The main manifestations and diagnosis of arthritis in gonor


  • Concept of Honorian Arthritis
  • The main symptoms of gonorrheal arthritis
  • Laboratory diagnosis of the disease
  • Treatment of Honorian Arthritis

  • Concept of Honorian Arthritis

    Honory arthritis - inflammatory lesions of the joints, developing in acute and chronic gonor due to the spread of the pathogen from the primary urogenital focus in the joint.

    The disease is characterized in most cases extremely rapid and acute development of the process. Beginning as a polyarthritis, the disease is then fixed in 1-2 joints, most often in a knee, ankle or ray-exciting. Small joints are amazed significantly less. In most patients, the disease from the very beginning proceeds as a monoarthritis of one of the major joints (most often knee or ankle).

    Honory arthritis usually develop during the first month of gonoronium disease, but may arise in a few months or even years (in the presence of chronic urethritis or prostatitis) from the beginning of the disease.

    Most of the gonorrheal arthritis by origin is infectious allergic, only in cases where the metastatic pathway path is noted (acute purulent gamorial arthritis with the presence of gonococci in the articular effusion).

    The pathological process amazes the synovia joint. In this case, a typical picture of acute synovite is developing with the accumulation of pathological fluid in the body cavity and inflammatory edema of the surrounding tissues. Very characteristic is the defeat of ligaments, tendons, especially in the place of attaching them to the bones. Kosty-cartilate the joints of the joint is amazed less.

    The main symptoms of gonorrheal arthritis

    The development of gonorrheal arthritis for 2-4 days is preceded by high body temperature with chills migrating arthralgia. Honory arthritis is manifested by sharp pains, exudative phenomena, hyperemia (Kody redness) and an increase in body temperature in the joint area. In gonorrheal arthritis, tendovaginites are characterized - the lesion of the ligament apparatus of the joint. With high activity of the process, contractures and significant atrophy of the muscles adjacent to the joint develop are developing a joint defiguration and its function limit.

    Subsequently develops «Flat Honor Stop» (The defeat of the ankle joint + tendovaginitis + involvement in the inflammatory joints of the joints plus and repulse + muscle atrophy of the foot and legs + secondary flatfoot). Perhaps the development of fibrous ankylosis.

    Laboratory diagnosis of the disease

    Lab diagnostics of the disease begins with blood test, which marks an increase in the number of leukocytes and EE. In biochemical analysis of blood, there is an increase in the blood content of sialic acids, fibrin, serumcoid, haptoglobin.

    In the study of the synovial fluid, an increased number of leukocytes is determined, gonocons can be detected in the smears of synovial fluid.

    With radiography of the affected joints, there is an expansion of the articular gap (with large stands); Osteoporosis - bone tissue resolution (sometimes sharply pronounced), in the destruction of the cartilage, the expansion of the articular slit is replaced by its narrowing, it is possible to zuenate the articular surfaces and bone ankylosis, often, as a result of gonorrheal arthritis, deforming osteoarthrosis is formed.

    Treatment of Honorian Arthritis

    The main manifestations and diagnosis of arthritis in gonorIn the acute period of illness, it is necessary to complete peace and the creation of a convenient position for the sore joint with the help of pillows and rollers. With a very acute process, the immobilization of the limbs in the removable tire. Dry heat to joints in the form of cotton dressings. To reduce pain, a pyramidone is prescribed 0.5 g 4 times a day, a butadion of 0.15 g 4 times a day, a rope of 0.6 g 4 times a day, with very sharp pain Morphine. It is also possible irradiation with ultraviolet rays in erythemical doses or x-rays (50-100 g).

    Penicillin injections are recommended for a gonococcal infection for the treatment of gonorrhea. Under the elevation of acute phenomena, local thermal procedures are used - Solux is used for 10-15 minutes 2 times a day, diathermy of 15 20 minutes, paraffin applications for 15-30 minutes daily. Due to the rapid development of muscle atrophy and the joints of the joints, the systematic use of therapeutic physical education and massage is absolutely necessary in this period. In the chronic form of arthritis, the use of mud application applications is rational (dirt temperature 40-44, the duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes, only 15-20 procedures per course). After reliving acute process, resort treatment in Pyatigorsk sanatoriums, Evpatoria, Odessa, Sergiev Mineral waters, Saka.

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