Application of chamomile during pregnancy

Many women during pregnancy with tremendous caution relate to any drug drugs in order not to harm the health of the future child. However, there is an effective tool that can replace most of the drugs - this is familiar to all of us chamomile.

Fragrant flower - from all ails

Pregnancy, Treatment of herbs, chamomile infusion, chamomile, chamomile during pregnancy, phytotherapy

For the beneficial properties of the chamomile, it is known for a long time ago, and the henchmen of ancient Rome and Greece began to use it as a hospital. Today it is the most popular plant that actively uses so actively ethnoscience.

Chamomile is an ordinary flower growing almost everywhere: on the fields, in the gardens, dachas and in the courtyards. As a medical agent, chamomile acts as a strong antiseptic, has a soft sedative, anti-inflammatory and windy action. In addition, plants extract are added to many cosmetic drugs: creams, lotions, masks and soap.

In ordinary life, we are used to sometimes contact the chamomile with different problems, whether it is gastric colic or joint pain. Apply chamomile can be used to children and old men, internally and externally, as a preventive agent or in comprehensive therapy of one or another illness.

Such chamomile features ensures its rich natural chemical composition, in which:

  • organic acids;
  • coumarin;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • polysaccharides;
  • glycosides;
  • Vitamins.

In many ways, pregnant women are so appreciated because of this rich composition, especially when the issue of treatment is raised. However, it is also impossible to overdo it, along with the benefits of the chamomile also has contraindications during pregnancy. Like any other medicinal product, it is not recommended to take without prior consultation with the attending physician, especially in this responsible period of the baby tool.

Chamomile pregnant

Pregnancy, Treatment of herbs, chamomile infusion, chamomile, chamomile during pregnancy, phytotherapy

As mentioned above, the overdose of chamomile decractions can harm the future mother, and in severe cases, even lead to miscarriage.

The abuse of chamomile causes dizziness, so the maximum amount of this drink is two cups per day. Use teas and decoctions better every other day, doctors advise.

People suffering Allergies, It is better to treat chamomile in your diet. Otherwise, an allergic reaction is manifested by a runny nose and rash on the skin, and this in turn can pass the baby and increase its sensitivity to this plant several times.

Recipes of beverage chamomile for pregnant women:

  1. To 1 cup of boiling water you need to add 2 h. L. Dry pharmacy flower mixture. Realized tea for 3 hours in a thermos, it can be used in a fluid and cooled form 50 ml 3 times a day.
  2. Approximately 20 g of dry herbs need to pour 0.5 liters of water, then boil for 5 minutes and insist the decoction for another 16 minutes. It is best to use it with hot, injection with honey.
  3. Pretty just prepare also infusion from this field plant. For 1 glass of boiling water, prepare 4 st. L. Dry floweks.

Connect all together in a separate dish and boil for 30 minutes. Cooling, strain the decoction and keep it in the refrigerator two days. You can take the medicine 50 g 3 times a day.

Chamomile for beauty

Pregnancy, Treatment of herbs, chamomile infusion, chamomile, chamomile during pregnancy, phytotherapy

Due to the fact that the plant contains calcium and magnesium in large quantities, those who have certain problems with the skin, increasing hair and nails, and such problems often bother women during pregnancy, it is recommended to make vegetable medical masks.

  1. To prepare a hair mask, chamomile needs to be fed in water (proportions 1: 3) and insist in a closed capacitance capacitance about 3 hours. Rinse the hair with a decoction and, without rinse with water, wrap the curls in a towel. Hold it on my head for about an hour, then wash everything.
  2. Face Lotion is prepared by the same technology: 3 st. L. dried chamomile need to pour 150 ml of boiling water. After that, carefully wrap the hot container and leave it for 10 hours. After this time, therapeutic infusion is ready. It is recommended to wet the gauze and apply it to problem areas on the face.
  3. Strengthen nails will help the healing bath. Prepare it simple: 1 st. L. Chamomile pumped into a glass with boiling water and give liquids to breed 30 minutes. This infusion dilute with water, and then lower my fingers into it for 20 minutes.

Tips before use

Pregnancy, Treatment of herbs, chamomile infusion, chamomile, chamomile during pregnancy, phytotherapy

Futive mommies, which, during pregnancy, refuse to receive any pharmacological funds and give preference to the drugs of a green pharmacy, you should know that chamomile is not a panacea, and in case of overdose it can be extremely negatively affecting the health of the kid.

Outdoor use of this grass harmlessly, you only need to know exactly if you are allergic to this plant. For this, the tampon, moistened in a decoction, must be attached to the elbow collapse. If a day on the skin did not appear red spots or rash, it means that you can use natural cosmetics based camomile.

Herbal baths will also not bring much harm to the baby, the same applies to various compresses and douching. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the chamomile saves from inflammation of the external genital organs, while other pharmacy drugs will be contraindicated.

As for internal use, here for pregnant women MirSovetov recommends to exercise caution. It is important to reasonably count on your daily rate and remember that with improper use of chamomile can harm.

Buying a pharmacy chamomile always need to pay attention to how it is packaged and from which its composition. In addition to the flowers of this plant, nothing should be in the box.

Always listen and trust the advice of experienced doctors, carefully read the instructions for use and do not overdo the daisy use. Remember, any drug and any plant can be treated, so and cripple.

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