orchitis, epididimitis).

    The consequences of women can be even more dramatic, since often the carrier of unrecognized timely dormant infections are in an emergency on the surgical table in the operating room. In such cases, often surgeons to save the life of the patient have to be removed (fully or partially) internal genitals. This happens in cases where purulent inflammation is developing in the small pelvis organs - Pyosalpinx, tubarous abscess, pelvioperitonitis. An abortion, childbirth, the introduction of intrauterine contraceptive or severe concomitant diseases, which cause a sharp decrease in immunity can be activated to activate hidden infections. No less dangerous complication is an ectopic pregnancy, to the emergence of which trichomonophore-bacterial infection can also be involved. Often, women with trichomoniasis develops chronic endocervicitis - inflammation of the cervical channel. At the same time, this process may be accompanied by the formation of a cyst in cervical and erosion, difficult to treat. And as is known, a long existing erosion is a risk factor for the development of cervical cancer.

    As a result of a long existing trichomoniasis, infertility may develop both men and women.

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