Gonorrhea. Symptoms, ways of infection, treatment


  • Ways of infection of gonorades
  • The main symptoms of gonorrhea
  • Complications of gonorona
  • Treatment of gonorona

  • Ways of infection of gonorades

    • sexual (with any form of sexual contacts);
    • household (with the use of intimate hygiene, toilet bowls, towels, shared bed linen);
    • It is possible to infect newborns during passage through the generic paths of the mother, sick gonorrhea.

    The main symptoms of gonorrhea

    Gonorrhea. Symptoms, ways of infection, treatment

    In men and women, the symptoms of gonorrhea are usually different. Moreover, women have a disease symptomatically very often manifested.

    With damage to genital organs

    • In men: painful stripped urination, separation from the urethra, more often purulent, itching in the genital organs;
    • Women: purulent discharge from the vagina, itching in genitals, pain at the bottom of the abdomen, intermented bleeding, painful urination.

    With damage to the GLAGE

    • Symptoms similar to signs of angina, as a rule, the symptoms are not very bright.

    With damage to the rectum

    • Itching around the anal opening and inside the rectum, non-rented purulent discharges (may be absent), as a rule, it flows a small-axipput, confused with hemorrhoids and helmininting.

    With eye damage

    • purulent emissions from eyes, sticking of eyelashes, signs similar to the signs of purulent conjunctivitis, redness.

    With the defeat of the oral cavity

    • Sharp Stomatitis.

    Complications of gonorona

    First of all, the gonorrhea is dangerous in that with a long flow can cause infertility. In women with gonorly, the microorganism applies to the organs of a small pelvis, causing inflammation of the appendages of the uterus - ovaries and uterine pipes (adnexitis, salpingitis). The newborn is more often observed eye damage, which can lead to blindness. Men Gonorrhea is striking the testicle and his appendages (orchitis, epididimitis).

    Treatment of gonorona

    Without the treatment of gonorrhea, as well as in improper treatment, the gonorrhea is usually chronic, a protracted course of exacerbation periods under the influence of alcohol, acute food, sexual excitation, sexual interchanges, and t.NS.

    The main importance in the treatment of gonorads have antibiotics and sulfonamide drugs affecting the gonococci. With acute fresh gonor of such treatment is enough. Patients with complicated, trapid and chronic forms of gonorrhea need comprehensive therapy. The doctor must definitely choose for you complex individual treatment, only in this case can we talk about successful cure from the disease!

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