Thrush: get rid of or accepting?


Burning and itching in the field of external genital organs, white curls from vagina, soreness at sexual proximity, pain when urination – Approximately three-quarters of the female population of the planet at least once in their lives felt the result of non-harmony breeding in the vagina of mushrooms of the genus Candida [1]. It seems that the thrush is not so scary, a serious threat is not to be healthy, besides, according to the assurances of commercials, the thrush can easily treat the most – three days and her «as it did not happen!» And a month again the symptoms and reception of tablets or candles, and it is again «as it did not happen!». And then life turns into a bad dream, in which you are more and more immerse yourself in the problem of the discomfort of the most intimate sphere of the body, avoid sex, you start hating your unavomable organism that can not cope with such a trifle.

And here to the rescue, the sleeps of people's healers and the advisers of all samples are flying, and they speak the right words that it is necessary to increase the protective forces of the body, and offer ways from anti-inflammatory herbal fees to conspiracy and spells. Something helps something for a while, but passes a few weeks, and the resumed itching with cottage discharges is announced by the next victory obsessed with mushrooms.

Maybe consult a doctor? But as often, the same recommendations known for us on commercials, girlfriends, Internet, and other sources of medical and okolomedicine information sound from the mouth of the gynecologist. This final disappointment on the way of fighting the thrush often turns us into a dead end. Does medicine powerless even in solving such an uncomplicated task?

Of course, not all women with thrush, or, as they call it in medical circles, vulvovaginal candidiasis, pass the described circles of hell. But in 10-20% of cases, vulvovaginal candidiasis is complicated, and the mushrooms of the genus Candida, having the right to life in the composition of the normal microflora of the mouth, vagina and colon, multiply with enviable constancy, leading to repeated appearances of the symptoms of thrush. If such sharp symptomic episodes of the disease are recruited at least four, the doctor must diagnose «Chronic vulvovaginal candidiasis». But who will consider the frequency of thrush episodes? Patient, help yourself. Tell me a gynecologist that it deals with mushrooms well-tempered in battles with other microorganisms and medicines, so it will be impossible to cope with them in the usual way.

Meanwhile, the method of getting rid of chronic, recurrent four or more times a year, vulvovaginal candidiasis exists. It is described in scientific literature, it is contained in international clinical guidelines and has proven its effectiveness in numerous studies, both in Russia and other countries. It is not complicated, but in order to use them, it is necessary, really, wanted to get rid of the thrush.

There is an effective drug that overwhelming the growth of mushrooms in one-time admission from most women [2]. It is all well known and widely appointed fluconazole (original fluconazole – «Diflucan®»). Sometimes (with pronounced symptoms of thrush) required more «heavy artillery», Namely - to strengthen the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to increase the duration of treatment, for fluconazole (Diflucan preparation®) - This means receiving the second capsule 150 mg inside 3 days after the first [3]. If we are dealing with chronic thrush caused by Candida Albicans mushrooms, then when the symptoms return, it is recommended even stronger «hit the enemy», and for Diflucan preparation®, As a rule, it is effective to receive 3 capsules 150 mg inside with an interval of 3 days (1.4 and 7 days) [4]. But this is not all! The problem is that the complete removal of mushrooms from the body is not to achieve any drug, and it is not necessary: ​​after all, they – Its integral part. The suppression of their excessive growth when receiving one and even two or three capsules of fluconazole is achieved by 1-2 weeks, following the gradual resumption of the mushroom population, ending with the recurrence of thrush. But after all, you can not wait for this new relapse, but to support the suppression of the growth of mushrooms by a weekly intake of fluconazole in the hope that mushrooms, in the end, leaving the head in front of a stronger and patient opponent. Duration of such an overwhelming, medical terminology «Suppressive», Therapies were worked out with many years of research, and at present recommended by the weekly reception of fluconazole is 6 months. The main result of the treatment is recognized not so much the absence of episodes of the vulvovaginal candidiasis in the process of using the drug, how much long, during the year and more, the absence of the resumption of thrush after treatment. The cunningness of this situation with the recurrent VKK caused by C.Albicans, lies in the fact that the symptoms of the thrush in most cases begin to fluff over after the reception of the first capsule on the second day [5] and go to the majority after the adoption of the third capsule of diphlucan 150 mg on the 7th day of treatment [4], let's call this stage of therapy «Attack». But to extend «Life without recurrence» thrush after «Ataaki», It is important not to quit treatment, but to continue the so-called «Suppressive therapy», Let's call this phase of phase treatment «Cruise», Since otherwise efforts can be in vain and repeated episode of obsessive disease will not make himself wait. It is necessary to understand well, since any of us is psychologically difficult to force yourself to regularly drink preparations for the prevention of anything when we feel fine, and this treatment only allows you to avoid problems in the future. As already mentioned, phase «Cruise» lasts 6 months and for drug Diflucan® 150 mg required weekly reception during this period of time [4]. To help us as reminders, so that we in the contemporary rhythm of life followed by the doctor the treatment regimen, Pfizer offers sending e-letters and / or SMS alerts. To obtain such alerts, it is enough to subscribe to an SMS assistant on the site.

This, of course, do not exhaust the necessary measures that can curb Candida Mushrooms. It is known that their pathological growth contributes to food features (love for sweet), taking antibiotics, sharp climate change, strong emotional stress, diabetes, bacterial and viral infections. Consequently, a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, timely treatment of diseases will also help to restrain mushrooms. But alone these measures, without conducting supgrass therapy, little. First you need to demonstrate mushrooms limits of their permissible growth, and already maintain the result achieved.

So, to get rid of mushrooms is impossible, but get rid of the thrush in our power. In the end, we allow mushrooms to settle in your body, but it is entitled to demand compliance with our interests, and not to turn the body into a polygon for periodic hostilities, better times and forever one course of supgrass therapy to teach mushrooms peacefully live on the space provided to them.

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