All about products with GMO

We all have heard about genetically modified organisms. Unheard of hype raised around GMO in recent years. At every corner they talk about the unheard of GMO, that products containing GMO are very dangerous to eat. Our site tried to figure out and today will tell you everything you should know about GMOs every.

We all have heard about genetically modified organisms. Unheard of hype raised around GMO in recent years. At every corner they talk about the unheard of GMO, that products containing GMO are very dangerous to eat. Our site tried to figure out and today will tell you everything you should know about GMOs every.

What is gmo and why they need

Gennodified potatoes
Genetically modified organisms are such organisms whose gene code was «Intended» Alien Genes. The Laboratory of Frankenstein clearly appears before the eyes, which, armed with a microscope, fiercely cuts and glue the smallest particles of cells. Gloomy, not?

What is GMO in essence. Give examples. In the gene number of our favorite potatoes «Add» Scorpion gene! Result: We got potatoes that do not eat any insects. Or here: to the tomatoes and strawberries introduced the Polar Cambal gene, now these cultures are not afraid of frosts. Why is it to us? The answer lies on the surface - scientists decided to save earthlings from hunger. In principle, right, because such tomatoes can be grown even in the conditions of the Far North, and the potato yields will not suffer and decline in the efforts of omnipresent colorad beetles. And you can still make such an apple tree that will be froning the same in size with apples, and they, in addition, smell, will not finally rotate. Or all the same tomatoes, beautiful, correct shape, long-term. Comfortable! And it is possible in rice to add a gene that produces vitamin A, which before the cereals were not. Why do we need pharmacy vitamins, here they are natural. In general, it came to the point that scientists will increase the yield of many cultures, their resistance to pests, improves other «Useful» Plant qualities. But, as you know, good intentions ... And if earlier breeders sought such results with decades, now it is spent on this year or two.

The most common GM cultures are soy, corn, wheat, beets, tobacco, cotton, rapeseed (oilseed), potatoes, strawberries, vegetables.

Benefit or harm?

Tomatoes without GMOs
Me, a person far from biology a greatly alarms the fact of crossing, roughly speaking, palm trees and rhino, that is, various species. Nature, very thin everything thought out, and man is trying «Half» All scheme. Recall the zoology from the school year as a concept as a power circuit. Herbivore eats herbage, little predator eats herbivore, big predator eats small. Everything is clear, and here a man interferes with this ecosystem, and crosses herbs, for example, with fish, after which no one can eat this herb. Dying her herbivore, trail - predators. Or mutate, and it is not known what is even better. In both cases, accurately predict what will happen next is not possible. But genetics stubbornly cut and glue, cut and glue.

Along with the invention of GMOs and endless disputes of scientists of all mankind about the consequences to which similar manipulations with genes can lead. This whole situation is very similar to the UFO history. Which a dozen years of thousands of eyewitnesses are trying to tell about alien guests, and stumble on the wall of unambiguous «does not exist» from scientists. And in essence we, simple inhabitants, do not get almost no information. The same with GMO. Some screams «harmful, unnatural, unexplored», Others insist - «Useful and necessary». Who can believe? And someone is just profitable. I will try to explain what is called «on fingers».

To whom it is profitable for the production of GMO? Of course consumers of such raw materials. After all, tona «Normal» Wheat costs about $ 300, and ton of transgenic wheat - 40-50 $. Imagine what kind of savings. Manufacturers of such raw materials also do not remain in the mark. By strengthening the properties of certain cultures (resistance to pests), the costs of growing them are significantly reduced, the price is reduced accordingly and the competitiveness increases.

And here's another version. Basically, all GM plants «Push» The property of resistance to pests. Imagine if there is no conventional vegetables and fruits on the entire planet, which damage will carry companies producing pesticides? Yes they will just disappear!

Here is such simple arithmetic. Why silent scientists, governments of many countries, ministries of health? Probably them «Take care» Manufacturers. So we live, and eat, and sick.

Law and GMO

Marking on products without GMO
In Europe, the GMO content has long been available in products - not more than 0.9%, in Japan - 5%, in the US - 10%. And in many countries, the marking of goods with GMO is strictly obligatory.

In early February 2009, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the procedure for registration of products with GMO. All imports now have to undergo appropriate examination, and directly on the border. In case of exceeding the products of the European Regulation of the GMO content of 0.9% - it will be denied in import. By the way, only the import of baby food with GMO was previously banned, but nevertheless, many independent food samples for carapaus established the fact of the presence of GM additives.

In fact, it turns out that in Ukraine the import and content of GMOs in products are simply ignored, as a result of which the markets of the country turned into a garbage of unclaimed transgenic products of the whole of Europe. Therefore, Ukrainians need to be extremely attentive and cautious in choosing food.

Our neighbors-Russians have spun before, and at the moment there is a law in Russia, regulating the mandatory marking of products containing GMOs in the amount of more than 0.9%. Otherwise, a fine, and punishment up to the closure of the enterprise (by the court decision).

In Europe, there is also a mandatory labeling, the buyer itself decides, whether to buy it cheap food, but with GMO, or to get out for products without transgene. And in Russia, and in Ukraine and the one, and other products are equally ..

By the way, there are already so-called products in Europe «Organic», which are environmentally friendly and subject to strictest control at all stages of production. We just have to dream about such.

Another paradoxical fact. Products with GMO were initially planned as food for poor Africa countries. So these poor countries have been for 5 years now how they banned imports of GMOs. Apparently, they decided that it was better to starve ..

Consequences of consumption of gmo products

All about products with GMO
To say officially that GMO is harmful, no one can. Most often uses such a term as «Potentially dangerous». Why? To make a statement about the dangers of GMO, it is necessary to carry out long and large-scale research and experiments. But for some reason they do not spend. Perhaps this is profitable for someone, but now it's not about that. As of today, scientists set out only some theories about the consequences.

By itself, the Transgene, eaten by a person, does not cause any visible harm, because it cannot be built into the gene code of people. It can only wander around the body and provoke protein synthesis. It seems to be nothing terrible, but these proteins themselves are uncharacteristic for the human body, that is, non-nature not provided. And what can end this synthesis, and how harm can cause these proteins can only guess.

  • The use of gmo products can lead to the appearance of allergic reactions, and not at all harmless. Here, for example, in the United States, where the GM products are freely used in food, about 70% of the population suffer from allergies. In Sweden, where such products are banned, only 7%. It is hardly a coincidence.
  • Consequence of admission to food products with transgenges is both a violation of the structure of the gastric mucosa, the appearance of intestinal microflora resistant.
  • Another consequence can be a decrease in the immunity of the whole organism (70% of human immunity - in the intestine), as well as metabolic disease.
  • GMO products can provoke cancer. Transgenines have a property to integrate into the gene's intestinal microorganisms, and this is a mutation. As is known, it is the mutations of cells lead to the development of cancer cells.

All the above consequences are not guaranteed when receiving food with GMO. There is only a certain risk of developing such diseases. To prove all the consequences of consuming products with GMOs need 40-50 years. Considerable time, agree. So in order not to give yourself problems and diseases, there will be no extra caution when choosing food. Although many scientists dealing with this problem assure that compared to food containing preservatives, flavors and dyes, food with GMO is generally harmless. And that only GM microorganisms are provided with a potential danger that interact with the intestinal microflora.

Tips for consumers

Production Marking & Laquo; does not contain GMO & raquo; means that the products have been checking the government of Moscow and does not contain transgene
By the beginning of this chapter, many readers made a choice for themselves - to use products with GMOs or not. For those who decided to take care of themselves, several advice.

Immediately I will say that it is possible to identify GMOs in food products only in a special laboratory. On the eye, smell or touch you will not do. What to do to us, buyers. Before going to the store or supermarket, know that 40% of products sold there contain GMOs.

Most of the GMO has been revealed in sausages (up to 85%), and find sausages or sausage without transgene - it is practically a miracle. Especially tightly saturated by genetically modified soy of boiled sausages and sausages sausages. By the way, we are sicked by transgene and various semi-finished products - dumplings, Chebureks, pancakes. Popular dumplings «Levada» and «Three Bears», Yes, and most of the manufacturers of sausage products are outreached in the use of GMO.

Tip from our site. Prepare meat products yourself! Yes, and not only meat! Buy meat on the market and delight your homely walking, cutlets or domestic cooking. Or at least do not eat sausages and sausages regularly!

In second place in terms of GMOs, baby food is located. 70% of the total baby food in Ukraine contains GM components. And learn that in a jar with a delicious puree contains transgene almost unreal, because they do not write about it on the label. Among manufacturers who do not discern the use of GM components Nestle and Danon, Similac. So think it is useful for your baby famous «Rustist». But it is children up to 4 years old who are less protected from the action of Transgen.

Tip from our site. How it does not sound terribly, try to do without the use of baby food. Cake baby breasts, purees from fresh fruits and vegetables. By the way, any compote is much helpful «Canned» juice. But if still you have to buy kishki and mixtures, avoid the products of the above brands.

Third Position in Confectionery and Bakery Products. GM Soyu generously add to cookies and chocolate, flour, candy and ice cream, gas. Identify such additives for an ordinary person is impossible. True, bread that does not worry long - it absolutely contains transgena. Among GMOs, Famous Mars and Snickers, Cadi, Coca-Cola, Pepsi. A confectionery company has passed from domestic companies Voluntary testing «CONTI», And only on its products is green the icon «Does not contain gmo».

Tip from our site. 80% of US exports contains GMOs, so refuse to use American companies. Buy on the principle - everything that is advertised is impossible. Fast breakfast nestle, nutritious «Snickers», Yogurt Danon and T.D. - All these manufacturers in «blacklist» Greenpeca.

Reveal to obsess in GMO products on the eye, smell or touch is impossible
Well, so the top three «Leaders». But that is not all. 30% of the tea market and coffee contains GMO. Transgenic soy Successfully used in the production of fast food (McDonalds), condensed milk, ketchups and sauces (Heinz Foods). Conserved corn causes and canned (choose Hungarian - GMOs are prohibited there). And by itself, vegetables.

It is on vegetables and fruits that I want to stop more. You buy them in the market «grandmothers». Excellent. But it does not guarantee the absence of transgene. After all, it is not known which seeds bought grandmothers. How to distinguish um products? First, they are practically not spoiled and not interested in insects. So buy «Nadkured» Potatoes, which has the most different sizes. After all, the perfect potatoes of the same size is the tricks of genetics. All um vegetables are usually stored for a long time (due to «Intended» genes) and look just perfect. So avoid glossy, large tomatoes, chic strawberries, apples «Like pictures». Nature creates vegetables not quite «Beautiful», and not an ideal form. These are gene engineers «produce» Vegetables satisfying any customer requirements. GM products for cutting do not lose the form and do not let juice. Here you have another indicator. But buy buckwheat boldly, it is not yet modified. Probably no need.

I sincerely do not want readers to blame me in bias. Before writing this article, I set a goal carefully to set out all the arguments both for and against GMO. First turned out very little. But, as always, the choice remains for you.

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