You are on the sixth month of pregnancy

For many women the sixth month of pregnancy - the best time. It is now that you have the most blooming appearance, you have rounded and become even more beautiful than before the occurrence of pregnancy. If before this weight gain was little noticeable, then on the sixth month everything becomes clear that you are waiting for a child.

You are on the sixth month of pregnancy
For many women the sixth month of pregnancy - the best time. It is now that you have the most blooming appearance, you have rounded and become even more beautiful than before the occurrence of pregnancy. If during pregnancy for a period of five months weight gain was noticeable little, then on the sixth, everyone becomes clear that you are waiting for a child.

Child development in the sixth month

If you look now with the help of ultrasound on your child, you can see that it still has little fat deposits and it seems very thin.

Each movement of the child is given to kicks and blows for a pregnant woman
But this is a real person, he has a well-developed muscle and leg muscles, you feel that his shocks have already become quite tangible. You are very surprised, but the child on the sixth month of pregnancy can already cough and sneeze. Soon eyes, now still closed with a film, completely open, and your baby will see. He already hears music well and distinguishes the most different sounds. From cutting, very loud music, the child shudders and behaves uneasily. He can already frown, if something does not like something in your behavior, can squeeze the cam and open your mouth. Do not think that the child sleeps at the same time as you. Your sleep cycles may not coincide. When you sleep - the child can be awake and vice versa. To the sixth month of pregnancy, children are already weighing more than half a kilogram, and their growth, as a rule, exceeds 30 cm.

Once you are in a relaxed condition, relax, the child's activity increases. He begins to push, urging you to move and saturate blood oxygen. Its movements are also active after you have taken food, because during this period the content of the blood sugar increases. If you worry, the content of adrenaline in the blood increases - and it also causes an increase in the engine's motor activity.

The baby already has his own «character», One is more calm and slow, and the other is the perfect fidget. Therefore, two women who are approximately the same month of pregnancy can exchange their feelings and find out that they are completely opposite. But in the event that your child behaved actively, and then for a long time «calmed down» - This is the reason to urgently consult a doctor, the termination of motor activity may be a formidable sign.

For particularly concrete pregnant women, you can invite full control over the intrauterine movement of the fetus. Need to count all the movements that the child does during the day. On average, the child makes 10 movements in 10 minutes. Here you need to consider all movements, both barely noticeable and strong. If the movements are smaller, try to eat something and lie down. Calculate again. Excitement is justified if within an hour you counted less than 10 movements of the fetus. Need to immediately contact the doctor so as not to miss the time. You need to know that the more pregnancy term, the more severe push you will feel.

Sometimes the baby behaves so violently that it seems that you have them, at least three. But it is only visibility. Just for the sixth month of pregnancy uterus becomes small for developing fetus. And therefore every movement of the child is given to kicks and blows for a pregnant woman. This is explained by the fact that the fruit is well developed and has the power. Pumps are rarely painful, but if you are hard to carry them, try changing your position or seek from side to side, perhaps this technique «Ubaukiet» Your dracan and he will behave more calm.

There are cases when shuffles pregnant woman feels in all directions. Here you can suspect what several fruits develop, but the exact diagnosis can only be delivered by an additional survey with ultrasound.

Problems on the sixth month of pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is better to drink clean water or fresh juice
On the sixth month of pregnancy can significantly increase skin sweating, you will need more fluid consumed. Just do not eat carbonated drinks, better drink clean water or fresh juice. Do special gymnastics, do not overcome and die correctly rest, relaxing.

Another possible problem of the sixth month of pregnancy - Foot Spasms. Sometimes they can be strong enough. This is caused by the excessive content of phosphorus in the body of a pregnant or lack of calcium. In the latter case, to avoid further problems, a pregnant woman needs to use tablets that contain calcium, but do not contain phosphorus. In spasms of the legs limit meat use, but do not refuse it at all. Also, the mascule spasms of the legs can cause an increase in the size of the uterus of a pregnant woman who puts on some nerve endings. Therefore, on the sixth month of pregnancy, you must forget about close clothes, about tight pantyhose. You need loose clothes that will not argue your movements, and resting, you need to raise the legs above the head level.

Keep surely for your chair. Can not allow constipation. It is constipation that provoke further the emergence of such an unpleasant illness as haemorrhoids. From the very beginning of pregnancy, engage in prevention of constipation, eat more products containing fiber, bread Eat only rough grinding. No sweet buns that just provoke constipation.

Sixth month of pregnancy and your belly

To avoid stretch marks on the stomach, purchase antenatal bandage
On the sixth month of pregnancy you can feel itching in the abdomen. It appears as a result of leather stretching, which becomes thinner and dry. There are special ointments from itching, but it would be better to try, because it is natural manifestations of your body.

If you care about your appearance, take surely antenatal bandage that will help to avoid stretch marks on the stomach, and it will be easier to move in the future.

Hand edema on the sixth month

Hand numbers are peculiar to pregnant women, raise them up, vigorously squeezing fingers in fists
You can suddenly feel that you have started to shoot your hands, or there is a feeling of tingling in your fingers, which can spread to the shoulder itself. Most often, these swelling and pain are peculiar to those pregnant women who work a lot of hands wrists, for example, the texts on the computer are typing for a long time. In hand tissues, liquid accumulates, and after relaxing, during sleep, pain will be allowed to know, disturbing you. How to avoid this trouble?

First of all, try to reduce the time of your computer. And if it is not possible, then make periodic rest and special exercises for relaxing hands. Do not allow such a position of the body at which the pressure on them increases. If you woke up from numbing hands, lift them up and, vigorously squeezing your fingers in the fists, shake in the air. This can help. This phenomenon is usually completely harmless, but rather unpleasant. If it repeats quite often - consult a doctor and tell us about him, perhaps a specialist will offer you any medication ways to resolve this problem.

What is contraindicated on the sixth month of pregnancy

Pregnant women need to periodically rest, occupying a sedentary position
First of all, in the sixth month of pregnancy, you can not work until exhausted. It causes an increase in the blood pressure of the mother, which is not at all benefit of the fetus and entails a previously separation of a kindergarten, which can cause various bleeding, or the birth of a child with a low weight. If your work is connected with constant standing on the legs, then you need to either change the work, or still find compromises and rest at certain intervals, occupying a sedentary position, or, even better, horizontal.

You must now take care of both about yourself and about the child. When the term of pregnancy is more than five months, the constant vertical position will cause constant back pain, can cause hemorrhoids or varicose disease. Be sure to decide this question for yourself.

It is impossible to be upset, you need to avoid various stressful situations, and in general, you should now be the most happy! After all, the moment will come soon and the one you are so waiting for, will be quietly cozy, bolding around the nose in your breast.

Surveys in the sixth month

Before the next visit, the doctor clearly think about all the questions that you are worried
In the sixth month of pregnancy are conducted test research and surrenders blood and urine tests. The weight and blood pressure of the pregnant woman is measured, the palpitation of the fetus is listening. The doctor determines the height of the bottom of the uterus and its magnitude, the external examination is determined by the position of the fetus. Women inspects legs and hands for swelling.

Before the next visit to the doctor, you must clearly think about all the questions that you are worried, and even better, write them down, so as not to forget to ask.

You must firmly know that your internal attitude during the entire period of pregnancy should be positive. Here are in the fresh air, look at beautiful paintings, get positive emotions. Know that together with you now gets your baby.

In the next article, our site will tell you about the seventh month of pregnancy, when a woman goes on maternity leave. This month is sometimes a month of premature childbirth. But it is the next time.

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