Gardnerellosis is due to an imbalance of the vaginal microflora. Normally, it is predominantly lactobacillia. These bacteria form milk acid and hydrogen peroxide, preventing the reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.
The composition of the normal microflora of the vagina in small quantities can include Gardnerella Vaginalis, Mycoplasma Hominis and anaerobic bacteria (genus Mobiluncus) and others. These microorganisms in a small amount are present in the vagina of most healthy women.
Gardnerellis in men
Gardnerellosis by definition is the dysbacteriosis of the vagina. Sometimes the causative agents of Gardnerellize cause urethritis in men, which is manifested by burning and pain when urination. In this case, treatment is necessary.
Gardnellosis infection
Gardnerellosis does not apply to classic venereal diseases. It is closely related to the risk factors of venereal diseases (many sexual partners, recent sexual partner change). Therefore, women with gardnerellosis are advisable to examine on major venereal diseases.
Factors contributing to the development of Gardnerellize:
Frequent dying; (Often women in the event of the symptoms of Gardnerellize (the unpleasant odor of the vaginal discharge) resort to douching, tying an unpleasant odor with insufficient hygiene. At the same time, the dysfunction causes even greater exacerbation of Gardnerellize.)
- Drawing by chlorine-containing antiseptics (Hibitan, Miramistin);
- The use of contraceptives containing 9 nonoxynol (candles «Patenttex oval», candles «Nonoxynol»);
- The use of condoms with spermicidal lubricant (9-non-nonoxinol);
- Many sexual partners;
- Recent sexual partner change;
Reception of the antibiotics of a wide range of action;
Symptoms of Gardnerney in women
Symptoms of garcenellosis in women include nonophice, unpleasant smelling, homogeneous, watery, grayish white discharge from the vagina, evenly covering its walls. At the same time, the smell of discharge from the vagina resembles the smell of rotten fish.
Complications of Gardnerellize
Gardnerlenez consider the risk of inflammation of the appendages of uterus, female infertility, premature birth, pregnancy and childbirth complications.
Diagnosis of Gardnerellize
Diagnostics is based on the clinical picture and the results of the total smear. Identifying the causative agents of Gardnerellis (Gardnerella Vaginalis) when crops, by direct immunofluorescence. In a small amount of Gardnerners present in the vagina of most healthy women.
Prevention of Gardnernellis
Prevention is reduced to the abandonment and use of contraceptives containing 9 nonoxynol («Patenttex oval», «Nonoxynol»). With random sex contacts and when contacting with non-permanent sex partners should be used condoms. Before the end of treatment, it is recommended to avoid sex contacts in the vagina without a condom. The treatment of sexual partner does not reduce the frequency of relapses in women.