Syphilis disease transmitting (mainly) sexually known to many. But not everyone knows how he manifests itself, how to find out what way infection occurred and how to recover from him. Let's try to figure it out.
What is syphilis
Syphilis culprit (pathogen) - Pale Treplema. Pale because when laboratory diagnostics are stained poorly. Peculiarity of pale treponam - Malmostability in the external environment. She feels comfortable only in the body, and out, - begging fast. It is this feature that a rather rare household infection with syphilis is explained.
In which case, syphilis can occur?
About the fact that syphilis is transmitted by sexually - a rather beaten expression. Let's try to disassemble detailed examples of penetration.
Oral contact. One of the frequent transmission options for syphilis. By the way, according to the western media reports, American schoolchildren (a special survey was conducted) do not consider oral sex for the present and believe that it is impossible to infected the ZPP.
- Kiss. This way of transmission is possible if a sifilis has already formed an ulcers in the mouth. But this happens quite rarely.
- When touched by sexual without penetration or ejaculation in a partner. Such an opportunity also exists. Since both partners stand out lubricant in which it can safely travel from one to another pale treponema.
- Anal sex. Also become infected, both partners are sex.
- Blood transfusion infection.
- Infection from the patient of the mother to the fetus (vertical transmission path).
- Household Way - Through Hands or Items. Extremely rare phenomenon. Most often, such a path of penetration is voiced or confirmed by a doctor in cases where partners are trying to preserve the family, relationships.
The most dangerous period - when the patient with syphilis is most infectious - the period of primary syphilis, when on the mucous membranes (in the mouth, genitals and.T.D.) There are ulcers.
If the patient and this moment will miss, and it will not be treated - the disease gives new manifestations - the yazens will appear in different places (on the mucous membranes, on the palms, on the legs and t.D.). Rashes appear in about 2-4 months after infection. Another symptom that is characteristic of syphilis - hair loss. Hair starts falling precisely during this period. This is the condition of the patient if it may not be treated for several years. And besides these rashes and hair loss, it is nothing more worried. Ulcers then appear, then disappear again. It is dangerous this moment that during this period, the pale treponema will get to the liver and nervous system.
Next, with the help of pale treponam, almost all organs and human systems are destroyed - heart, aorta, bone system, nervous system (including the dorsal and brain). The most dangerous consequence of this period is aortic defeat. Calcium is postponed on its walls and, as a result, a patient appears a sidder and sore pain. In this stage, you can still save. Of course, it will not be possible to restore the damaged bodies, but the process of infection can still be stopped.
As you can see, Syphilis amazes a person slowly, but the consequences are quite dangerous. So much that if you miss all the symptoms and not to heal the patient, he will die.
The earlier a person appeal for help to a doctor, the more successful the treatment. The main direction that is the treatment of syphilis - antibiotics.
If the patient independently begins to take antibiotics or introduce them intravenously (there is an opinion that one injection of a potent antibiotic can get rid of syphilis), it can create favorable conditions for the future life of pale treponama. With incorrect treatment, it will only become more stable and then get rid of it will be more difficult. And this can happen even if the treatment is appointed by a doctor. Since in scientific circles there is an opinion that the modern pale treponema has become more resistant to modern antibiotics.
So, treatment must be assigned individually in each case. It depends on the stage of the disease and from other concomitant diseases. It is possible that in addition to antibiotics, you need to use immune drugs. Any treatment is assigned only after laboratory tests.
Forecast for timely treatment favorable. If you observe all the instructions of the doctor (including to treat partner of sex), then with pale tronal, you can say apart forever. It can only return with new contacts with patients with syphilis.