Polyoxidonium in the struggle for women's health


  • Polyoxidonium


    Inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs occupy one of the first places among gynecological diseases and can lead to very serious complications: disruption of menstrual function, infertility, ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous miscarriage, habitual unbearabity of pregnancy, underdeveloped pregnancy, impaired intrauterine development of the fetus, identifying.

    Polyoxidonium in the struggle for women's health
    Therefore, it is very important to stop the development of inflammation in a timely and efficiently. The difficulty lies in the fact that bacteria that are causative agents of infection, detecting increasing resistance to antibiotics - as a result, traditional treatment methods do not give the desired results.

    Recently, more and more specialists recognize that the successful struggle against infection largely depends on the increase in local immunity of genital organs. Therefore, along with traditional treatment methods, local immunomodulators are increasingly used. One of the most effective doctors consider polyoxide.

    This drug increases the body's immunity against a variety of infections. At the same time, it affects only the indicators of the immune system, which differ from the norm: increases the reduced indicators down - high and does not affect normal. Thanks to this, polyoxidonium, unlike many other immunomodulators, does not require a preliminary study of the immune status. In addition, this drug has other useful properties: it reduces inflammatory processes and derives toxic substances from the body.

    All this makes the polyoxide, a very valuable ally in the fight against inflammation. The use of polyoxide in the form of vaginal candles in addition to the main rate of antibacterial therapy makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment, speed up recovery and avoid the development of complications.

    It is worth noting that polyoxidonium is compatible with any course of treatment and does not require changes in traditional treatment regimens. It is well combined with almost any groups of drugs, reinforcing their effectiveness.

    Recall that the symptoms of inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs may be pain, mucous discharge, impaired urination and sex disorders, but often inflammatory processes prohibit without pronounced symptoms. It is very important to identify the disease as early as possible and begin treatment. Therefore, noticing the slightest indisposition, do not hesitate to immediately consult a doctor.

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