Galvanization procedure

The main task of each person is to maintain their body's health, disclose more and more new faces of the body. For many centuries, all sorts of medical procedures were continuously carried out in order to achieve these goals as best. Galvanization or, in other words, galvanotherapy is one of them. Today about this interesting procedure and will be discussed.

Galvanization essence

Galvanization, galvanic current, therapy, physiotherapy

Galvanization is a medical procedure that involves the impact on the body weak pulses of DC. Interestingly, this name this method was received in honor of Luigi Galvani - a scientist from Italy, which developed the foundations of electrophysiology. It is his teaching and formed the basis of galvanotherapy, which today is becoming increasingly popular due to its effectiveness in the treatment of various diseases. The essence of the method is the constant effect on the body of a continuous constant electrical current of the low force (up to 60 mA) and low voltage (up to 80 V). So, this stream passes through the tissues of the body and causes individual physico-chemical reactions. Everyone knows that in the human body there are solutions of salts and colloids (glycogen, proteins, etc.), which are part of the muscles, liquids and ferrous fabrics. Current, «Atakuya» These substances split their molecules on electrically charged ions. At the same time, the ion concentration change occurs, which subsequently annoys the skin receptors. They, in turn, transmit pulses to the central nervous system. This leads to the emergence of local and general reactions of the body, which in the case of galvanization have an exceptionally positive effect. Separately, it is worth noting the effectiveness of electroplating. It leads to the expansion of blood vessels, which speeds up the bloodstream. In the field of active exposure to electric current, the extreme production of a number of bioactive substances: serotonin, histamine, etc. In addition, galvanically discharges normalize the work of the central nervous system, that is, increase the functional capabilities of the heart muscle, stimulate the development of internal secretion. So, the processes of tissue regeneration are accelerated, human immunity increases and its ability to deal with viruses. Relying on these effects, you can highlight a certain series of indications for galvanotherapy. They include:

Galvanization is effective with very many diseases. Indications for it are also female genital diseases, migraine, Brain Circulation Disorders, Seborrhea, Locking Skin, Small Wrinkles, Africral Scars. In addition, many medical workers tend to think that this method will also be useful as auxiliary therapy for dental disorders, eye diseases, Permasters, Violations of trophic and other illnesses. But despite such a wide range of indications, galvanization has some contraindications. Among them:

  • wounds, scratches or any other damage to the epithelium in the places of overlay electrodes;
  • Jews;
  • inflammation on the skin;
  • eczema;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • blood system diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • cachexia;
  • fever;
  • intoxication;
  • pregnancy time and lactation period;
  • Individual intolerance and other.

In any case, before starting the course of galvanotherapy, you need a mandatory advice with your doctor. Only a specialist is entitled to assign the number of procedures and determine the intensity of the acting current. Also, our site recommends thoroughly examine skin cover, where the device will be allegedly affected. Make sure that there are no damage on these sites, otherwise you risks cause serious harm to your body.

How the procedure is carried out

Galvanization, galvanic current, therapy, physiotherapy

Galvanization procedure is very simple. One session can take from ten minutes to half an hour, depending on the diagnosis and health of the patient. As for the course of treatment, it often ranges from ten to twenty sessions with an interval in one or two days. The procedure itself must be carried out at a specialist and under the permanent supervision of a doctor. For galvanotherapy, a special apparatus is used. A weak permanent current comes from it, which is supplied to the patient's body using wires connected to electrodes and metal plates. Latest and attach to certain parts of the body. To avoid negative consequences between the metal plate and the body, apply a thin, but at least one centimeter, gasket from the water absorbing water. After placing the device, the current is turned on, the power of which during the procedure is increased, then reduce. It is worth noting that after the procedure, in places where metal plates were located, the patient may notice a small vascular reaction. Often it looks like hyperemia of the skin and may not go for a few hours in a row. This is a normal reaction of the body and after a while he will independently restore.

Galvanization efficiency

Galvanization, galvanic current, therapy, physiotherapy

The properties that galvanization have for the human body can be very different, depending on the duration of the procedure and current. You can definitely say one thing, the correctly executed session has a beneficial effect. Galvanotherapy stimulates blood circulation processes, heals damaged tissues, stimulates the work of the nervous system, eliminates pain syndrome. In addition, thanks to this procedure:

  • The mobility of the joints improves;
  • The circulation and synthesis of protein in the body is activated;
  • Chronic swelling disappears;
  • The water-salt exchange is accelerated;
  • Absorption mechanisms are stimulated;
  • urinary incontinence and feces are cured;
  • intestinal muscles strengthened;
  • Neuromuscular dysfunction is cured;
  • prevents muscle atrophy and much more.

With the invention of galvanization apparatus, many people got rid of most health problems. It's really «Golden» The procedure that is able to heal humanity from many ailments. And most importantly, galvanotherapy can help children. Many medicine professionals note that this procedure is miraculously affects the kids. No wonder many sanatoriums for children are equipped with electroplating devices. In addition, this method practically does not have side effects and in most cases is perfectly transferred both adults and guys. MirSees wishes to their readers always stay healthy and full forces so that only in extreme cases resort to such wonderful, but still medical procedures like galvanization.

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