Survey in erosion cervical cervical


  • Bacteriological research
  • Cytological research
  • Determination of the type of human papilloma virus

  • Bacteriological research

    This study of a vaginal smear and cervical cervix under a microscope.

    Survey in erosion cervical cervicalMade in all gynecological institutions, but its quality depends on the qualification of a person looking into the microscope. In the smear, count the number of leukocytes (more than 10-20 D in the field of view speaks of the presence of infection) and are looking for causative agents of this infection. Really, on a smear, you can find mushrooms (thrush, candidiasis), «Key cells» (bacterial vaginosis, gardnerellosis), change of normal flora. If the smear shows the presence of infection, but does not reveal the pathogen, sowing and PCR diagnostics are shown.

    Treatment of infection must precede the treatment of erosion. First, the cure of the infection can lead to independent disappearance of erosion; Secondly, the surgical treatment of any organ, including cervix, is impossible in conditions «Pollution» microbes, it can lead to the development of complications. When treating, you need to combine common drugs used in tablets, and local – Candles, Drainage, Gels. Local preparations help antibiotics to penetrate directly in the affected cells, including in erosion cells. After applying antibiotics, thrush often develops; To prevent it, the course of antibiotics should end with the use of drugs containing dairy bacteria, normal living in the vagina (for example, candles «Acilakt»). The only exception – Source thrush (candidiasis). With its treatment, the acylact is not needed, since in the presence of a large number of dairy bacteria, candidiasis is sharpened.

    Cytological research

    Mandatory stage of diagnosis of the pathology of the cervix. Mandatory study conducted before its treatment.

    Survey in erosion cervical cervicalEven if nothing bothers nothing, and the naked eye of the cervix seems unchanged, the woman must regularly (every year) undergo a cytological study of the cervical scaffle. Cytology – This is a cage science. In cytological examination, the characteristics of the structure of the cervical surface cells are studying. The result of the study depends on the qualification of the cytologist (the one who looks into the microscope) and the correctness of the material fence.

    A stroke on cytological research is taken by a special tool – spatula. It has a curved surface corresponding to the shape of the cervix. Sleeping strokes with pressure, scraping cell layers. This is a completely painless procedure. The fact is that the malignant process begins with the lower layers of the epithelium (coating fabric) of the cervix and progresses upwards. Therefore, if only the surface layer falls in the smear, the diagnosis can be delivered only when the disease is already at the last stage. Docking cells from a certain section of the cervix – The junction of the cover epithelium, which is outside, and the cylindrical epithelium, lining the cervical channel from the inside, are distributed on the glass.

    The diagnosis of cytologist may sound «Atypical cells were not detected» - Norm or «Detected». Atypic cells – These are modified in the form, size, structure of cage cores. Changes may be caused by a malignant process or inflammation. Therefore, anti-inflammatory treatment is carried out in any case, and these cytology is complemented by biopsy under the control of colposcopy.

    Determination of the type of human papilloma virus

    Sometimes the doctor proposes to conduct a study to determine the type of human papilloma virus. The fact is that some types of cervical picology are caused by this virus, and some of its types (16, 18) are highlyoncogenous, t.E. With a large probability cause cervical cancer. Therefore, with a slight lesion, you can determine the type of virus, and highly alcoholic removal, and low-alcohol observe. With severe colposcopic pathology, it is removed regardless of the type of virus, in this case it can not be determined. Definition of the type of virus is performed using PCR diagnostics. For this, one more smear is taken from the cervix with a special brush.

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