How to remove alcohol from the body

The time spent in the circle of friends and loved ones is always the most pleasant moments that we try to make unforgettable. Well, how to do without a flavored wine gland, cocktail or other alcoholic beverage, which will add a note of fun in a family feast. However, if in the evening is very good, then the picture can radically change in the morning.

Alcohol and its consequences for the body

Alcohol, alcoholic beverages, remove alcohol, strong alcohol

Ethyl alcohol, which is part of alcoholic beverages, is one of the strongest drugs, because it causes rapid addiction, and in overdose - strongest poisoning.

Russians' interest for alcohol does not decrease, rather, on the contrary. However, the same picture is observed in other developed countries. The level of beer alcoholism is growing, many people in this background have increasingly began to be interested in fastener secrets.

This fluid is not alien to our body, since it produces some alcohol to normal functioning of internal biochemical processes. You could know that ethyl alcohol is also contained in some products, such as kefir, kvass, and so on.

Alcohol formed in the body due to internal reasons, it is impossible to remove, unlike the surplus of alcoholic across. For successful detoxification without consequences, it is best to clear your body from an excess alcohol.

Before moving to the consideration of various options, you need to understand the scheme of natural alcohol removal:

  • Part of the alcohol goes unchanged;
  • The rest - as a result of oxidation turns into acetic acid.

Pure alcohol evaporates through light, skin and kidney, finally metabolized in the liver. It is here, under the influence of certain enzymes, ethyl alcohol becomes a poisonous substance acetaldehyde, which, when accumulated from alcohol-dependent people, causes cirrhosis of the liver. After that, acetaldehyde undergoes an oxidative process and turns into acetic acid. It should be noted that no more than 40% of alcohol is displayed as an ethyl alcohol, the rest amount displays through the liver of a person. The speed of this process directly depends on the state of the authority. Normally, these indicators are 0.14 ppm in men and 0.09 - in women.

Influence the activity of removal of alcohol from the body we can through the skin, lungs and kidneys. Sometimes it is useful to drink a cup of strong tea acting as a diuretic. Caffeine contained in tea eliminates such unpleasant symptoms of intoxication like clouding of consciousness and problems with focusing.

Non-media method of extermination

Alcohol, alcoholic beverages, remove alcohol, strong alcohol

And yet, if you or your friend need to quickly and effectively bring yourself to a sense after drinking alcoholic beverages, use several tips that can be easily applied at home.

  1. First of all, continue to drink, not alcohol, but water or other drinks that do not contain alcohol. It will provide the kidneys load, and toxins will begin intensively with the urine. Perfect Drink Option - Pure Mineral Water Without Gas.
  2. Drink milk, which forms a protective film on the mucous membrane of the stomach, so the absorption of alcohol in the body will slow down.
  3. Use Activated coal, It adsorbs toxins and facilitates the general condition of intoxication. The same effect possess starch-containing products: potatoes, cereals and bread.
  4. Call vomit. This will bring alcohol, which has not yet sucked in blood.
  5. Sweet fruits weaken the strong impact of alcohol. Especially recommended there are bananas, strawberries, grapes, apples and oranges.
  6. Perform simple physical exercises that will accelerate the purification of the body from alcohol and its toxins. For example, dance.
  7. Since alcohol is also excreted through the skin, then, as an option, try to stand pretty. By the way, having sex excellent extensive exchange processes and contribute to the release of sweat.
  8. Contrast or Cold Shower - Excellent Detox. This procedure not only disperses metabolism, but activates the removal of toxins.
  9. In a state of alcohol intoxication you can not overeat. A huge number of incoming proteins and fats will require its processing, and this is an additional liver load.
  10. Actively trying to cut, you can forget that when the hangover, the body really needs potassium to establish the work of the kidneys and heart. Lowing yourself in feeling, eat a little parsley or bananas, dates or potatoes.
  11. Alcohol from the body also help fermented milk products due to the presence of a large number of bacteria and amino acids that promote the work of metabolism.

Development of alcohol when intoxicating the average severity

The most effective way in this state is washing the stomach. To do this, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water, adding a bit of manganese (on the tip of the knife) and then call the vomit reflex.

Alcohol, alcoholic beverages, remove alcohol, strong alcohol

This procedure should be repeated until the alcoholic smell is completely absent in the wash waters, after which it is recommended to immediately drink 30 ml of water with 5 drops of ammonia alcohol.

In addition, the effective means are salt laxatives and sorbents, and so that it does not come true Dehydration of the body, need to drink a lot of pure water or herbal tea.

If you are going to drive a car, you should know that none of the above methods can reduce the number of blood ppm. Of course, he will be slightly smaller, but it will not be enough to get behind the wheel with full responsibility.

Contraindications to artificial elimination of alcohol from the body are two states:

  • binge;
  • Pathological alcoholism.

If there is a problem periodic and understandable, then pathological intoxication is characterized by such manifestations:

  1. Drinking even a couple of stack of alcohol, a person becomes aggressive and loses orientation in space.
  2. On face anxiety and panic fear.
  3. Hallucinations and nonsense.

Unfortunately, all those methods that we have considered today cannot save a person from painful thrust to alcoholic drinks and do not remove from. Simple druents of cold water and abundant drinking here do not do. In this case, a person needs to be hospitalized into a drug branch for treatment and location under medical supervision.

Professional narcologists and MirSets strongly recommend not to engage in self-treatment during alcohol intoxication. Only the doctor can correctly select the optimal composition of effective medicines without side effects.

Fast extermination is suitable only for healthy people without alcohol addiction, so it is possible to remove ethanol alcohols from the body at home only in a state of light intoxication.

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