Candidiasis visceral (system)


  • System Candidiasis
  • Symptoms of system candidiasis
  • Prevention of system candidiasis

  • System Candidiasis

    Express the opinion that in the development of visceral candidiasis matters of the phenomenon of dysbacteriosis. The highest importance in the development of dysbacteriosis is given by antibiotics of a wide range of action (penicillin, streptomycin, syntomicin, and DR.) and especially their combinations. The use of antibiotics violates the vitamin balance in the patient's body (for example, suppresses the life activity of the intestinal stick, which takes an active part in the synthesis and replenishment of various vitamins), there is vitamin failure, which contributes to the development of candidiasis. It is believed that antibiotics directly stimulate the development of yeast-like fungi. Corticosteroids and cytostatics are discharged a certain role, although the mechanism of their action leading to candidiasis is not sufficiently studied. Apparently, in the development of visceral candidiasis, the disassembled causes with the predominance of the factor of dysbacteriosis, in other - vitamin failure, and T.D.

    Symptoms of system candidiasis

    Candidiasis visceral (system) With visceral candidides, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract, the urinary organs are most often amazed. Describes yeast lesions of cardiovascular and nervous systems, kidneys, liver, spleen, bronchi and lungs (pneumonia), brain tissue, heart muscles, blood vessels and other organs. Visceral candidiasis can lead to a severe infectious state that sometimes occurs and without preceding the defeat of the internal organs. These defeats, as a rule, arise in weakened and exhausted patients suffering from severe chronic infections or severe common diseases, as well as in the treatment of such antibiotic patients, corticosteroids or cytostatics.

    Specific clinical symptoms for visceral candidiasis or very little. The yeast defeat of the internal organ should be thought in cases where the disease takes a protracted, sluggish flow (pneumonia, enteritis, colitis, myocarditis, etc.), Subfebrian temperature is noted (37-37.5), there is no effect in conventional methods of treatment, the process deteriorates when using antibiotics. To suspect the visceral candidiasis often helps the yeast lesion of visible mucous membranes (especially in the oral cavity), nail rollers and nail plates, which often accompany the lesions of the internal organs. More easily in these cases, various areas of the skin are affected. Finally, the question is solved on the basis of data laboratory research.

    Candidiasis is diagnosed by detecting in the material taken from the lesion focus, yeast-like fungi.

    Prevention of system candidiasis

    Provides for sanitary and hygienic measures with the detection of yeast lesions, which are professional dermatoses on vegetable bases, confectionery industries, agriculture and everyday life. The prevention of candidias in children is to identify and treat yeast lesions in pregnant women, nursing mothers, employees of children's institutions, maternity hospitals, children's hospitals. Sick children and adults isolate. Houses and production is carried out disinfection.

    Timely detection and treatment of yeast lesions, especially the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, in children and attendants are the prevention of mass candidiasis in children's teams (thrush, snarling, yeast dermatitis of newborns). The newborn, the warning of the development of thrush is associated with measures to replace pregnant and nursing mothers, with preventing children to care for children suffering from yeast lesions. Sick children need to be isolated from healthy. In the prevention of candidiasis in children, the greater importance is given to rational nutrition, hygienic care, disinfection of care objects and linen. It should be reminded of those exogenous and endogenous factors that contribute to the development of candidiasis, and strive for their elimination. Thus, antibiotics and corticosteroids should be prescribed against the background of saturation of the body with vitamins, carefully and regularly monitor the oral cavity, since the appearance of white flats is often the first signal of the development of visceral candidiasis.

    Control over the observance of production technology is a measure of the proflicgics of interdigital yeast erosions of brushes in workers of cans and fruits and vegetables, where they should exclude the maceration of epidermis with water, acids, fruit syrup, to combat traumaization.

    Treatment of diabetes and obesity in persons with impaired metabolism, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, vegetionerebrosis, a lining therapy of weak patients who have had severe infections, eliminating vitamin balance disorders - all this is the prevention of the development of the surface and systemic candidiasis. This patient, with the aim of preventing candidiasis, recommended vitamins, especially groups B, and receiving large doses of antibiotics and corticosteroids - Nystatin.

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