Romantic Night - Narromantic Consequences


  • Main «brake»
  • Adjusted infection
  • «French runny nose»
  • Useless analysis
  • We will be treated
  • Mim will not carry

    Main «brake»

    Romantic Night - Narromantic Consequences Experts assure: now almost all venereal diseases are successfully treated. For the treatment in time of the trichomoniasis discovered 5-7 days, gonorrhea - 7-10 days, the initial stage of syphilis - less than a month.

    Main «brake» In the treatment of Wolibolese, according to doctors, this is a tightening of the campaign to specialists and self-treatment. Venereologists say that, according to the last year, the situation with wisseals we have quite calm. The number of infection with syphilis and gonorads over the past 2-3 years as a whole decreased by 10%. Nevertheless, it is not worth relaxing. The resort is quite realistic to pick up (descending): syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia.

    Adjusted infection

    What will happen to? Option first. Random partner turned out to be sickly syphilis. You are in doubt: can you really get infected after one meeting? Syphilis - very «Privid» infection. Not only are you most likely infected from the first time, but also almost from the first day of infection also became a carrier of infection. The hidden period of syphilis lasts about three weeks. Then, at the site of the introduction of pale treponam (the pathogen of this infection) there is a solid Shankr - rounded yaser. This is a classic. But now the number of asymptomatic sites of syphilis has increased. In addition, Shankre can be «in hard-to-reach places», For example, on the cervix in women.

    «French runny nose»

    Option two. In memory of himself, the ardent lover left gonorrhea or a non-phonococcal infection (chlamydia, trichomoniasis). Their incubation period can last from 3 to 7 days. At this time, the likelihood of infecting anyone else is regarded by venomologists about 50x50. So it is better not to risk and after suspicious contact, either at all abandon sex (before the visit to the doctor), or to use a condom and in addition - spermicidal agents.

    If you have fallen a victim of gonorrhea or chlamydia, then the maximum will appear in a week: urination pain (with gonor - more pronounced, sharp, with other infections - non-intensive, rather as discomfort); dense-white, yellowish or greenish selections. This is a symptom of sexually transmitted diseases - even milkness recurrence. So, in order to correctly identify the causative agent of the disease, it is necessary to undergo a survey.

    Useless analysis

    Before writing medication, the doctor will appoint research: if syphilis is suspected, as well as viral STDs (HIV, hepatitis), the first thing is to make a detailed blood test. To detect the causative agent of venereal diseases: smear (bacterioscopy), sowing (bacteriological research), in difficult cases - PCR (polymerase chain reaction). True, the use of PCR is relevant to highlight chlamydia, and in trichomoniasis, gonor, especially syphilis the analysis does not give any useful information. Just he dear and many private clinics appoint it «At the same time».

    We will be treated

    You will do very well if in the first two or three hours after unprotected sex, use the antiseptic solution - Mirisma or chlorhexidine. We all heard that Wolibolezi is treated with antibiotics and antibacterial drugs, but which specifically need in your case - can only solve a specialist.

    Self-treatment will only lead to the fact that the picture of the disease will be lubricated - and you problems, and the doctor more work. And yet: folk remedies (herbs, decoctions and t. D.) Venestic diseases are not treated in principle. You will most likely die (there can be a fatal outcome, perhaps perhaps that severely launched syphilis). But: a) rewrite a lot of people if such a question is so worried; b) not avoid serious health problems.

    Mim will not carry

    Men are unclean «Interesting» Diseases inevitably lead to the development of prostatitis, from which hand to infertility and prostate adenoma. Women can also suffer a reproductive function or complications occur during pregnancy and deviations in the development of the future child.

    If you have entered into unprotected sexual relations with five different partners during the month, the risk of picking up one of 20 sexually transmitted infections is approaching 100%. Venusal diseases are very inflated. If you engaged in unprotected sex with a sick person, the likelihood that «Thunderstorm sweeps by», - just 0.1%. Sexually transmitted diseases grabbing 2 million. Russians per year.

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