Syphilis - Disease of Love


  • Winding cink
  • Solid sign
  • Monkey disease
  • Baby consequences

    Syphilis - chronic infectious disease, transmitting predominantly sexually (although there is a danger of infection by household way and when blood transfusion). The latter circumstance serves as the basis for all donors to the blood transfusion in obligatory order (including laboratory) to eliminate syphilis.

    Winding cink

    Syphilis - Disease of LoveThe causative agent of the disease has a spiral shape and is not painted by conventional paints that microbiologists use to better see the pathogens of diseases under the microscope. That is why she got its name - pale treponem.

    Treplema is able to hit almost all organs and tissues, leading to the chronic course of the disease with periodic exacerbations. The most infectious in the first two years of the disease (the so-called early syphilis), during the same period the risk of transmission of infection from a patient's child's child (congenital syphilis).

    A predisposing condition for infection is the presence of small damage to the mucous membranes and skin. In the absence of damage and a sufficiently strong immunity, a woman who had sexual intercourse with a sifilis of a man can infect to be infected into her vagina at the same time with the sex acting by the following partner, while remaining healthy. Other sexually transmitted infections leading to a violation of the integrity of the gemination mucosa (herpes, chlamydia, etc.) sharply increase the contagiousness of the patient and the danger of infection for its partner.

    Although in the external environment of Treplem «Survives» bad, in wet biological materials (sperm, vaginal secret, etc.) Some time it keeps the ability to infection. Therefore, it is possible «get» Syphilis not only sexually, but also through objects of hygiene and lingerie of a sick person.

    However, as was indicated above, the overwhelming part of cases of infection occurs when unprotected sex contacts. It should be remembered that patients with erosion or ulcers in the genitals are most contagious, in the separation of which contains a large amount of pale trepanium.

    Solid sign

    From the moment of infection to the appearance of clinical manifestations of the disease (incubation period) usually passes 3-4 weeks. In adverse situations (children's and old age, physical and mental overwork, alcoholism, drug addiction, poor nutrition and.D.) The incubation period can decline. In the presence of factors inhibiting the development of infection (for example, the use of antibiotics, self-treatment by other means) this period can be lengthened to 108-190 days.

    The primary manifestation of syphilis is solid Shankre - ulcer or erosion at the place of penetration of pale treponam. In the base of oval or rounded Shankra, there is a clearly delimited tight-elastic seal of tissues that are subject to tissues, which determined the characteristic of Shankra - solid. Solid Shankre is usually painless, which is his additional sign. At the end of the first week after the appearance of solid Shankra, it usually arises an increase in lymph nodes located near him. Like Szakr, they are painless when tackling. The increase in lymph nodes is usually preserved 3-5 months.

    Monkey disease

    Without treatment, Shankre will independently heal in 3-6 weeks.

    Syphilis - Disease of LoveFor many patients, it becomes a reason for complacency, especially since fresh secondary manifestations of syphilis often not so «Effect». A description of various options for the clinical course of secondary and late syphilis would take too much space - so diverse. Doctors call syphilis monkey diseases. And it is not surprising: hitting the most different organs and systems, syphilis imitates other diseases, and with an incorrect diagnosis, the patient receives not the treatment that is necessary.

    The earlier the accurate diagnosis is set, the greater the chances of carrying out the damage applied by spirochetes, to a minimum, avoiding irreversible complications.

    «Soothing» The disappearance of the primary manifestations of syphilis and did not fall into the sieve of necessarily conducted with medical examinations of RW research is waiting for a whole bouquet of unpleasant surprises - from «Falling» Nasal partition and fractures destroyed by syphilis bones to dementia, blindness and progressive paralysis.

    Baby consequences

    The danger of syphilis consists in its heavy consequences not only for the diseased, but also for his children. In the absence of treatment of syphilis in pregnant women, 25% of children die in the womb (including late miscarriages for 12-16 weeks). Another 25-30% of newborns die shortly after birth, and in 40% of children, the symptoms of congenital syphilis are found in a later date.

    Antosphilitic treatment conducted in the first 4 months of pregnancy protects the child from infection. That is why all pregnant women are necessarily undergoing laboratory diagnostics of syphilitic infection in specialized laboratories (skin-venereous dispensaries, etc. institutions). If the treatment is late (intrauterine infection usually occurs on the 4-5th month of pregnancy), then the child can be born without manifestations of active syphilis, but with the defeat of the nervous system, eye, joints, bones...

    Currently it is believed that syphilis is completely curable, provided that treatment has begun in the initial stages of the disease. With late therapy, in most cases, the process can be stabilized. Treatment is appointed immediately after confirming the diagnosis and depends on the stage of the disease, its localization, as well as individual tolerance of the patient of various drugs.

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