Extracorporal fertilization

In the modern world, the family is increasingly and more often faced with such a terrible problem as infertility. And they suffer from both men and women equally. Fortunately, thanks to modern progress and developing innovative technologies, there are a number of ways to combat infertility. One of them - an extracorporeal fertilization. Today, our site will try to figure it out in this method.

The essence of extracorporeal fertilization

Pregnancy, conception, pregnancy, eco, extracorporeal fertilization

Extracorporeal fertilization (ECO) is a procedure that is applied in the case of infertility. With it with a woman, an egg extraction is extracted and is inhabited artificially, and the initial stage of the embryo is formed in the incubator. After that, the embryo is placed in the woman's uterus for the further development of the child. According to statistics, pregnancy from the ECO procedure occurs in about 30% of cases. But at the same time, extracorporeal fertilization can be carried out a large number of times, it all depends on the body of a woman.

It is worth noting that extracorporeal fertilization is a rather complicated and expensive procedure. Conditionally, it can be divided into several stages. First, a woman and man must pass all the necessary analyzes, pass medical and psychological examination. Next follows the initial stage of the operation. During him, a woman uses special drugs. They help the body to produce several eggs at once, the fertilization of a larger number of which significantly increases the chances of the child. When eggs are ready for fertilization, the next stage of the procedure begins - their withdrawal. This procedure can be done in two methods. First - Laparoscopy Method. It is performed by several punctures of the abdominal wall and is performed using anesthesia. And the second, more innovative when the eggs are pulled out directly through the vagina of a woman. Extraked eggs are placed in a special liquid, imitating the natural environment imitating for this. At this time, spermatozoa fence occurs. In a couple of hours these «Ingredients» Connect. After a few days, fertilized eggs with healthy embryos are placed in a woman's uterus. There is a subsequent development of the kid. A successful attempt of vitro incense female can confirm after a few weeks, making an ordinary pregnancy test. In the case of positive test results, a week after a week is a ultrasound study that allows you to track the amount and degree of essentialness of embryos. Next, pregnancy proceeds, as well as natural conception. At the expiration of nine months, a woman can give birth to naturally, or maybe with Cesarean section, It all depends on the problems with which the fever turned. In general, Eco does not affect the further pregnancy and childbirth.

Indications and contraindications to the ECO procedure

Pregnancy, conception, pregnancy, eco, extracorporeal fertilization

The greatest and most significant plus of extracorporeal fertilization lies in the birth of a child. Many couples due to their physiological possibilities cannot conceive a child with a natural way, in this case Eco - the best way out of a difficult situation. In addition, numerous studies that helped fully trace all the nuances of this method show that after the process of extracorporeal fertilization, healthy children are born, who are no different from those who are conceived naturally. Moreover, there is evidence that the kids born through Eco, in mental development far preach for their peers and show excellent results in studies. Each embryo «From test tubes» Studied at the stage of birth. This makes it possible to eliminate severe genetic diseases and chromosome deviations. By the way, parents who cause a child with an extracorporeal fertilization can in advance «to order» Paul of your future Chad.

Disadvantages of extracorporeal fertilization

Pregnancy, conception, pregnancy, eco, extracorporeal fertilization

Despite all the advantages of extracorporeal fertilization, there are also a number of shortcomings of this method of conception of the child. Often, couples who enjoy Eco's procedure are born twins or even triple. This happens because women «Vying» Several embryos, for greater accuracy that she will get pregnant and give birth to the baby. And although for many steam it is not just not a problem, but also a reason for joy, with multiple pregnancies, the risk of miscarriage and many other complications increase. In addition, according to statistics, children «From test tubes» sick more often than their peers. But doctors, after large-scale research, are inclined to what this is due to other factors.

Also have their negative imprint drugs for stimulating a mixture-cell ovulation, which women enjoy when the ECO procedure. On the future child, they do not affect, but can cause overtimulation of ovaries in a woman. Therefore, their reception is carried out in a stationary form under the permanent observation of doctors. Also because of these drugs there is a risk of ovarian cancer. Although doctors attribute this effect rather to the infertility itself than to the use of drugs. And, in the end, there is also an opportunity of ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo is fixed in the abdominal cavity or in a pipe.

Despite all these disadvantages of extracorporeal fertilization, nothing compares with the advent of the long-awaited kid. Our site wishes each pair to feel the joy of paternity and motherhood, even if for this you need to resort to medical procedures.

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